How to upgrade geoserver 2.18 to geoserver 2.21 windows installer ( as a service) - service

I am trying to upgrade geoserver from version 2.18.0 to version 2.21.1 (windows installer). If I understand correctly, then 2.18.0 uses a jetty server, and no jetty installation is required, this is provided by the geoserver.
Version 2.18 uses a jetty server, and no jetty installation is required, this is provided by the geoserver. I installed 2.21.1 using the windows installer, first specifying the default address of the data folder. Everything seems to be installed, but the service starts and immediately turns off. How to overcome it? Do I need to install Tomcat first? Do I need to remove the jetty server, if so, how? In the installation of the log - only 3 lines:
ERROR : Nothing to start, exiting ...
Usage: java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar [options] [properties]
[configs] java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --help # for more
Why is the jetty server listed in the log and not the tomcat?

Thank you very much, all works!
So to upgrade geoserver from 2.18 to geoserver as service :
Install Tomcat as a service
download Web Archive (instead of Platform independent binary and not windows installer)
Unpack downloaded archive and copy geoserver.war to webapps directory of Tomcate (in my case C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
Restart Tomcate service
In webapps folder of Tomcat will appear directory
Store your saved geoserver data folder to geoserver/data directory of Tomcate
restart Tomcat and enjoy


Tomcat is running from terminal but not from Eclipse and Spring Tool Suite

I am trying to start Tomcat 9.0 server from Eclipse and Spring Tool Suite. But is always ending with the error "Can't start in 45 seconds". I increased the time, still the same error.
I have given the installed Tomcat directory and a new tomcat zip extract directory to check whether it is an issue with the tomcat installation.
But the tomcat server is running from the terminal if I use the command
And stopping with the command
How can I make the server running from Eclipse and STS? Any help is appreciated
Note: I am using Mac Catalina as my OS

How to configure JBoss 5.1.0GA using JDK1.6 on Eclipse 2018-12 and Fedora 29?

I'm trying to configure JBoss AS Server on Eclipse 2018-12, but I can not create a server Jboss 5.1.0.GA using Jboss Tools 4.9.0.Final. The Error message is: 'This server requires an execution environment from J2SE-1.4 through JavaSE-1.8, but no valid JRE was found. Caution is advised.'
Error Message - Add Server
Even Though I have changed the Execution Environment, I can not find a compatible JRE Execution (JDK 1.6) for the Environment Execution.
Compatible JRE Execution
Previously I have configured the Installed JRE with a JDK 6.0, but I have noticed that some jars files are not present at moment of config, that are:
Libs not present
These jars present on oracle jdk_1.6.0_45 are visible at moment of config in the case of Ubuntu 18.04, but on Fedora 29, it is not present.
How can I configure to make possible to add JBoss server, and make it running on JDK1.6?
I tried your configuration on a F29 VM.
Here's what I did:
installed JDK1.6.0_45 (from Oracle)
installed 2018-12
launched 2018-12
installed JBoss Tools server adapters
tried to add a JBoss 5.1 but noticed it was not possible
removed Java 11 (sudo yum remove java-11-openjdk-headless)
installed Java 8 (sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel)
relanched 2018-12
got an error while creating the JBoss 5.1 server
noticed in the error log JDK1.6.0 is missing the
installed libnsl (sudo yum install libnsl)
create and start server were now successful
Hope this helps

Could not load Tomcat 9.0 Server in Eclipse

When I try to add Tomcat 9.0 to Eclipse (Define a New Server > Tomcat v9.0 Server), I get: Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\conf.
Interestingly, I do see that exact directory on the file system. I installed Tomcat 9 using the installer (.exe), so that's the default location where it ended up. Is there some reason why Eclipse would not be able to recognize it?
I was able to define a Tomcat 8.0 server with no issues. I had downloaded the Tomcat 8 binary rather than using the installer.

Can't add TomCat sever in Eclipse using ubuntu

So I installed tomcat using this tutorial (instructions from 0:00 to 3:30):
Later I restarted my computer and now when I go into "eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments -> Add" I have here only "Basic" and "GlassFish" directories. Somebody have maybe idea how to make visible tomcat here?
I also installed tomcat using "sudo apt-get install tomcat7" but it also didn't help. But when I go into "localhost:8080" I see "It works! If you're seeing this page via a web browser...".
First part, the tomcat installation
You installed tomcat in your linux as a service. I mean your tomcat 7 is installed, start when you start your OS, and stop when you stop your OS.
You can check this by looking in /etc/init.d/, you must have a tomcat script (and you can control it by doing /etc/init.d/tomcat start|stop|restart). If you want to use this tomcat, I recommend you to
stop tomcat (as root, /etc/init.d/tomcat stop),
remove the tomcat script (as root, rm /etc/init.d/tomcat) to avoid a
tomcat start when the ubuntu boots
Locate the tomcat instance installation. find / -name tomcat
-print will print you all the directory where files named tomcat are located. Identify the tomcat root directory, which is the root
to give to eclipse.
Else you can just remove tomcat (apt-get remove tomcat7), download a tomcat release from and untar it where you want. I prefer this method, because the tomcat installation won't have any "root" o weird user permission, more convenient when you're developing.
Second part, the eclipse configuration:
In the "Add Runtime Environment" windows, you'd have a link Download additional server adapters. If you click it (with a working network connection), eclipse will propose you to download the tomcat adapter. Install it and you'll be capable to add a new tomcat server.
If it doesn't work, I think you may reinstall your eclipse...
Hope this helps

Combine Eclipse Juno and GlassFish server

I am using Eclipse Juno and installed GlassFish Server 3.1.2 on Windows 7 under C:\glassfish3. Glassfish is running fine and I am able to visit the admin panel under localhost:4848/common/index.jsf. Morevoer I am able to deploy a war file and can start the application. My external GlassFish-server seems ok!
If I want to add a new Server to my Eclipse Juno environment I come to a screen where I can pick a GlassFish variant and afterwards I need to set a JRE and an Application Server Directory. I can't set a path for the Application Server Directory that my eclipse wizard lets me finish the configuration. Thanks in advance for further information!
UPDATE: I got this error message in the wizard after setting the application server directory path to C:\glassfish3\glassfish like it is proposed here:
There is no valid GlassFish installation in the specified directory. Click the Install Server button to download and install to that directory.