Label file of yolov7 - annotations

I downloaded the object model yolov7 ( and the coco dataset. Then there are the folders coco\images and coco\labels.
I opened the image "coco\images\train2017\000000000034.jpg" and the corresponding label file "coco\labels\train2017\000000000034.jpg".
An annotation for the yolo-model has to be in the form:
<object_class> <x_center> <y_center>
The content of the label file is:
22 0.00746875 0.0539294 0.117891 0.0921412
0.231297 0.110118 0.2895 0.0674118
0.331281 0.0472 0.3865 0.0696706
0.423813 0.0943765 0.446188 0.105624
0.467078 0.1528 0.517813 0.182024
0.577516 0.253929 0.658094 0.379765
0.690922 0.532588 0.687937 0.6
0.650625 0.555059 0.658094 0.644941
0.668547 0.755059 0.676 0.838212
0.658094 0.894376 0.613328 0.925835
0.589453 0.914612 0.590938 0.856188
0.552141 0.791012 0.523781 0.725835
0.528266 0.633718 0.498422 0.577529
0.444703 0.505624 0.407391 0.505624
0.395453 0.541576 0.417844 0.591012
0.450672 0.642706 0.456641 0.642706
0.461109 0.725835 0.458125 0.786518
0.450672 0.853929 0.444703 0.898871
0.401422 0.869671 0.411875 0.815741
0.423813 0.734824 0.425297 0.694376
0.361125 0.608988 0.316359 0.588753
0.280547 0.703365 0.271594 0.757294
0.261141 0.829224 0.268609 0.869671
0.277562 0.901129 0.250703 0.937082
0.222344 0.939318 0.231297 0.901129
0.222344 0.844941 0.238766 0.7236
0.246219 0.642706 0.271594 0.510118
0.182062 0.507859 0.0999844 0.525835
0.0208906 0.494376 0.0015 0.0516941
For what all numbers stand for?

I think you downloaded the segmentation dataset.
Go in the cloned yolov7 directory and run
bash scripts/
to get the object detection dataset

The number looks like normalized values for the segmentation of the image. The first number corresponds to the class label, and the point makes a mask for the object detected
Segmentation draw a mask around the object. So the numbers above represent the coordinates for the mask. Similar to bounding box but bounding box have 4 values (x, y, width, height), a segmentation have a mask. The number of points in a mask are not always same in number so you will see different number of points for different object or even for same object. Masks in the image above you can see that there are bounding boxes with masks. so each value represent a point of the mask


Naming with count number in Matlab

FileName = fullfile('C:\Users\User\Desktop\1cm circle cropped 0.27',sprintf('circle_cropped_%d.jpg',count));
The code I use would give file name
(circle_cropped_1.jpg, circle_cropped_2.jpg, circle_cropped_3.jpg.........)
How to name the images with "circle_cropped_001.jpg, circle_cropped_002.jpg, circle_cropped_003.jpg.........................."
And how to move the counting number? to be "001_circle_cropped.jpg, 002_circle_cropped.jpg, 003_circle_cropped.jpg......................."
FileName = fullfile('C:\Users\User\Desktop\1cm circle cropped 0.27',sprintf('%03d_circle_cropped.jpg',count));
Assuming you want a total field width of 3. If you want more, specify %04d or %05d etc, the prefix 0 there ensures the desired string width is filled by padding with zeros.

How to draw a nice bar with grid lines in background?

I need help to plot the results in 2 bar graphs (with different colours). The resulting figure needs to have grid lines.
How to output a nice plot?
The data is as follows:
x-axis is speed from 2 to 50 and the increment is 2.
A = [2.2214523, 1.81357174, 1.61390754, 1.47970432, 1.29658232, 1.26972206, 1.16870602, 1.17688473, 1.30224695, 1.23878984, 1.18680971, 1.26357444, 1.14138904, 0.95115584, 1.16134491, 1.021687, 0.98920929, 1.04342079, 0.99826255, 0.8655728, 0.91652594, 0.85538917, 0.78884521, 0.91927867, 0.86419587]
B = [187.579709, 25.312399, 11.3572375, 9.3078819, 8.37157321, 7.66729673, 7.36497776, 6.96170053, 6.69527653, 6.77668306, 6.19491326, 6.01744432, 5.61383228, 5.59616954, 5.26652168, 5.26946343, 5.19543014, 5.11049461, 5.05088231, 4.917285, 4.9581181, 4.78929521, 4.772158, 4.7373291, 4.81629734]

Copying data between metal textures of different shapes

I am converting two trained Keras models to Metal Performance Shaders. I have to reshape the output of the first graph and use it as input to the second graph. The first graph's output is an MPSImage with "shape" (1,1,8192), and the second graph's input is an MPSImage of "shape" (4,4,512).
I cast graph1's output image.texture as a float16 array, and pass it to the following function to copy the data into "midImage", a 4x4x512 MPSImage:
func reshapeTexture(imageArray:[Float16]) -> MPSImage{
let image = imageArray
image.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
let width = midImage.texture.width
let height = midImage.texture.height
for slice in 0..<128{
for w in 0..<width{
for h in 0..<height{
let region = MTLRegion(origin: MTLOriginMake(w, h, 0),
size: MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1))
midImage.texture.replace(region: region, mipmapLevel: 0, slice: slice, withBytes: ptr.baseAddress!.advanced(by: ((slice * 4 * width * height) + ((w + h) * 4)), bytesPerRow: MemoryLayout<Float16>.stride * 4, bytesPerImage: 0)
return midImage
When I pass midImage to graph2, the output of the graph is a square with 3/4 garbled noise, 1/4 black in the bottom right corner. I think I am not understanding something about the MPSImage slice property for storing extra channels. Thanks!
Metal 2d texture arrays are nearly always stored in a Morton or “Z” ordering of some kind. Certainly MPS always allocates them that way, though I suppose on MacOS there may be a means to make a linear 2D texture array and wrap a MPSImage around it. So, without undue care, direct access of a 2d texture array backing store is going to result in sadness and confusion.
The right way to do this is to write a simple Metal copy kernel. This gives you storage order independence and you don’t have to wait for the command buffer to complete before you can do the operation.
A feature request in Radar might also be warranted. Please also look in the latest macOS / iOS seed to see if Apple recently added a reshape filter for you.

Buffers (Circle) in PostGIS

I have to extend the normal GeoJSON format to add some unsopported polygon like Circle.
"type": "Circle",
"radius" : 0.001,
"coordinates": [
This is an Example. Coordinates marks the center of circle and radius the radius (in meters).
Searching on PostGis Docs and Stackoverflow, to draw a Circle you have to user ST_BUFFER.
So Im using:
ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(<center of circle>),0.001, 'quad_segs=16')
Has you know, this draw a Circle only in 0,0 (near Africa). Other locations add a distortion that change the shape in an oval.
Im using 4326.
I have tried to search (even here) but I can't Find a solution to simply draw a circle avoid projection or transforming it.
The only post here is: How to create a circle in meters in postgis?
but its very old and that solution doesn't works.
Isn't it just doing what is supposed to be done? Which is to compensate the distortion due to projecting the ellipsoid into a 2D flat structure? I believe, the further away you get from the equator, the more oval buffers you will see.
db=# SELECT ST_AsText(
ST_GeomFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(43.29 5.41)'),0.001, 'quad_segs=16')
This query returns a circle at the south-east of Ethiopia:
POLYGON((43.291 5.41,43.2909951847267
5.40990198285967,43.2909807852804 5.40980490967798,43.2909569403357 5.40970971532275,43.2909238795325 5.40961731656764,43.2908819212644 5.40952860326317,43.2908314696123 5.40944442976698,43.2907730104534 5.40936560671584,43.2907071067812 5.40929289321881,43.2906343932842 5.40922698954664,43.290555570233 5.4091685303877,43.2904713967368 5.40911807873565,43.2903826834324 5.40907612046749,43.2902902846773 5.40904305966427,43.290195090322 5.4090192147196,43.2900980171403 5.40900481527333,43.29 5.409,43.2899019828597 5.40900481527333,43.289804909678 5.4090192147196,43.2897097153227 5.40904305966427,43.2896173165676 5.40907612046749,43.2895286032632 5.40911807873565,43.289444429767 5.4091685303877,43.2893656067158 5.40922698954664,43.2892928932188 5.40929289321881,43.2892269895466 5.40936560671584,43.2891685303877 5.40944442976698,43.2891180787356 5.40952860326317,43.2890761204675 5.40961731656764,43.2890430596643 5.40970971532275,43.2890192147196 5.40980490967798,43.2890048152733 5.40990198285967,43.289 5.41,43.2890048152733 5.41009801714033,43.2890192147196 5.41019509032202,43.2890430596643 5.41029028467725,43.2890761204675 5.41038268343237,43.2891180787356 5.41047139673683,43.2891685303877 5.41055557023302,43.2892269895466 5.41063439328416,43.2892928932188 5.41070710678119,43.2893656067158 5.41077301045336,43.289444429767 5.4108314696123,43.2895286032632 5.41088192126435,43.2896173165676 5.41092387953251,43.2897097153227 5.41095694033573,43.289804909678 5.4109807852804,43.2899019828597 5.41099518472667,43.29 5.411,43.2900980171403 5.41099518472667,43.290195090322 5.4109807852804,43.2902902846773 5.41095694033573,43.2903826834324 5.41092387953251,43.2904713967368 5.41088192126435,43.290555570233 5.4108314696123,43.2906343932842 5.41077301045336,43.2907071067812 5.41070710678119,43.2907730104534 5.41063439328416,43.2908314696123 5.41055557023302,43.2908819212644 5.41047139673683,43.2909238795325 5.41038268343237,43.2909569403357 5.41029028467725,43.2909807852804 5.41019509032202,43.2909951847267 5.41009801714033,43.291 5.41))
The same procedure a bit further away from the equator, in Tunisia POINT(9.76 36.61):
POLYGON((9.761 36.61,9.76099518472667 36.6099019828597,9.7609807852804 36.609804909678,9.76095694033573 36.6097097153227,9.76092387953251 36.6096173165676,9.76088192126435 36.6095286032632,9.7608314696123 36.609444429767,9.76077301045336 36.6093656067158,9.76070710678119 36.6092928932188,9.76063439328416 36.6092269895466,9.76055557023302 36.6091685303877,9.76047139673683 36.6091180787356,9.76038268343236 36.6090761204675,9.76029028467725 36.6090430596643,9.76019509032202 36.6090192147196,9.76009801714033 36.6090048152733,9.76 36.609,9.75990198285967 36.6090048152733,9.75980490967798 36.6090192147196,9.75970971532275 36.6090430596643,9.75961731656763 36.6090761204675,9.75952860326317 36.6091180787356,9.75944442976698 36.6091685303877,9.75936560671584 36.6092269895466,9.75929289321881 36.6092928932188,9.75922698954664 36.6093656067158,9.7591685303877 36.609444429767,9.75911807873565 36.6095286032632,9.75907612046749 36.6096173165676,9.75904305966427 36.6097097153227,9.7590192147196 36.609804909678,9.75900481527333 36.6099019828597,9.759 36.61,9.75900481527333 36.6100980171403,9.7590192147196 36.610195090322,9.75904305966427 36.6102902846773,9.75907612046749 36.6103826834324,9.75911807873565 36.6104713967368,9.7591685303877 36.610555570233,9.75922698954664 36.6106343932842,9.75929289321881 36.6107071067812,9.75936560671584 36.6107730104534,9.75944442976698 36.6108314696123,9.75952860326317 36.6108819212644,9.75961731656763 36.6109238795325,9.75970971532275 36.6109569403357,9.75980490967798 36.6109807852804,9.75990198285967 36.6109951847267,9.76 36.611,9.76009801714033 36.6109951847267,9.76019509032202 36.6109807852804,9.76029028467725 36.6109569403357,9.76038268343236 36.6109238795325,9.76047139673683 36.6108819212644,9.76055557023302 36.6108314696123,9.76063439328416 36.6107730104534,9.76070710678119 36.6107071067812,9.76077301045336 36.6106343932842,9.7608314696123 36.610555570233,9.76088192126435 36.6104713967368,9.76092387953251 36.6103826834324,9.76095694033573 36.6102902846773,9.7609807852804 36.610195090322,9.76099518472667 36.6100980171403,9.761 36.61))
And this one much further away, in the north of Norway POINT(23.20 69.94):
POLYGON((23.201 69.94,23.2009951847267 69.9399019828597,23.2009807852804 69.939804909678,23.2009569403357 69.9397097153227,23.2009238795325 69.9396173165676,23.2008819212643 69.9395286032632,23.2008314696123 69.939444429767,23.2007730104534 69.9393656067158,23.2007071067812 69.9392928932188,23.2006343932842 69.9392269895466,23.200555570233 69.9391685303877,23.2004713967368 69.9391180787356,23.2003826834324 69.9390761204675,23.2002902846773 69.9390430596643,23.200195090322 69.9390192147196,23.2000980171403 69.9390048152733,23.2 69.939,23.1999019828597 69.9390048152733,23.199804909678 69.9390192147196,23.1997097153227 69.9390430596643,23.1996173165676 69.9390761204675,23.1995286032632 69.9391180787356,23.199444429767 69.9391685303877,23.1993656067158 69.9392269895466,23.1992928932188 69.9392928932188,23.1992269895466 69.9393656067158,23.1991685303877 69.939444429767,23.1991180787357 69.9395286032632,23.1990761204675 69.9396173165676,23.1990430596643 69.9397097153227,23.1990192147196 69.939804909678,23.1990048152733 69.9399019828597,23.199 69.94,23.1990048152733 69.9400980171403,23.1990192147196 69.940195090322,23.1990430596643 69.9402902846772,23.1990761204675 69.9403826834324,23.1991180787357 69.9404713967368,23.1991685303877 69.940555570233,23.1992269895466 69.9406343932842,23.1992928932188 69.9407071067812,23.1993656067158 69.9407730104534,23.199444429767 69.9408314696123,23.1995286032632 69.9408819212643,23.1996173165676 69.9409238795325,23.1997097153227 69.9409569403357,23.199804909678 69.9409807852804,23.1999019828597 69.9409951847267,23.2 69.941,23.2000980171403 69.9409951847267,23.200195090322 69.9409807852804,23.2002902846773 69.9409569403357,23.2003826834324 69.9409238795325,23.2004713967368 69.9408819212643,23.200555570233 69.9408314696123,23.2006343932842 69.9407730104534,23.2007071067812 69.9407071067812,23.2007730104534 69.9406343932842,23.2008314696123 69.940555570233,23.2008819212643 69.9404713967368,23.2009238795325 69.9403826834324,23.2009569403357 69.9402902846772,23.2009807852804 69.940195090322,23.2009951847267 69.9400980171403,23.201 69.94))
To make your buffer ignore the distortion caused by the projection, consider the following query (POINT in Italy):
Calculations using GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY are made differently, and so are their results. GEOGRAPHY calculates the coordinates over an spherical surface (which can be much slower than GEOMETRY) and uses meters as unit of measurement, while GEOMETRY uses a planar projection and uses the SRS unit.
Note: The GEOMETRY casting in the end of the last query is necessary for the OP's use case, see comments bellow.
May be you can try this it is for a zone one kilometer in diameter like. I test it and it works for me:
See here for better understanding.
I didn't test it but hope it will help you.
To recap a bit what Abdullah Alger did in the solution that you can see in the link above:
First he has a database called stores with latitude and longitude column no geometry column with Starbuck dataset.
Then he adds geometry with the query:
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('stores', 'geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2);
After that update the geom column

Intersecting Layers Returns Empty Collection Despite Visible Intersection

When I perform an intersection of a polygon I draw in OpenLayers and a postgis database layer, it seems that I am getting incorrect results.
Intersection works correctly on some layers. For instance, if I intersect a triangle with a layer of polygons that represent crop fields, I get the following:
The query my app generates to produce the above result is:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Intersection(%(geometries_0)s::geometry, %(geometry)s::geometry))
where geometries_0 is my triangle:
POLYGON((-104.84928345939991 40.518951354186285,-104.82319093011056 40.51953858115158,-104.83700967095314 40.50707521626648,-104.84928345939991 40.518951354186285))
and geometry is my layer of crop fields, as well-known text:
MULTIPOLYGON(((-104.841309611298 40.5075331998226,-104.84173356681 40.5069932245841,-104.842041204329 40.50640946683,-104.842224948796 40.5057962996657,-104.842280275816 40.5051688207073,-104.842205823049 40.5045424803865,-104.842003423773 40.5039327015263,-104.841678061729 40.5033544995574,-104.841237748411 40.502822112724,-104.840693325791 40.5023486513933,-104.840058199365 40.5019457751149,-104.839348008051 40.5016234053897,-104.838580239118 40.5013894812384,-104.837773797582 40.5012497635973,-104.836948540713 40.501207693373,-104.836124789073 40.5012643066572,-104.83532282616 40.5014182091969,-104.834562398965 40.5016656107496,-104.833862231727 40.5020004184754,-104.833239564888 40.5024143870601,-104.832709730574 40.5028973218633,-104.83228577506 40.5034373300773,-104.831978137541 40.5040211136997,-104.831794393074 40.5046342970926,-104.831739066055 40.5052617810515,-104.831813518821 40.5058881146554,-104.832015918097 40.5064978757385,-104.832341280141 40.5070760506105,-104.83278159346 40.5076084036796,-104.833326016079 40.5080818278834,-104.833961142505 40.5084846673069,-104.834671333819 40.5088070040565,-104.835439102753 40.5090409023397,-104.836245544289 40.5091806037522,-104.837070801158 40.5092226689759,-104.837894552799 40.5091660624086,-104.83869651571 40.509012177646,-104.839456942906 40.5087648031902,-104.840157110143 40.5084300292289,-104.840779776982 40.5080160977709,-104.841309611298 40.5075331998226)))
However, if I perform the same query with a different layer ("soils"), I get an empty result:
The query is the same:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Intersection(%(geometries_0)s::geometry, %(geometry)s::geometry))
with a polygon geometries_0 that should overlap:
POLYGON((-104.84627938530097 40.54511058649626,-104.83460641167578 40.545175808723876,-104.84070039055733 40.537283458057615,-104.84627938530097 40.54511058649626))
and a geometry layer representing soils, similar to the crop fields in the above query:
MULTIPOLYGON(((-104.939716 40.258166,-104.939775 40.258174,-104.939963 40.258159,-104.940159 40.258065,-104.940039 40.257671,-104.939917 40.25749,-104.939928 40.257419,-104.94003 40.257404,-104.940265 40.257641,-104.940632 40.257902,-104.940826 40.258061,-104.941051 40.258188,-104.941123 40.258235,-104.941205 40.258283,-104.941246 40.258275,-104.941287 40.258212,-104.941186 40.258094,-104.941186 40.258007,-104.941167 40.257921,-104.941105 40.257858,-104.941044 40.257786,-104.941045 40.257716,-104.941127 40.257676,-104.94122 40.257653,-104.94141 40.257731,-104.941559 40.257671,-104.941255 40.257181,-104.940857 40.256794,-104.940644 40.256478,-104.940319 40.255997,-104.940003 40.255728,-104.939676 40.255561,-104.939419 40.255544,-104.938895 40.255529,-104.938287 40.255512,-104.938046 40.255528,-104.937733 40.255549,-104.937322 40.255533,-104.937012 40.255577,-104.936947 40.255593,-104.936623 40.255774,-104.936581 40.255924,-104.93658 40.256042,-104.936661 40.256223,-104.93671 40.256436,-104.936842 40.256618,-104.937262 40.256753,-104.937662 40.256818,-104.937897 40.257,-104.938181 40.25745,-104.938374 40.257742,-104.938465 40.257931,-104.938782 40.258051,-104.939121 40.258092,-104.939439 40.258133,-104.939716 40.258166)))
I use the postgis ST_AsText function to convert database layers to well-known text, and I checked to make sure that all layers have the EPSG:4326 projection (using the Find_SRID function).
Why would one layer (crop fields) intersect correctly, and another (soils) not? I've tried the same query using geographies instead of geometries, with the same result.
It returns an empty collection because they don't intersect. In fact, they are 32 km away from each other.
SELECT ST_Intersects(A, B), ST_Distance(A, B)/1000 AS dist_km
'POLYGON((-104.84627938530097 40.54511058649626,-104.83460641167578 40.545175808723876,-104.84070039055733 40.537283458057615,-104.84627938530097 40.54511058649626))'::geography AS A,
'MULTIPOLYGON(((-104.939716 40.258166,-104.939775 40.258174,-104.939963 40.258159,-104.940159 40.258065,-104.940039 40.257671,-104.939917 40.25749,-104.939928 40.257419,-104.94003 40.257404,-104.940265 40.257641,-104.940632 40.257902,-104.940826 40.258061,-104.941051 40.258188,-104.941123 40.258235,-104.941205 40.258283,-104.941246 40.258275,-104.941287 40.258212,-104.941186 40.258094,-104.941186 40.258007,-104.941167 40.257921,-104.941105 40.257858,-104.941044 40.257786,-104.941045 40.257716,-104.941127 40.257676,-104.94122 40.257653,-104.94141 40.257731,-104.941559 40.257671,-104.941255 40.257181,-104.940857 40.256794,-104.940644 40.256478,-104.940319 40.255997,-104.940003 40.255728,-104.939676 40.255561,-104.939419 40.255544,-104.938895 40.255529,-104.938287 40.255512,-104.938046 40.255528,-104.937733 40.255549,-104.937322 40.255533,-104.937012 40.255577,-104.936947 40.255593,-104.936623 40.255774,-104.936581 40.255924,-104.93658 40.256042,-104.936661 40.256223,-104.93671 40.256436,-104.936842 40.256618,-104.937262 40.256753,-104.937662 40.256818,-104.937897 40.257,-104.938181 40.25745,-104.938374 40.257742,-104.938465 40.257931,-104.938782 40.258051,-104.939121 40.258092,-104.939439 40.258133,-104.939716 40.258166)))'::geography AS B
) AS data;
st_intersects | dist_km
f | 32.1052124928391
Something with your map is incorrect.
After some debugging (in addition to some helpful troubleshooting steps) I realized that I was building my WKT blobs incorrectly using the ST_AsText function, specifically for my soils layer. As a result, my intersection was not being applied to the entire set of geometries contained within my soils layer.
Currently my soils layer contains a subset of SSURGO soil map units, some of which do not actually contain a geometry. In order to correctly build a text string representing all non-null geometries, I needed to explicitly join the geometries before converting the result to WKT:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(the_geom)) FROM schema.layer
did the trick.