How to use UNOCSS background image - background-image

I want to use the backgroundImage when using UNOCSS and set the theme according to TailwindCSS, but the desired effect is not achieved. May I ask how can I achieve the backgroundImage in UNOCSS?


Watchkit: Is it possible to add an image behind a WKInterfaceLabel?

I am trying to add an orange circle with a number (my number will change depending on certain circumstances) inside it in my WKInterfaceGroup like the image below.
However, it appears you can't change WKInterfaceLabel background color. The only solution I can think of is to add an image behind the label. So how can I achieve this (if it is possible)? Is there another way to make this work?
The easiest way to do this is to:
Put the Label into a Group.
Center Align and Position the layout of the Label
Set the Group to a Fixed Width and Height.
Set the Corner Radius of the Group equal to 1/2 the Width (height should be the same)
Set the Group to Background Color to the color you want.
You could add the label to a WKInterfaceGroup and set its background image property. Or, you can create pre-rendered template images and use setTintColor: to color them.

Iphone Set background image into text in uitextView?/

I have a uiimageView containing the text like this.
I want to set the image background of the text to look like this instead.
Please help me! Thanks!
You will need to combine an image of the text with the background image (the stuff that is supposed to fill the inside of the text) using compositing. Take a look at the various blend modes you can use, or look into the use of CIFilter.
The thing in the background looks like it might be a gradient. Again, you can use a CIFilter to generate that gradient, or you can use Core Graphics. So you'll composite the drawn text with its fill image, then you'll draw that over a gradient.
instead of text in black solid color, make image with transparent text and outer region as the grey gradient you want and put this image over you background image, you will get the desired result.

How to set the shadow color for Image?

Hai, I am doing one application, in that i want to provide the shadow color for image after setting the border color. But border color and shadow color both are different. So please tell me any more suggestions.
Have you looked at CALayer? It has a property called shadowColor. This works you are referring to an UIImageView object. If you're referring to the image, you can look at CGContextSetShadowWithColor to add an image using Quartz.

I want to exchange a particular color inside an image with another color. Is there any possible way?

I have one image with multiple colors.
I want to change a specific color with the alternate color that i have pre-decided.
Is there any algorithms to modify the image and save it?
Help is appreciated.
Thank you very much.
See the selected answer to this question:
How to make one color transparent on a UIImage?
It also shows turning red pixels green, which applies to your question.
Definatly yes.
Look here
Bitmap Images and Image Masks
Look in that page for: "Masking with color"

Can i specify a color to be transparent

I have a UIImage, the background of it is white. I want the background of this UIImage to be transparent to its parent view. Is this possible?
One word answer- No. As robin said you have to use photo editing softwares to accomplish that. it cannot be done iphone(easily)..
I am not going to suggest that it is easy, but you should take a look at CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors, which is described in the Quartz 2D Programming Guide: Bitmap Images and Image Masks
You can't specify the transparency of a color from an image, but you could make a PNG image which has a transparency in the places you want it to be transparent.