Why nuxt3 empty application not running for the first time? - server

Im using npx nuxi init To initialize a new nuxt application, then npm install all the dependence, and run npm run dev, the browser open but the application dont work, i got an 503 error (server unavailable ) and i didn’t found any similar error.
What can i do start a new empty nuxt 3 application?


Flutter build web in release mode

Is is possible to build flutter web in release mode? The only commmand I found to run on web was either :
flutter run -d chrome
but it's in debug
or I use :
flutter run -d web-server --web-port 5000 --web-hostname localhost
to run a local webserver to avoid having to use a new chrome everytime I debug anything.
My problem is the following and pretty simple : I have code that crashes in release mode when webApp is built and deployed on github pages, but the stack is impossible to understand, also this very code doesn't crash when I test it in debug mode ( again the error stack looks like this ):
main.dart.js:4315 Uncaught TypeError: n.gawc is not a function
at main.dart.js:22638:13
at aAA.a (main.dart.js:5512:62)
at aAA.$2 (main.dart.js:39196:14)
at Object.E (main.dart.js:5498:10)
at Object.QE (main.dart.js:22648:10)
the javascript is obfuscated so I don't know at which point it's hapenning, and if I want to test anything I need to build for web and upload on github pages, then wait 1 hour for it to be live to be able to see my prints in the console which are placed completely blind.
Is it possible to build for web in release mode locally?
Thank you for your time.
Your question asks about building for web in release mode. So the following does that for you.
flutter build web --release
To actually run a local release version. You just need.
flutter run --release
See this for more info https://docs.flutter.dev/testing/build-modes

IONIC error with NPM (deprecated warning)

in my old ionic version i was able to run and install ionic properly.
but while creating a new project in ionic i get this error
please help me out.
C:\>ionic start
Every great app needs a name!
Please enter the full name of your app. You can change this at any time. To bypass this prompt next time, supply name,
the first argument to ionic start.
? Project name: sumith
Let's pick the perfect starter template!
Starter templates are ready-to-go Ionic apps that come packed with everything you need to build your app. To bypass this
prompt next time, supply template, the second argument to ionic start.
? Starter template: blank
√ Preparing directory .\sumith - done!
√ Downloading and extracting blank starter - done!
Installing dependencies may take several minutes.
Speed up development with the Ionic DevApp, our fast, on-device testing mobile app
> npm i
npm WARN deprecated circular-json#0.5.9: CircularJSON is in maintenance
only, flatted is its successor.
[ ..............] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule
punycode#2.1.1 checking installable status
set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 before running ionic start.

Ionic CLI break with Internet connection

I am facing a problem in ionic to start a new ionic project or serve ionic project while Internet connection in on.
In Command Prompt no error come but CLI break after a few seconds. But without an Internet connection it works perfectly, mean without an Internet connection I can serve the ionic project (ionic serve). But to start a new project we have to connect our laptop to the Internet connection and with the connection, I have this problem. I have reinstalled the ionic but still, I'm facing this problem.
This is the image of process of ionic serve with Internet connection
Problem Solved!
first we have to uninstall ionic
npm uninstall -g ionic cordova
still ionic has not completely uninstalled. To do the same we have to delete all ionic files in our windows drive (Local Disk :c).
then we have to uninstall nodejs from control panel.
still node and npm has not uninstalled completely so we also have to delete all node and npm files from c drive.
now install nodejs recommended and the ionic
npm install -g ionic cordova
It will work now....
The server doesn't start up. You should get a lot more processes showing after the
webpack started ...
like sass, postprocess, lint, build etc.
To find out the possible error you can use the verbose switch which may help show what the error is.
$ ionic serve --verbose
Please try that and see what the output is.

Ionic app starter project hangs on NPM install phase

When I'm trying to create a simple ionic app with 'ionic start' command, I see that ionic downloads a base app and the template indicated, but then I see 'Installing npm packages...' and it that never ends it's process (I have waited hours).
Ionic creates the myapp folder with files within it, but I don't know if it finally creates the ionic app to work with. If I put 'ionic serve' there is nothing on screen, even if I choose the tabs template.. or an error 'couldn't find ionic.config.json file'
is it a firewall issue? anyone has faced with this?
You must update your ionic to beta version using:
npm install -g ionic#beta

LoopBack with Ionic

I am trying to run a LoopBack server with ionic client, but I am getting the "Error: Cannot GET /cordova.js" error.
My code can be cloned from github at: https://github.com/giladba/BetterTrader2.git
Problem description:
I created a LoopBack application, and at the client directory I created an Ionic tabs application.
After that, I ran these commands on the client directory:
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
In server/middleware.json I redirected the index.html folder to the Ionic www folder like so:
"files": {
"loopback#static": {
"params": "$!../client/www"
but when I run node . I get cordova.js not found when I open http://localhost:3000/ in the browser:
note that even though there is an exception the application seems to be working fine.
Any idea how I can fix the exception?
Cordova gets injected into the app when deployed on a mobile device. When you use the ionic serve command locally, for example, cordova.js always 404s. You don't need it unless you're on a mobile device in a cordova app, and it will be deployed automatically in that case.