Libre Calc not respecting custom fields - libreoffice

I have an .xlsx file that has some custom date/time formatted columns. Specifically, I have 2 columns that have custom format of yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ssZ
When I open it in LibreOffice Calc, the dates in those 2 columns show as decimal numbers instead, eg. 44778.6423148148
If I open the document in Excel Online, everything looks as it should. If I change the format of those 2 columns within Calc using the same format of yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ssZ, they change just fine.
I also wanted to add that I am exporting this file from PowerBi so I don't have the option to save it in an older format of excel.
How can I have it retain the formatting when opening the file in Calc?


how to export large numbers from HeidiSQL to csv

I use HeidiSQL to manage my database.
When I export grid row to CSV format file, the large number 89610185002145111111 become 8.96102E+19
How can I keep the number without science notation conversion?
HeidiSQL does not do such a conversion. I tried to reproduce but I get the unformatted number:
Using a text editor, by the way. If you use Excel, you may have to format the cell in a different format.

Data Type Cast Won't Stick in SSIS

I'm trying to automate a process with SSIS that exports data into a flat file (.csv) that is then saved to a directory, where it will be scanned and imported by some accounting software. The software (unfortunately) only recognizes dates that are in MM/DD/YYYY fashion. I have tried every which way to cast or convert the data pulled from SQL to be in the MM/DD/YYYY, but somehow the data is always recognized as either a DT_Date or DT_dbDate data type in the flat file connection, and saved down as YYYY-MM-DD.
I've tried various combinations of data conversion, derived columns, and changing the properties of the flat file columns to string in hopes that I can at least use substring operations to get this formatted correctly, but it never fails to save down as YYYY-MM-DD. It is truly baffling. The preview in the OLE DB source will show the dates as "MM/DD/YYYY" but somehow it always changes to "YYYY-MM-DD" when it hits the flat file.
I've tried to look up solutions (for example, here: Stubborn column data type in SSIS flat flat file connection manager won't change. :() but with no luck. Amazingly if I merely open the file in Excel and save it, it will then show dates in a text editor as "MM/DD/YYYY", only adding more mystery to this Bermuda Triangle-esque caper.
If there are any tips, I would be very appreciative.
This is a date formatting issue.
In SQL and in SSIS, dates have one literal string format and that is YYYY-MM-DD. Ignore the way they appear to you in the data previewer and/or Excel. Dates are displayed to you based upon your Windows regional prefrences.
Above - unlike the US - folks in the UK will see all dates as DD/MM/YYYY. The way we are shown dates is NOT the way they are stored on disk. When you open in Excel it does this conversion as a favor. It's not until you SAVE that the dates are stored - as text - according to your regional preferences.
In order to get dates to always display the same way. We need to save them not as dates, but as strings of text. TO do this, we have to get the data out of a date column DT_DATE or DT_DBDATE and into a string column: DT_STR or DT_WSTR. Then, map this new string column into your csv file. Two ways to do this "date-to-string" conversion...
First, have SQL do it. Update your OLE DB Source query and add one more column...
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), MyDateColumn, 101) AS MyFormattedDateColumn
FROM MyTable
The other way is let SSIS do it. Add a Derived Column component with the expression
SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],6,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],8,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],1,4)
Map the string columns into your csv file, NOT the date columns. Hope this helps.
It's been a while but I just came across this today because I had the same issue and hope to be able to spare someone the trouble of figuring it out. What worked for me was adding a new field in the Derived Column transform rather than trying to change the existing field.
I can't comment on Troy Witthoeft's answer, but wanted to note that if you have a Date type input, you wouldn't be able to do SUBSTRING. Instead, you could use something like this:
(DT_WSTR,255)(MONTH([Visit Date])) + "/" + (DT_WSTR,255)(DAY([Visit Date])) + "/" + (DT_WSTR,255)(YEAR([Visit Date]))

Export to Excel issue with numbers converting as text in SSRS

I have a price column in tablix with currency format("$"). when i export the report to excel this column is converting to text. Could anyone let me know how to make it as number in excel.
As TPhe mentioned, you can use the Format property to format the text box with C2 for currency (C for Currency and 2 for the number of digits after the decimal). Using the Format property usually makes Excel format the cell correctly.

Excel 2010 - Pivot using external csv file - how to make dates work?

I have a set of pivot tables that use external csv files as their data sources. The csv files originally contained dates in the format dd/mm/yy (e.g. 31/01/13). The pivot tables did not recognise these as dates. I converted the dates in the csv files to dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2013) but these were still not recognised as dates by the pivot tables.
I tried setting up a calculated field =DATEVALUE(date_from_csv) but when used in the pivot table (I'm using the Max option to select the most recent date) I get #VALUE! errors.
I have tried converting the csv file to xlsx and also importing the data into the workbook that contains the pivot table - but I can't change from the external connection to use the internal data. I don't want to rebuild the pivots as there are a lot of variables and formatting that would take ages to redo.
Any ideas??
The problem was caused by the date column being blank for some rows and I found that if I moved a row to the top (after the header line) that had all the fields filled in, then Excel got the formats correct and the pivot tables now work!

number format changed while exporting from 2008 Crystal Report to excel .csv file

From 2008 Crystal Report view, the number format reads as 580015704027 in which is correct.
When exporting data from .rpt to .csv, that number format changes to 5.80016E+11.
How do I make it stick so that it will be exported correctly while on automation?
Thank you,
Here is the solution.
This solution works if you are using a database field with number format.
Right click on the filed go to Format Field.
Move to tab Number.
select last option (1,123.0000)
Now export to .CSV format.