Convert yyyyMM to end of month date using PySpark - pyspark

I have a column in a dataframe in Pyspark with date in integer format e.g 202203 (yyyyMM format). I want to convert that to end of month date as 2022-03-31. How do I achieve this?

First cast column to String, then use to_date to get the date and then last_day.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
data = [{"x": 202203}]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data)
df = df.withColumn("date", F.last_day(F.to_date(F.col("x").cast("string"), "yyyyMM")))
| x| date|
|-- x: long (nullable = true)
|-- date: date (nullable = true)


Pyspark date_trunc without modifying actual value

Consider the below dataframe
I have to convert it to
After using the below code
df.withColumn("time_updated", date_trunc("minute", col("time"))).show(truncate = False)
My output
2022-02-21 11:23:00
By desired output is
Is there anyway I can keep the data same and just update/truncate the seconds??
you simply have a format issue. the output that you see is the string representation of a timestamp. check your output formats :
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W, types as T
df = df.withColumn(
F.date_format(F.col("time").cast("timestamp"), "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:00"),
|time |time_updated |
|-- time: string (nullable = true)
|-- time_updated: string (nullable = true)

EDIT: spark scala inbuilt udf : to_timestamp() ignores the millisecond part of the timestamp value

Sample Code:
val sparkSession = SparkUtil.getSparkSession("timestamp_format_test")
import sparkSession.implicits._
val format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
val time = "2018/12/21 08:07:36.927"
val df = sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(time)).toDF("in_timestamp")
val df2 = df.withColumn("out_timestamp", to_timestamp(df.col("in_timestamp"), format))
plz notice: out_timestamp loses the milli-second part from the original value
|in_timestamp |out_timestamp |
|2018/12/21 08:07:36.927|2018-12-21 08:07:36|
|-- in_timestamp: string (nullable = true)
|-- out_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
In the above result: in_timestamp is of string type, and I would like to convert to timestamp data type, it does get convert but the millisecond part gets lost. Any idea.? Thanks.!
Sample code for preserving millisecond during conversion from string to timestamp.
val df2 = df.withColumn("out_timestamp", to_timestamp(df.col("in_timestamp")))
|in_timestamp |out_timestamp |
|2018-12-21 08:07:36.927|2018-12-21 08:07:36.927|
scala> df2.printSchema
|-- in_timestamp: string (nullable = true)
|-- out_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
You just need to remove format parameter from to_timestamp. This will save your result with data type timestamp similar to String value.

Pyspark from_unixtime (unix_timestamp) does not convert to timestamp

I am using Pyspark with Python 2.7. I have a date column in string (with ms) and would like to convert to timestamp
This is what I have tried so far
df = df.withColumn('end_time', from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(df.end_time, '%Y-%M-%d %H:%m:%S.%f')) )
printSchema() shows
end_time: string (nullable = true)
when I expended timestamp as the type of variable
Try using from_utc_timestamp:
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_utc_timestamp
df = df.withColumn('end_time', from_utc_timestamp(df.end_time, 'PST'))
You'd need to specify a timezone for the function, in this case I chose PST
If this does not work please give us an example of a few rows showing df.end_time
Create a sample dataframe with Time-stamp formatted as string:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([('22-Jul-2018 04:21:18.792 UTC', ),('23-Jul-2018 04:21:25.888 UTC',)], ['TIME']),False)
|22-Jul-2018 04:21:18.792 UTC|
|23-Jul-2018 04:21:25.888 UTC|
|-- TIME: string (nullable = true)
Converting string time-format (including milliseconds ) to unix_timestamp(double). Since unix_timestamp() function excludes milliseconds we need to add it using another simple hack to include milliseconds. Extracting milliseconds from string using substring method (start_position = -7, length_of_substring=3) and Adding milliseconds seperately to unix_timestamp. (Cast to substring to float for adding)
df1 = df.withColumn("unix_timestamp",F.unix_timestamp(df.TIME,'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS z') + F.substring(df.TIME,-7,3).cast('float')/1000)
Converting unix_timestamp(double) to timestamp datatype in Spark.
df2 = df1.withColumn("TimestampType",F.to_timestamp(df1["unix_timestamp"])),truncate=False)
This will give you following output
|TIME |unix_timestamp |TimestampType |
|22-Jul-2018 04:21:18.792 UTC|1.532233278792E9|2018-07-22 04:21:18.792|
|23-Jul-2018 04:21:25.888 UTC|1.532319685888E9|2018-07-23 04:21:25.888|
Checking the Schema:
|-- TIME: string (nullable = true)
|-- unix_timestamp: double (nullable = true)
|-- TimestampType: timestamp (nullable = true)
in current version of spark , we do not have to do much with respect to timestamp conversion.
using to_timestamp function works pretty well in this case. only thing we need to take care is input the format of timestamp according to the original column.
in my case it was in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
other format can be like MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss or a combination as such.
from pyspark.sql.functions import to_timestamp
df=df.withColumn('date_time',to_timestamp('event_time','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
Following might help:-
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn("end_time", F.from_unixtime(F.col("end_time"), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SS').cast("timestamp"))

Spark Scala -difference between current date and max(day)

Need to calculate the difference between two dates. The question is
Currentdate - max(day_id)
"Currentdate" is of simple date format - yyyyMMdd
"day_id" is of string format and its value is yyyy-mm-dd.
I have a dataframe which converted the date(string format) to date format (yyyy-mm-dd)
df1 = to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(day_id, 'yyyy-MM-dd')))
Normally, for finding the max(day_id), I would do
def daySince (columnName: String): Column = {
I cannot figure out how to do the difference between
Currentdate - max(day_id)
Given input dataframe with schema as
|id |day_id |
|-- id: string (nullable = true)
|-- day_id: string (nullable = true)
you can use current_date() and datediff() inbuilt functions to meet your requirement as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
df.withColumn("diff", datediff(current_date(), to_date(col("day_id"), "yyyy-MM-dd")))
which should give you
|id |day_id |diff|
|id1|2017-11-21|167 |
|id1|2018-01-21|106 |
|id2|2017-12-21|137 |

Converting pattern of date in spark dataframe

I have a column in spark dataframe of String datatype (with date in yyyy-MM-dd pattern)
I want to display the column value in MM/dd/yyyy pattern
My data is
val df = sc.parallelize(Array(
("steak", "1990-01-01", "2000-01-01", 150),
("steak", "2000-01-02", "2001-01-13", 180),
("fish", "1990-01-01", "2001-01-01", 100)
)).toDF("name", "startDate", "endDate", "price")
| name| startDate| endDate|price|
|steak|1990-01-01|2000-01-01| 150|
|steak|2000-01-02|2001-01-13| 180|
| fish|1990-01-01|2001-01-01| 100|
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- startDate: string (nullable = true)
|-- endDate: string (nullable = true)
|-- price: integer (nullable = false)
I want to show endDate in MM/dd/yyyy pattern. All I am able to do is convert the column to DateType from String
val df2 =$"endDate".cast(DateType).alias("endDate"))
| endDate|
|-- endDate: date (nullable = true)
I want to show endDate in MM/dd/yyyy pattern. Only reference I found is this which doesn't solve the problem
You can use date_format function.
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = sc.parallelize(Array(
("steak", "1990-01-01", "2000-01-01", 150),
("steak", "2000-01-02", "2001-01-13", 180),
("fish", "1990-01-01", "2001-01-01", 100))).toDF("name", "startDate", "endDate", "price")"endDate"), "MM/dd/yyyy")).show
Output :
| 01/01/2000|
| 01/13/2001|
| 01/01/2001|
Use pyspark.sql.functions.date_format(date, format):
val df2 ="endDate", "MM/dd/yyyy").alias("endDate"))
Dataframe/Dataset having a string column with date value in it and we need to change the date format.
For the query asked, date format can be changed as below:
val df1 = df.withColumn("startDate1", date_format(to_date(col("startDate"),"yyyy-MM-dd"),"MM/dd/yyyy" ))
In Spark, the default date format is "yyyy-MM-dd" hence it can be re-written as
val df1 = df.withColumn("startDate1", date_format(col("startDate"),"MM/dd/yyyy" ))
(i) By applying to_date, we are changing the datatype of this column (string) to Date datatype.
Also, we are informing to_date that the format in this string column is yyyy-MM-dd so read the column accordingly.
(ii) Next, we are applying date_format to achieve the date format we require which is MM/dd/yyyy.
When time component is involved, use to_timestamp instead of to_date.
Note that 'MM' represents month and 'mm' represents minutes.