QlikSense: How to group data by row and avoid duplicates - qliksense

I'm accustomed to building out reporting in SSRS and PowerBI, but am now using QlikSense, so if what I'm trying to do flies in the face of what QlikSense is meant to do or is able to do, my apologies. But what I'd like to see a hierarchal flow that doesn't produce duplicate values in every row. Perhaps this will help:
Is this something that can be done?


What is the "Tableau" way to deal with changing data?

As a background to this question: I've been using Tableau for some time now, but I've been using code (Python, Swift, etc) as a crutch for getting some of the more complicated things done. My employer is now making me move what I can away from custom code and into retail software packages because it will make things easier to maintain if I get hit by a bus or something.
The scenario: With code, I find it very easy to deal with constantly changing/growing data by using recursion. I know that this isn't something I can do with Tableau, but I've found that for many problems so far there is a "Tableau way" of thinking/doing that can solve a lot of problems. And, I'm not allowed to use Rserve/TabPy.
I have a batch of transactional data that grows every month by about 1.6mil records. What I would like to do is build something in Tableau that can let me track a complicated rolling total across the data without having to do it manually. In my code of choice, it would have been something like:
Import the data into a frame
For every unique date value in the 'transaction date' field, create a new column with that name
Total the number of transaction in each account for that day
Write the data to the applicable column
Move on to the next day
Then create new columns that store the sum total of transactions for that account over all of the 30 day periods available (date through date + 29 days)
Select the max value of the accounts for a customer for those 30-day sums
Dump all of that 30-day data into a new table based on the customer identifier
It's a lot of steps, but with a couple of nice recursive functions, it's done in a snap with a bit of code. Plus, it can handle the data as it changes.
The actual question: How in the world do I approach problems like this within Tableau since my brain goes straight to recursive function land? I can do this manually with Tableau Prep, but it takes manual tweaking every time the data changes. Is there a better way, or is this just not within the realm of what Tableau really does?
*** Edit 10/1/2020: Minor typo fix. ***

How to handle selection with large amounts of data in NatTable

When using the NatTable with a selection layer, if I have huge amounts (1million+) columns of data, selecting a row will take extremely long amounts of time (20 seconds+) or will outright crash my application. Is there a better way to handle selection of large amounts of data or maybe a way to select the entire amount but only visually show the amount of showing columns as selected and updating that as the table is scrolled?
It turns out that this is really a performance leak in NatTable. And interestingly it exists in that form for a long time and nobody has seen this until now.
I created a ticket [1] and work on a fix.
Until that you could try to remove or replace the "bad guys" from your composition. If that is not possible, you need to wait for the fix.
ColumnReorderLayer: if you don't need column reorder support, remove it from your layer stack (when talking about millions of columns, I suppose reordering is not a required feature)
ColumnHideShowLayer: if you don't need to support hiding columns, remove it from your layer stack. Not sure if you need it for your use case of showing millions of columns.
SelectionModel: I don't know your data model, but maybe the PreserveSelectionModel performs slightly better at the moment. Or have a look at the proposed fix attached to the ticket (once it is uploaded) and use a local version of that fix in your environment by creating a custom ISelectionModel implementation based on the fix.
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509685

JasperReports: Ordering records from XMLDataSource

I recently converted a JasperReport to use the XMLDataSource instead of getting the data from the DB. This was done for performance reasons.
One of the requests was to group certain records together.
I thought I had it working, but this was because my records that were grouped, followed sequentially in the XML file I used to test. So they were already "grouped/ordered" in the XML.
Now that the report is being used in a Live environment, we have picked up that the grouping is not actually working.
After doing some searching and reading, it seems that this cannot be easily done. Because we cannot sort the records from the XMLDataSource.
So my question: Is there a way to sort/order the records from the XMLDataSource so that they will correctly group, without using a XSLT.
I only want to transform the XML as a last resort. Hoping there is another way I can do it.
Why you can't use sort inside iReport?
see this for example

what is the easy way to compare cube data with that of data mart?

I was trying to compare with the cube's data with that of data mart using TSQL query. It s hard for me to find where the columns used in the cube are coming from. Because the columns used in the cube are coming from data source view, but how do I know which table?
Help appreciated
Are you familiar with SQL Server Business Intelligence? Very generically speaking, the "columns" that you're seeing are coming from the fact table(s), sliced across one or more dimensions (as defined by the dimension tables).
Your best bet is to inspect the cube via SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio, if you know how to use it. This link should get you started if you're a little shaky with using BIDS to design SSAS cubes.

How can I limit DataSet.WriteXML output to typed columns?

I'm trying to store a lightly filtered copy of a database for offline reference, using ADO.NET DataSets. There are some columns I need not to take with me. So far, it looks like my options are:
Put up with the columns
Get unmaintainably clever about the way I SELECT rows for the DataSet
Hack at the XML output to delete the columns
I've deleted the columns' entries in the DataSet designer. WriteXMl still outputs them, to my dismay. If there's a way to limit WriteXml's output to typed rows, I'd love to hear it.
I tried to filter the columns out with careful SELECT statements, but ended up with a ConstraintException I couldn't solve. Replacing one table's query with SELECT * did the trick. I suspect I could solve the exception given enough time. I also suspect it could come back again as we evolve the schema. I'd prefer not to hand such a maintenance problem to my successors.
All told, I think it'll be easiest to filter the XML output. I need to compress it, store it, and (later) load, decompress, and read it back into a DataSet later. Filtering the XML is only one more step — and, better yet, will only need to happen once a week or so.
Can I change DataSet's behaviour? Should I filter the XML? Is there some fiendishly simple way I can query pretty much, but not quite, everything without running into ConstraintException? Or is my approach entirely wrong? I'd much appreciate your suggestions.
UPDATE: It turns out I copped ConstraintException for a simple reason: I'd forgotten to delete a strongly typed column from one DataTable. It wasn't allowed to be NULL. When I selected all the columns except that column, the value was NULL, and… and, yes, that's profoundly embarrassing, thank you so much for asking.
It's as easy as Table.Columns.Remove("UnwantedColumnName"). I got the lead from
Mehrdad's wonderfully terse answer to another question. I was delighted when Table.Columns turned out to be malleable.