I have a Yup object shape which has a field called employee job title.
I have another Yup object shape which is called license number.
Both of the above object are in 1 main object shape :
main object:
What I want to have is if employee_job_title is Driver I want to have the license_number field as required.
I know how to do use for the fields which are in a single object but not for separate object
Looking into Custom Serialization, what's the difference between
A "Property" BsonClassMap.MapProperty
A "Field" BsonClassMap.MapField
A "Member" BsonClassMap.MapMember
This answer should cover it:
What is the difference between a Field and a Property in C#?
C# fields are meant to be hidden. Properties expose fields.
From http://api.mongodb.org/csharp/1.0/html/18aadb76-2494-c732-9768-bc9f41597801.htm
Creates a member map for a property and adds it to the class map.
Creates a member map for a field and adds it to the class map.
Creates a member map for a member and adds it to the class map.
I am using spring batch to read pipe (| delimited) separated file which have have 7 field. I created a class called MyLineMapper that extends spring's FieldSetMapper. This class maps field values provided in file to my object (XYZ type). Now the problem is that fieldSet object that i get inside class extending FieldSetMapper contain empty value for field that are not present in delimited values.
For example:
Suppose that the delimited file format is as follows: |ID|Country|City|Pin|
Suppose i provide following line in file: |1|India|
As you can see the above line does not contain information for City and Pin. Therefore, I expect FieldSet object should contain Null value for these two fiels (City and Pin) instead of empty string. I don't want empty value as Null will help me to know if that field was actually present in file or not.
How can I achieve this ? Do I need to extend DelimitedLineTokenizer which I am using for tokenizing ? Or this is a simple way to do this ?
Any help will be appreciated.
From FieldSetMapper javadoc
To customize the way that FieldSet values are converted to the desired
type for injecting into the prototype there are several choices. You
can inject PropertyEditor instances directly through the customEditors
property, or you can override the createBinder(Object) and
initBinder(DataBinder) methods, or you can provide a custom FieldSet
Depending on type of your target bean conversion is done using default Spring convention. If you need other type of logic write your own.
After saving a model with a 1:n relation in the extension builder, this error shows up:
An object of class "Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage" could not be converted to a plain value.
What needs to be set in the extension builder to fix it?
In the extension builder for that model, the value of Object type needs to be set to Entity instead of Value object.
Or in your generated model class check if it extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity.
I want to import an object from other class to one class.
I followed the method of #import "xyz.h" in abc class implementation.
Any tried to add the object of xyz class in one method of abc class.
But it shows an error :
Property 'a' not found on object of type xyz.
Can any one let me know how to import the object ?
Is the property defined in the header xyz.h, or elsewhere (such as in the class extension or another category)? It'll need to be in the header if you need to use the property from another object (or, if it's in a category, you need to declare the category in a header that you can import).
I'm writing a metaclass to do some cool stuff, and part of its processing is to check that certain attributes exist when the class is created. Some of these are mutable, and would normally be set in __init__, but since __init__ isn't run until the instance is created the metaclass won't know that the attribute will be created, and raises an error. I could do something like:
class Test(meta=Meta):
mutable = None
def __init__(self):
self.mutable = list()
But this approach has several problems:
it forces the creation of a class attribute that is not the same type as the instance attribute
__init__ still has to shadow the class attribute, and Meta is not checking that
if __init__ doesn't shadow the class attribute I'll still get errors down the line (such as AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'), and trying to avoid such errors is part of the function of Meta
and last but not least, it violates DRY.
What I need is a way to have something like:
class Test(metaclass=Meta):
mutable = list()
But each instance will end up with its own copy of mutable.
The design goals are:
the attribute must exist in the class (type doesn't matter -- it is not checked)
at some point before the attribute is first used a copy of the attribute is placed in the instance
A desired sample run:
t1 = Test()
t2 = Test()
t1.mutable # prints ['one']
t2.mutable # prints ['two']
Any ideas on how this can be accomplished?
There are at least three ways to do this:
Have the metaclass check all the attributes, and if they are one of the mutables (list, dict, set, etc.) replace the attribute with a descriptor that will activate on first access and update the instance with a fresh copy of the mutable.
Provide the descriptor from (1) as a decorator to be used when writing the class.
Have the metaclass add its own __init__ method to the class which when run:
calls the original __init__
then checks that the required attributes are present
Downsides (by method):
Extra effort is required if the class has a mutable attribute that should be shared across all instances.
The attribute in the class becomes a function in the class (possible mind-warp ;)
Move the point of error to class instantiation instead of class definition.
I prefer (2) is it gives complete control to the class author, simplifies those cases where the class-level mutable attribute should be shared amongst all the instances, and keeps the error at class definition.
Here's the decorator-descriptor:
class ReplaceMutable:
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self):
return self
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
result = self.func()
setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, result)
return result
and the test class:
class Test:
def mutable():
return list()
How it works:
Just like property, ReplaceMutable is a descriptor object with the same name as the attribute it is replacing. Unlike property, it does not define __set__ nor __delete__, so when code tries to rebind the name (mutable in the test above) in the instance Python will allow it to do so. This is the same idea behind caching descriptors.
ReplaceMutable is decorating a function (with the name of the desired attribute) that simply returns whatever the instance level attribute should be initialized with (an empty list in the example above). So the first time the attribute is looked up on an instance it will not be found in the instance dictionary and Python will activate the descriptor; the descriptor then calls the function to retrieve the initial object/data/whatever, stores it in the instance, and then returns it. The next time that attribute is accessed on that instance it will be in the instance dictionary, and that is what will be used.
Sample code:
t1 = Test()
t2 = Test()