OneTimeSetUp runs multiple times in NUnit - nunit

The NUnit docs describe how to use SetUpFixture so a chunk of code will execute only once. I'm failing to get this working.
I have read Is it possible to have a [OneTimeSetup] for ALL tests? and
I have the following structure for my tests
The actual tests (note the inheritence)
namespace net.UiTests
internal class SanityTests : TestBase
public void Initialize()
//do stuff
public void TestCleanUp()
//do stuff
public void SomeTest()
//do stuff
And the base class, which is where the SetUpFixture lives
namespace net.UiTests
internal class TestBase
public static void AssemblyInit()
//do stuff
public static void AssemblyCleanup()
//do stuff
I am unsure why the AssemblyInit() method executes multiple times. The stack trace gives me no clues other than [External Code]

You have made your base class a SetUpFixture, which is causing the problem.
The SetUpFixture runs once before and once after all the fixtures in your UiTests namespace.
But due to inheritance, each TestFixture now "contains" a OneTimeSetUp and a OneTimeTearDown method. Those methods, when found in a TestFixture, are supposed to run once per fixture class and that's what they do.
To solve the problem, you have to stop using the SetUpFixture as a base class.


Test with AutoData from base test fixture isn't run

I use Autofixture 3.21.0 and AutoFixture.NUnit2 3.21.0 along with NUnit 2.6.3 and Resharper 8.2.3 runner.
I have implemented the generic base test fixture which contains a common set of tests for several production classes. It's something like the following:
public class TestsBase<T>
public void Test_in_base_class()
[Test, AutoData]
public void Test_in_base_class_with_autodata( T obj )
// this test is not run !!!
Assert.NotNull( obj );
One example concrete test fixture class which inherits from base test fixture class can be implemented as shown below:
public class DerivedTests : TestsBase<string>
public void Test_in_derived_class()
[Test, AutoData]
public void Test_in_derived_class_with_autodata( string obj )
Assert.NotNull( obj );
When I run this derived test fixture using R# 8.2.3 runner, test method from base class which is attributed with AutoDataAttribute (named Test_in_base_class_with_autodata) is not run. All other test methods are invoked as expected but that from base class with AutoDataAttribute.
Have you had the same problem? Is it AutoFixture.Nunit2 bug? Is there a workaround for this issue? Please for help.

How to make NUnit stop executing tests on first failure

We use NUnit to execute integration tests. These tests are very time consuming. Often the only way to detect a failure is on a timeout.
I would like the tests to stop executing as soon as a single failure is detected.
Is there a way to do this?
Using nunit-console, you can achieve this by using the /stoponerror command line parameter.
See here for the command line reference.
For nunit-console v3, it changes to --stoponerror (see here for the command line reference).
I'm using NUnit 3 and the following code works for me.
public class SomeTests {
private bool stop;
public void SetUp()
if (stop)
Assert.Inconclusive("Previous test failed");
public void TearDown()
if (TestContext.CurrentContext.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed)
stop = true;
Alternatively you could make this an abstract class and derive from it.
This is probably not the ideal solution, but it does what you require i.e. Ignore remaining tests if a test has failed.
public class MyTests
public void Test1()
Ascertain(() => Assert.AreEqual(0, 1));
public void Test2()
Ascertain(() => Assert.AreEqual(1, 1));
private static void Ascertain( Action condition )
catch (AssertionException ex)
Since TestFixtureAttribute is inheritable, so you could potentially create a base class with this attribute decorated on it and have the Ascertain protected Method in it and derive all TestFixture classes from it.
The only downside being, you'll have to refactor all your existing Assertions.

junit annotation

I wish to launch the GUI application 2 times from Java test. How should we use #annotation in this case?
public class Toto {
public static void setupOnce() {
final Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
//launch appli
try {
} catch (Exception ex) { }
public class Test extends toto {
public void test() {
public void test2()
To launch it a second time, which annotation should I use? #afterclass?
Method annotated with #BeforeClass means that it is run once before any of the test methods are run in the test class. Method annotated with #Before is run once before every test method in the class. The counterparts for these are #AfterClass and #After.
Probably you are aiming for something like the following.
public static void setUpClass() {
// Initialize stuff once for ALL tests (run once)
public void setUp() {
// Initialize stuff before every test (this is run twice in this example)
public void test1() { /* Do assertions etc. */ }
public void test2() { /* Do assertions etc. */ }
public static void tearDownClass() {
// Do something after ALL tests have been run (run once)
public void tearDown() {
// Do something after each test (run twice in this example)
You don't need to explicitly call the #BeforeClass method in your test methods, JUnit does that for you.
The #BeforeClass annotation is used to run something once, before test actually runs.
So, depending on what do you want to get (and why), you can simply wrap launch code in a cycle, move launch code in other method and call it from somewhere else or write separate test case.

How To Centrally Initialize an IOC Container in MbUnit?

We currently have a suite of integration tests that run via MbUnit test suites. We are in the process of refactoring much of the code to use an IOC framework (StructureMap).
I'd like to configure/initialize the container ONCE when the MBUnit test runner fires up, using the same registry code that we use in production.
Is there a way of achieving this in MbUnit?
(EDIT) The version of MbUnit is 2.4.197.
Found it. The AssemblyCleanup attribute.
I understand that you want to spin up only one container for your entire test run and have it be the container used across test suite execution. The MBUnit docs make it look like you might be able to use a TestSuiteFixture and TestSuiteFixtureSetup to accomplish about what you want.
I wanted to speak from the point of view of a StructureMap user and Test Driven Developer.
We rarely use containers in our test suites unless we are explicitly testing pulling things out of the container. When this is necessary I use the an abstract test base class below (warning we use NUnit):
public abstract class with_container
protected IContainer Container;
public void beforeAll()
Container = new ServiceBootstraper().GetContainer();
public class Bootstraper
public Bootstraper()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
//register stuff here
public IContainer GetContainer()
return ObjectFactory.Container;
I would recommend for normal tests that you skip the normal container and just use the automocking container included with StructureMap. Here is another handy abstract test base class we use.
public abstract class Context<T> where T : class
public void Setup()
_services = new RhinoAutoMocker<T>(MockMode.AAA);
_cut = _services.ClassUnderTest;
public RhinoAutoMocker<T> _services { get; private set; }
public T _cut { get; private set; }
public SERVICE MockFor<SERVICE>() where SERVICE : class
return _services.Get<SERVICE>();
public SERVICE Override<SERVICE>(SERVICE with) where SERVICE : class
return with;
public virtual void Given()
public virtual void OverrideMocks()
and here is a basic test using this context tester:
public class communication_publisher : Context<CommunicationPublisher>
public void should_send_published_message_to_endpoint_retrieved_from_the_factory()
var message = ObjectMother.ValidOutgoingCommunicationMessage();
MockFor<IEndpoint>().AssertWasCalled(a => a.Send(message));
Sorry if this is not exactly what you wanted. Just these techniques work very well for us and I wanted to share.

SetUp in derived classes with NUnit?

If I have the following code:
public class MyBaseTest
protected ISessionManager _sessionManager;
public void SetUp() { /* some code that initializes _sessionManager */ }
public class MyDerivedTest : MyBaseTest
IBlogRepository _repository;
public void SetUp() { /* some code that initializes _repository */ }
public void BlogRepository_TestGoesHere() { /* some tests */ }
...NUnit doesn't call the base SetUp routine. This is expected, and I don't have a problem with it in itself. I can get the derived SetUp to call the base SetUp first, like this:
public class MyDerivedTest : MyBaseTest
IBlogRepository _repository;
public new void SetUp()
/* some code that initializes _repository */
This is ugly. If it was a constructor, I wouldn't have to.
I could use the "template method" pattern, and have the following:
public void MyBaseTest
abstract void SetUp();
public void BaseSetUp()
/* base initialization */
SetUp(); // virtual call
I'm not particularly fond of this, either.
What do you do when their test classes need SetUp, and they're derived from another class that also needs SetUp?
You have to call the method directly.
public void DerivedSetUp()
// Do something else
Edit: I haven't tried it, but perhaps a partial method might work too. I'd prefer to do the above though.
Edit2: I've just tried using partial methods. It didn't work. Even if it did, I think it's still going to be easier to call the base class.
You have the base class explicitly. Given that NUnit uses the [Setup] attribute to mark up test setup, I tink this is "the right thing" to do for NUnit, because it follows the usual language rules.
Sure, NUnit could search the base classes, and call their Setup functions automagically, but I think this would be rather surprising for most people.
There is however at least one unit testing framework that uses constructors for setup: xUnit.Net. Here, the base class setup is called automatically, because this is how constructors in C# behave.
(Note, though, that xUnit.Net recommends again using test setup.)
It looks like you want the setup to be run once before any testing starts, not once before each test is run. The annotation [SetUp] makes the method run once before each test in your fixture is run. [SetUp] is not inherited.
The annotation you want to use is [TestFixtureSetUp] which is run only once, before any of the tests in a fixture are run. This is inherited in the way that you would expect. :)
See the TextFixtureSetUp docs
An approach that I use that I learned in the TDD FireStarter in Tampa was to have the setup method in the base class and then to have a virtual method in the base class called observe. This method is then called in the base class at the end of the setup method.
Then what you do is in the new class that derives from the base class you will override the observe method. The trick in this scenario is you want to execute the Setup method of the base class and the child class does not have a Setup method. The reason for this is the code that you have in the observe method are only those additional things you need for the child test class.
This approach works well for me, but one gotcha is that the test runner will want to execute the base class tests, so what I do to get around that is to move the Tests from the base class into a new class that derives from the base if I have any.
The following works in MbUnit. It may work in NUnit as well.
public abstract class Base {
public virtual void SetUp() {
//Some stuff.
public class Derived : Base {
public override void SetUp() {
//Some more stuff.
public virtual void Object_WhenInACertainState_WhenAMethodIsCalled_Throws() {
//Create and set state on the object.
//Call the method.
//Assert the method threw.