How & where to learn Flutter & Dart? [closed] - flutter

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I am a Product Designer looking to start app development for personal projects.
I am new to flutter, I have picked flutter for app development, and I am new to just started a few weeks ago, I wanted to ask if someone could guide me on what are the things that I need to learn to make apps that are fast, robust and useful.
please do mention resources from where I can learn flutter too.
Would greatly appreciate your help.

Whatever path you take, start with the Google-provided well-written up-to-date documentation, namely:
read the entire tour
skim the library tour
do the codelabs
read the overview material
install flutter as directed there (and nowhere else)
do the codelabs
skim the cookbook
and never read a blog post or watch a video older than six months old without seeking the advice of an expert.


How to get the community license of Syncfusion? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Recently, I am learning MAUI and I wanna use the UI from Syncfusion.
I tried to get the community license of it, and I followed the steps from the Syncfusion site. But there was no responding after I login with my LinkedIn account.
Guys, if you know something about this, could you please give me some suggestions or tell me if the community license is not available for applying?
Or maybe you can recommend some else good and free UI library for MAUI to me. Much thanks!
Go to
Sign in top right corner
Select PRICING - and the Communitylicense. Then click Claim your free license.
Get License or Unlock Key , or download them (best option) so you cannot lose it .
Don't forget to set the key in App.xaml.cs

Codename One Pubnub alternatives CN1lib [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for Pubnub alternatives in Codename One for real time communication. Are there available cn1libs for Pusher for example? If there is not one, is it possible to write a cn1lib using the existing Android and iOS libraries for Pusher?
I really like pubnub and it has a pretty generous free tier but these sort of discussions are discouraged on stackoverflow so I'll answer the question of "Is it possible to write a cn1lib using the existing Android/iOS libraries of an SDK?"
Yes. We even have a tutorial on doing this in the developer guide here. Steve also made some videos covering the subject here.
We have not explicitly tried our Ably realtime client libraries with Codename One, however they are built with portable Java and should therefore work. We are a very appealing alternative to PubNub and Pusher.
Matt, co-founder of Ably: simply better realtime

Speech-to-text from a LIVE stream [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a Java application and I want to transcribe, not a file, but a LIVE stream(rtmp:// or m3u8) that is being served by Wowza.
Is that possible?
Thank you
PS: I'm willing to pay any of those cloud services that offer audio transcription, but the ones I've seen don't seem to have this functionality.
There are a few options!
Google has one that is in beta, but seems very promising! Their documentation is a little light at this point but here is a good github example.
and their documention on it:
The other option is IBM's Bluemix:
Best of luck! If you end up trying out both I would love to have an update on which one you felt worked best!
EDIT Another useful link: Stream audio from mic to IBM Watson SpeechToText Web service using Java SDK while it doesn't interface with Wowza, this might be a good place to start for IBM.

Where to find a complete "hello world" example/tutorial for XBMC addon development? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to start studying xmbc plugin development.
I read official documents, but I'm asking you if there are some resource taking a really step-by-step into an hello-world example.
I google for very long time yesterday and today but I'm not able to have a full picture of the development process.
I'm looking for detailed information about:
directory structure
creating the simplest GUI for an hello world (no alert, a Window)
code with explanations
creating a zip
installing via repository
The best resources I can point to is:
It provides a lot of information which should be good for your first steps.
And of course the forum is a goog place to gather information:
I'm from the Kodi/XBMC team and have just updated the Hello World tutorial on our wiki:
Its a work in progress but hopefully should be a good starting point for anyone writing an add-on.
We have other tutorials as well on our main developers page:

Tutorials and examples for mgwt/gwt-phonegap [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been trying to follow mgwt and gwt-phonegap through It feels like a pain for me, because I can't find something properly described there for a beginner to follow.
Can any one plz suggest me a good tutorial site or examples for mgwt/gwtphonegap?
if you have questions on how to get started the mgwt user group (!forum/mgwt ) is a very good place to ask questions and there have been already a tremendous amount of questions about it on the group.
We are very friendly (especially to inexperienced users)
Check out the wiki:
Check out the blog:
Also there are a couple of videos out there:
General thoughts:
Getting started:
Simple App example:
We did not document the basics of GWT MVP. This is done very nicely in the GWT docs.