Custom widget dropdown - flutter

If I do not click:
When I press the button in the red circle:
Hello, I want to ask. What widget can I use to get a design like this? When the red circle is pressed, another menu will appear and can be pressed to go to another menu. I tried using the dropdown button but it doesn't work as I want. I have also used ListTileTheme and ExpansionTile but it still doesn't work as I want. Anyone can share an opinion.

Flutter's core dropdown widget works almost exactly like your example, and there is a widget that extends it even further. You should then be able to nest further menus if that's what you need it to do. Flutter DropdownButton2


How to create dropdown widget in flutter

I am trying to make a dropdown widget that appears from the location of the clicked widget. I know there are a lot of solutions on the internet already regarding this, however, none of the ones I found serve my specific needs.
Using dropdown packages: This does not work, as these widgets do not provide any way of customization. They are always just lists of items. What I want is a dropdown Container that I can fully customize.
Using dialogs: It is tough to customize the location of these dialogs. I want it to appear right at the location of the clicked button/widget.
The white circle here is the widget that is supposed to be clicked on
This is what is supposed to appear after clicking the circle. As you can see here it is not placed correctly. The circle in the widget and the circle we click should be on top of each other. And the dropdown itself should be a container not a list of widgets like here as opposed to a dropdown list.
I believe this question should provide you with an answer.
If not, feel free to say so.
(The answer points to this package: flutter_portal)

Flutter: Dismissible Widget using button

I would like to have a dismissible widget. So far I've used the Dismissible widget that works well when you want to swipe to dismiss.
Is there a way to dismiss by clicking a button/icon? Something like this.
Have a look at the package another_flushbar. I used the predecessor flushbar which had loads of options. another_flushbar seems to have the same functionality so you might be able to achieve this

Using AlertDialog on a stack widget in flutter

I have a basic layout where I am using a stack widget to hold my other widgets.. I have a side toolbar, inside that I have a pen menu on click of which a popup should appear. When i am clicking the pen menu an alert dialog appears but not in the expected place, what i mean is...
I am expecting a dialog like the one in the below image. Do I need to use any plugin to create a dialog like this with a chevron mark?enter image description here
As you are using Alert dialog, it will by default be aligned in center of your screen. In order to achieve what you are trying to, I would suggest using a plugin like this.

Flutter. ColorFiltered with click through it

I am using this
colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Colors.black54, BlendMode.srcOut),
In order to create an overlay over my entire screen and then I cut out a section of it in order go highlight a widget which is below this overlay. Something similar to this:
My problem is that the widget behind it, is not clickable. The overlay consumes the click. How can I mark just that particular zone, to be clickable ? Nothing more, nothing less.
I know I could use IgnorePointer but ... if I set it as a parent to ColorFiltered it'll just allow all the widget behind the overlay to be clicked. I need it to work ONLY on the highlighted area.
I'm starting to thing I need to rethink the highlighter, in order to achieve this functionality. Am I right ?

Does flutter has any equivalent widget as android spinner?

I know there is DropDown Button but how dropdown button work is it show content in popup style and i want to implement autocomplete textfield and want to interact with textfield while suggestion come under textfield.
There is a package available for this that you can use and it works very nicely.
You can also fetch the suggestions list from API.
Here is the link