MediatR what is the proper way to combine multiple commands in one - command

I'm trying to use MediatR and everything looks good but i'm not sure what is the proper way to reuse the commands.
For example if I have a TodoListEntity a command (CreateTodoListCommand).
Everything is clear for now but what if I want to reuse this command and trigger some different behaviour.
For example i have two Todo forms.
When the form is triggered from AdminController only save in database is triggered. That should be ok.
I have a second form that is triggered from UserController. When customer fills the form I want to be created a record in the database, save some other information in another database table, and send email to the customer.
What is the proper way to reuse CreateTodoListCommand and combine it with other commands?
Create new command CreateTodoListFromUserControllerCommand which contains something like this?
await _mediator.Send(new CreateTodoListCommand());
await _mediator.Send(new SaveTodoListAdditionalDataCommand());
await _mediator.Publish(new TodoListCreatedEventFromUserControllerHandler());
Or there is something better than this?


CQRS - How to handle if a command requires data from db (query)

I am trying to wrap my head around the best way to approach this problem.
I am importing a file that contains bunch of users so I created a handler called
ImportUsersCommandHandler and my command is ImportUsersCommand that has List<User> as one of the parameters.
In the handler, for each user that I need to import I have to make sure that the UserType is valid, this is where the confusion comes in. I need to do a query against the database, to get list of all possible user types and than for each user I am importing, I want to verify that the user type id in the import matches one that is in the db.
I have 3 options.
Create a query GetUserTypesQuery and get the rest of this and then pass it on to the ImportUsersCommand as a list and verify inside the command handler
Call the GetUserTypesQuery from the command itself and not pass it (command calling another query)
Do not create a GetUsersTypeQuery and just do the query results within the command (still a query but no query/handler involved)
I feel like all these are dirty solutions and not the correct way to apply CQRS.
I agree option 1 sounds the best but would maybe suggest adding a pre handler to validate your input?
So ImportUsersCommandHandler deals with importing you data (and only that) and add a handler that runs before that validates (in your example, checks the user types and maybe other stuff) and bails out of it does not pass. So it queries the db, checks the usertypes and does whatever it needs to if it fails. Otherwise it just passes down to your business handler (ImportUsersCommandHandler).
I am used to using Mediatr in NET Core and this pattern works well (this is what we do) so sorry if this does not fit with your environment/setup!

Using luigi to update Postgres table

I've just started using the luigi library. I am regularly scraping a website and inserting any new records into a Postgres database. As I'm trying to rewrite parts of my scripts to use luigi, it's not clear to me how the "marker table" is supposed to be used.
Scrape data
Query DB to check if new data differs from old data.
If so, store the new data in the same table.
However, using luigi's postgres.CopyToTable, if the table already exists, no new data will be inserted. I guess I should be using the inserted column in the table_updates table to figure out what new data should be inserted, but it's unclear to me what that process looks like and I can't find any clear examples online.
You don't have to worry about marker table much: it's an internal table luigi uses to track which task has already been successfully executed. In order to do so, luigi uses the update_id property of your task. If you didn't declared one, then luigi will use the task_id as shown here. That task_id is a concatenation of the task family name and the first three parameters of your task.
The key here is to overwrite the update_id property of your task and return a custom string that you'll know will be unique for each run of your task. Usually you should use the significant parameters of your task, something like:
def update_id(self):
return ":".join(self.param1, self.param2, self.param3)
By significant I mean parameters that change the output of your task. I imagine parameters like website url o id, and scraping date. Parameters like the hostname, port, username or password of your database will be the same for any of these tasks so they shouldn't be considered significant.
Notice that without having details about your tables and the data you're trying to save its pretty hard to say how you must build that update_id string, so please be careful.

Which way should I create a list of objects when sending POST request

When I creating same type objects and save them into database, should I send a list of that objects in one request or should I send individually for each one?
For example, I would like to create a todo list, I can create multiple todos, then click save to send a list of todos, or when I finish editing one todo, I save it directly.
The first way can save request numbers, only one request needed to create many objects. But is the first way RESTful? All infomation about create in REST is creating a single object, but will there be poblems if increasing requests numbers?
Thank you guys answering me.
For a more spicific usecase, I am using Django Rest Framework. I created a Todo model and a corresponding serializer. I am wondering, how could I create a list of Todos? I tried to send a list of Todos to serializer, and expecting serializer can automatically loop through it as same as getting a list of instance. But that doesn't work. I know I may be able to create a loop to call create method everytime. But is there a better way to do it?
There is nothing in REST that tells you what kind of payload you are allowed to use. You can POST/PUT whatever you want - one entity representation or many representations, in lists, dictionaries, XML, URL-encoded key/values or JSON, what ever suits your use case best.
In your case you might even want to send a delta/diff list of changes on the client: Lets for instance say your client loads some existing 3 todo items. Then the user modifies one of them, deletes another one and adds a new one. You can either do that in three requests or one single request with add/modify/delete operations encoded in it. Both ways are valid and the best solution depends on your use case and constraints like bandwidth, processing power and network round-trip time.

How do I trigger form validation without binding a request?

I have a very long order form that enables saving drafts. If saved as draft, only order name is required but when actually placing an order a more thorough validation is required. I implemented this by using different validation groups. When editing the order I display two buttons: "Save draft" and "Place order". Each of them performs validation using a different validation group.
But now I would like to make a button on the list of orders which enables to change order status from 'draft' to 'placed' directly. To do so, validation must be performed without displaying edit form and submitting it. I would just like to validate the entity that is already in the database. I can use the validator service and everything is simple as long as the data is valid. But in case data isn't valid, I would like to redirect user to the edit form with fields with missing data highlighted. The idea seems to load data from database into the form and run validation as if that data were sent using a browser but execution of this doesn't seem to be trivial because Symfony2 triggers validation on form only when binding the request.
I was going through the Symfony source code and found s class called Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\EventListener\ValidationListener. It seems to attach itself on the FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT event. Is there a way to trigger this event manually from the controller without request binding? Or are there any alternative approaches to my problem?
Just to point out the correct answer already given by Matjaž Drolc in the comments:
If you want to validate a form without getting the data from the request, you have to call the form->submit() function, because Symfony does not validate the fields if they are not marked as submitted, which is done by this function.
Call the function like this
$form->submit(array(), false);
With an empty array as the submitted data and not clearing the missing fields.

Validating and update entities in Zend Framework 2 + Doctrine 2

The title may not be as accurate, if someone finds a better one and can update it, please do so :)
I have a small CMS to edit users.
I'm using Zend Framework 2 + Doctrine 2.
I have a fieldset + form to add a user and (possibly) the same one to update them.
The User entity has the following fields:id, username, password, email.
The fieldset has two validators that check if the username and the email already exist.
Since I'm using the same to update the users, when I change for example the username of the user and keep the email the same, it throws an error that the "email exists" (which is normal due to the validator) and the same when I change the username and keep the email etc.
What I want is to avoid that behavior and make it so it checks them only when they are really changed/updated.
I thought of some ways, but I'm not sure what the "best" approach would be to this.
Hardcode the whole thing, by checking if the fields change and then do the validation (which makes the whole fieldset pretty much useless)
Make a function in the User entity that accepts an array with the new values, then compares them to the old ones and passes the changed ones to a "validation" function that returns the errors (which is mostly like the previous way, but I guess a bit more structured)
Write a validator and attach it to a new form which will query the db to check if the email/username exists and it's not already in use by the particular id, but I'm not quite sure on how to write it since I can't figure out how to pass the id and the field to the validator
I guess the 3rd one would be the best since it does 2 jobs at one time, by checking if the field changed and is not already in use by another user.
What do you suggest? How do you deal with that kind of scenario?
I can post any code that is needed, but I think this is more of a structural problem and that the code I used is too common and easy to figure out.