What's the best option to securely store sensitive configuration values in the Azure Container Apps: secrets or key vault? - azure-container-apps

My application contains some of sentive variables that need to be protected, including data base connection, for example.
There is a secrets in the azure container apps that i can use, but there is a key vault too. What is the best choice to use secret variables in the azure container apps?
Thank you very much


How does a Secret .yaml file keep secret (username/password safe) as base64 could be decoded

In deployment.yaml file, we don't add username and password but refer them using secret. This way,the username/password don't get stored in code repositories. In secret.yaml, the username and password are encoded in base64 (which can be decoded). From best practice persepective, doesn't secret.yaml also get source-controlled somewhere (thereby also storing the username/password in version control). If so, what is the benefit of using Secret ?
There are a few aspects to be considered when keeping k8s secrets secret.
Data encryption at rest
There's the configuration option --encryption-provider-config, which instructs the api server whether and how to encrypt data in etcd. There's lots more in the docs.
Role Based Access Control is one authz possibility for k8s. Using it, access to secrets can be restricted, so not every user or service account can see secrets, already existing in the cluster, think of kubectl get secret others-secret -n some-ns -o yaml. With RBAC you can create roles with specific sets of permissions - allowing or not access to secrets per namespace - and then assign those roles to users, groups or even service accounts, as you see fit.
Secrets manifests and VCS
3.1 Encryption
There are quite a few tools allowing for encryption of files with sensitive data, which would allow you to commit the file with the secrets to a version control system, if that's what you need. A simpler one would be mozilla SOPS and one somewhat sophisticated and complex might be Vault for example. Whichever it is, it would definitely be nice if not necessary, to be possible to easily integrate it in any delivery pipeline.
3.2 Don't store secrets manifests
An alternative approach to the above would be to not store any files with secrets. Create the secret and with regular cluster backups (tools like velero for instance) you should have nothing to worry about.
As you said, secrets are not encrypted but only base64 encoded. Where secrets really add value is that they allow you to keep your passwords, keys, tokens out of your codebase/git repos. If you push your code to Github, you will not be pushing your secrets there. For this reason they are called secrets and add a layer of safety.
However, if someone gets access to your cluster, secrets will be mere plaintext to them.
The recommended way to store the secrets is to use a vault.
Good one. Some time ago I already answered Kubernetes secret is really secret? question, check there all the info.
If you configure the secret through a manifest (JSON or YAML) file
which has the secret data encoded as base64, sharing this file or
checking it in to a source repository means the secret is compromised.
Base64 encoding is not an encryption method and is considered the same
as plain text.

Mongodb: Client side Field Level encryption - integration with Hashicorp vault

We plan to use client-side field-level encryption for some confidential fields in our product. To generate and manage the Customer Master key, we want to use Hashicorp Vault. KMS providers currently supported are only: Amazon Web Services KMS and Locally Managed Keyfile.
To work with Hashicorp Vault, it seems, we need to choose Locally Managed Keyfile as the KMS provider. This means that the Master key will be fetched from Vault in memory and then used in the code to encrypt/decrypt the DEK (Data Encryption Key). Ideally, the decryption of DEK should happen in the vault itself as a best practice, and master key should not be brought out of Vault.
Is there a way to achieve this? There are numerous articles around encryption at rest and integration with Hashicorp vault, but none of them is for CSFLE. Need help if anyone is using CSFLE.

Edit sql file to secure credentials during deployment of project in azure devOps

I am using an open source tool for deployment of schema for my warehouse snowflake. I have successfully done it for tables, views and procedures. Currently I'm facing an issue, I have to deploy snowflake stages same way. But stages required url and azure saas token when you define it in your sql file like this:
CREATE or replace STAGE myStage
URL = 'azure://xxxxxxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/'
CREDENTIALS = ( AZURE_SAS_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' )
file_format = myFileFormat;
As it is not encouraged to use your credentials in file that will be published on version control and access by others. Is there a way/task in azure devOps so I can just pass a template SQL file in repo and change it before compilation and execution(may be via azure key vault) and change back to template? So these credentials and token always remain secure.
Have you considered using a STORAGE INTEGRATION, instead? If you use the storage integration credentials and grant that to your Blob storage, then you'd be able to create STAGE objects without passing any credentials at all.
For this issue ,you can use credential-less stages to secure your cloud storage without sharing secrets.
Here agree with Mike, storage integrations, a new object type, allow a Snowflake administrator to create a trust policy between Snowflake and the cloud provider. When Snowflake connects to the organization’s cloud storage, the cloud provider authenticates and authorizes access through this trust policy.
Storage integrations and credential-less external stages put into the administrator’s hands the power of connecting to storage in a secure and manageable way. This functionality is now generally available in Snowflake.
For details ,please refer to this document. In addition, you can also via azure key vault, key vault provides a secure place for accessing and storing secrets.

What to use in Production environment instead of UserSecrets

I have a console app in dotnet core. I use appsettings.Development.josn and appsettings.Staging.json for dev and staging environment but for the production environment i use the UserSecrets. I have two problem when the app is running on production env it does not create UserSecrets in the %Appdata%/Microsoft so I have to make it manually and then it starts to work.
Another part of my question is this:
today I found out that microsoft wrote here
The Secret Manager tool is used only in development. You can safeguard Azure test and production secrets with the Microsoft Azure Key Vault configuration provider. See Azure Key Vault configuration provider for more information.
I dont have Azure. What can I use in production if I am not supposed to use the UserSecrets.
While environment variables are one of the most used options in web development and The Twelve Factor App documents states: "Store config in the environment" there are some reasons why this may not be the best approach:
the environment is implicitly available to the process and it's hard to track access. As a result, for example, you may face with situation when your error report will contain your secrets
The whole environment is passed down to child processes (if not explicitly filtered). So your secret keys are implicitly made available to any 3rd-party tools that may be used.
All this are one of the reasons why products like Vault become popular nowadays.
So, yes, you may use environment variables, but be aware)
For storing secure data in your app, if you're using Azure, So Azure KeyValut is your answer, you can see Azure Microsoft Azure Key Valut,
In case you're using K8S, you can store it on CSI driver
Or system OS environment variables

How to use sensitive passwords needed to run scripts within RunDeck?

I have a case where the RunDeck scripts do need some credentials in order to run. Obviously we do not want to store these in the job definitions because these are visible and also stored in SCM.
While I was able to use the Key Storage vault to put these secrets in, I was not able to find a way to access them from the job itself.
Rundeck 2.6.2 (released 2015-12-02) allows you to specify key storage secrets as default values for secure job options. See Secure Options using Key Storage