Analytical (non-numerical) OLS solution for ARCH model in which coefficients are powers of each other, proceeded by alpha and constant - linear-regression

An ARCH(q) model can be esimated by OLS via :
OLS model
(Francq, C., & Zakoian, J. M. (2019). GARCH models: structure, statistical inference and financial applications. John Wiley & Sons. p. 161/162)
But how about an ARCH(q) model with the following specifications:
special ARCH(q) model
where i goes from one to q. Can I still estimate such a model with OLS instead of MLE ?
Thank you for your help!


Is it possible to calculate the posterior probability of any type of classifiers?

As i know, some classifiers such as Naive Bayes calculate the posterior probability of data and based on it produce the result.
My question is that does any classifier can produce posterior probability?
for example how decision tree can generate it?
Some classification models such as logistic regression and neural networks compute posterior class probabilities directly. Models based on generative models, such the quadratic discriminant and models derived from mixture densities, also compute posterior class probabilities. Decision trees can be easily adapted to output a class probability by returning the proportion of positive examples from leaves of the tree.
A prominent exception is the support vector machine, which doesn't return a probability. I think maybe someone has tried to modify it to return a probability; dunno how that worked out.
See Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, "Elements of Statistical Learning" (or any of many texts) for more about this stuff. Further questions of this kind should probably go to

Statistical Distributions

I work on image treatment, and I have been working on Ultrasound images to help in the diagnosis of a specific cardiac disease. I am applying statistical methods to characterize the speckle in the images. Those are the statistical distributions such as Gamma, Rayleigh, Nakagami, etc.
I am very much interested in finding MATLAB codes for the following distributions for parameter estimation:
- K
- Homodyned K
- Generalized Gamma
- Generalized Gamma Mixture Model
Your help is appreciated,

measuring uncertainty in matlabs svmclassify

I'm doing contextual object recognition and I need a prior for my observations. e.g. this space was labeled "dog", what's the probability that it was labeled correctly? Do you know if matlabs svmclassify has an argument to return this level of certainty with it's classification?
If not, matlabs svm has the following structures in it:
SupportVectors: [11x124 single]
Alpha: [11x1 double]
Bias: 0.0915
KernelFunction: #linear_kernel
KernelFunctionArgs: {}
GroupNames: {11x1 cell}
SupportVectorIndices: [11x1 double]
ScaleData: [1x1 struct]
FigureHandles: []
Can you think of any ways to compute a good measure of uncertainty from these? (Which support vector to use?) Papers/articles explaining uncertainty in SVMs welcome. More in depth explanations of matlabs SVM are also welcome.
If you can't do it this way, can you think of any other libraries with SVMs that have this measure of uncertainty?
Hint: I would suggest that you modify the svmclassify.m function to pass the f values of the svmdecision.m to the user. This is in addition to the outputclass.
To access svmclassify.m, just type the following in the Matlab command line:
open svmclassify
I found that svmdecision.m ( can pass the f value; so the following may be substitude when calling the svmdecision.m in svmclassify.m:
[classified, f] = svmdecision(sample,svmStruct);
By further passing this f value to the user, the multi-class implementations such as one-vs-all may be designed with the binary classifier already built in Matlab.
f values are what you are looking for in terms of comparison of different inputs being related to their output class.
I hope this helps you to write your code and understand it! though you've probably solved your problem by now.
I know this was posted a long time ago, but I think the author is looking for a measure of uncertainty in the output of the trained SVM, whether the output is an estimated label or an estimated probability, which are both point estimates. One measure would be the variance of the output for the same input x. The problem is that regular SVMs are not stochastic models, such as probabilistic/Bayesian neural nets for example. The inference with an SVM is always the same, given the same x.
I would need to check, but perhaps it would be possible to train an SVM with stochastic regularization. Maybe some form of stochastic margin maximization, whereby during the steps of the optimization routine, input training vectors can undergo small stochastic perturbations or perhaps randomly chosen features could be dropped out. Similarly, during testing, one could drop or modify different randomly chosen features, producing different point estimates each time. Then, you could take the variance of the estimates, producing the measure of uncertainty.
It could be argued that, if the input x presents patterns that the model is not familiar with, the point estimates will be wildly unstable and variable.
One simple illustration can be the following: Imagine a 2d toy example, where the two classes are well separated and occupy a dense range of feature values. While a model trained on this set will generalize well to points that fall into the distribution/range of the values seen in the train data, it would be quite unstable given a test observation that sits far away from both classes, but at the same latitude, so to speak, as the separating hyperplane. Such an observations presents a challenge to the model since a tiny perturbation of one of the support vectors could cause a tiny rotation in the separating hyperplane, not significantly changing training or validation error, but potentially changing the estimate of the far-away test observation by a lot.
Are you supplying the data and doing the training yourself? If so, the best thing to do is to partition your data into training and test sets. Matlab has a function for this called cvpartition. You can use the classification results on the test data to estimate the rate of false positive and the miss rate. For a binary classification task, those two numbers will quantify the uncertainty. For a classification test with multiple hypotheses the best thing to do, probably, is to compile your results in a confusion matrix.
edit. found some older code I'd used that might help a little
LIBSVM, which also has a Matlab interface, has an option -b that makes the classification function return probability estimates. They seem to be computed following the general approach of Platt (2000), which is to perform a one-dimensional logistic regression applied to the decision values.
Platt, J. C. (2000). Probabilities for SV machines. In Smola, A. J. et al. (eds.) Advances in large margin classifiers. pp. 61–74. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Beginners issue in polynomial curve fitting [Part 1]

I have just started understanding modeling techniques based on regression models and was going through MATLAB curve fitting toolbox and the SO. I have fundamental doubts and unable to proceed further. I have a single vector set with k=100 data points which I want to fit into an AR model,MA model,ARMA model successively to see which is better suited.Starting with an AR(p) model of the form y(k+1)=a*y(k)+ b*y(k-1)The command
coeff = polyfit(x,y,d)
will fit a polynomial of degree say d=1 with p number of coefficients indicating the order of the model (AR(p)). But I just have 1 set of data which is the recording of the angular moment.So,what will go as the first parameter (x) of the function signature i.e what will be x,y?Then, what if the linear models are not good enough so I may have to select the nonlinear models.Can somebody please guide with code snippets what are the steps in fitting,checking for overfitting,residual calculation etc.
x is likely to be k (index of y). And the whole code:
c =polyfit(1:length(y), y, d).
Matlab has a curve fitting toolbox. You could use it to check different nonlinear fitting in GUI to get some intuition.
If you want steps there's a great Coursera Machine Learning course. The beginning of this course is related to linear regression and I recommend you to spend some hours at least on that beginning.

Good results with NN, not with SVM; cause for concern?

I have painstakingly gathered data for a proof-of-concept study I am performing. The data consists of 40 different subjects, each with 12 parameters measured at 60 time intervals and 1 output parameter being 0 or 1. So I am building a binary classifier.
I knew beforehand that there is a non-linear relation between the input-parameters and the output so a simple perceptron of Bayes classifier would be unable to classify the sample. This assumption proved correct after initial tests.
Therefore I went to neural networks and as I hoped the results were pretty good. An error of about 1-5% is generally the result. The training is done by using 70% as training and 30% as evaluation. Running the complete dataset again (100%) through the model I was very happy with the results. The following is a typical confusion matrix (P = positive, N = negative):
P 13 2
N 3 42
So I am happy and with the notion that I used a 30% for evaluation I am confident that I am not fitting noise.
Therefore I resolved to SVM for a double check and the SVM was unable to converge to a good solution. Most of the time the solutions are terrible (say 90% error...). Maybe I am not fully aware of SVM's or the implementations are not correct, but it troubles me because I thought that when NN provide a good solution, SVM's are most of the time better in seperating the data due to their maximum-margin hyperplane.
What does this say of my result? Am I fitting noise? And how do I know if this is a correct result?
I am using Encog for the calculations but the NN results are comparable to home-grown NN models I made.
If it is your first time to use SVM, I strongly recommend you to take a look at A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classication, by authors of a famous SVM package libsvm. It gives a list of suggestions to train your SVM classifier.
Transform data to the format of an SVM package
Conduct simple scaling on the data
Consider the RBF kernel
Use cross-validation to nd the best parameter C and γ
Use the best parameter C and γ
to train the whole training set
In short, try scaling your data and carefully choosing the kernal plus the parameters.