GitHub - Error: (/github/workspace/./_config.yml): mapping values are not allowed in this context - github

I'm unfamiliar with GitHub and having an error while building an online CV using jekyll.
The error message is:
Error: (/github/workspace/./_config.yml):
mapping values are not allowed in this context.
What is causing this error and how can I resolve it?
Not sure if this is enough context, but I'm happy to provide the reciprocity to get some help with figuring it out.

Double-check your yaml workflow file for your GitHub Action (using for instance YAML Lint or YAML Validator)
That will tell you if something is misplaced, and would explain the error message.


Why can't I read variable values anymore?

So I’ve been having some sort of issue with my iOS project.
I’m no longer able to debug properly on xcode the po command will no longer work.
this is what I get when i try to use “po”
error: expression failed to parse:
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: couldn't IRGen expression. Please check the above error messages for possible root causes.
can someone clarify what is going on?
i’ve already tried to clean derived data.
I also tried to follow these steps just to end up with another problem.
unable to debug some variables

What is the octokit.js's method for updating Readme file?

I am using Octokit/rest to edit github files. When I am trying to edit the ReadMe file using the octokit.repos.createOrUpdateFileContents it throws the following error:
HttpError: Not Found
And this is the url I received in the error message:
So the error must be that the API call to get the readme file is wrong. So what is the correct method to use to update the ReadMe file?
edit:Created another file with a random name and tried to reach it via this method, it also throws the same error.
Thank you.
Sorry, it's my bad that I used underscore in the repo owner value. I should have used a hyphen. That's the error.
Leaving it here so someone might find it helpful in the future.

ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

I recently got some errors from GCP Cloud SQL, and googled to find anyone who would experience the same error, but couldn't find any.
As already mentioned in the title, the error was as follows:
ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter
Thought I could get it resolved by configuring the parameter on the console, but I didn't find the parameter on the list of parameters GCP supports.
Has anyone experienced the same and can share the solution to get it sorted out?

Azure Data Factory CICD error: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference

All, when running a build pipeline using Azure Devops with ARM template, the process is consistently failing when trying to deploy a dataset or a reference to a dataset with this error:
ARM Template deployment: Resource Group scope (AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment)
BadRequest: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference 'dataset_1'.
I've tried renaming the dataset and also recreating it to see if that would help.
I then deleted the dataset_1.json file from the repo and still get the same message so it's some reference to this dataset and not the dataset itself I think. I've looked through all the other files for references to this but they all look fine.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
try this
Looks like you have created 'myTestLinkedService' linked service, tested connection but haven't published it yet and trying to reference that linked service in the new dataset that you are trying to create using Powershell.
In order to reference any data factory entity from Powershell, please make sure those entities are published first. Please try publishing the linked service first from the portal and then try to run your Powershell script to create the new dataset/actvitiy.
I think I found the issue. When I went into the detailed logs I found that in addition to this error there was an error message about an invalid SQL connection string, so I though it may be related since the dataset in question uses Azure SQL database linked service.
I adjusted the connection string and this seems to have solved the issue.

What does the "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key" mean in VSTS ARM release

My ARM template resource group deployment fails in VSTS.
I get an error without any specific reference to parameter that has an issue: "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see for details."
The referenced url contain general information, with one comment asking the same question, but no answer to it.
Person asking it alluded that it may have something to do with the version of the deployment step (2.*) and it not using Powershell anymore. I went though the template back and forth comparing parameters in BeyondCompare and nothing sticks out...
Does anyone know what does this error mean?
I had the same issue and found out that some parameters has a space in their values.
So you should write -adminUsername "$(vmuser)".
This works for me
Check Your parameter key or value does not have space in between.
if your value required space then, use "".
check this link.
direct value -param1 "Value with Space"
value from pipeline variables -param1 "$(valueFromVariables)".
It means you've got a parameterkey in your deployment template without a name. For example "-" instead of "-parametername" or "- parametername" (notice the space).
It can also happen if you manage to paste an 'em-dash' (e.g. from a web browser) instead of a standard dash.
We had the same as matendie; a space between the dash and the parameter name:
- pricingTier "standard"
^ note the space
So, I'm not sure what the issue was, but I gave up on trying to identify the problem, and I deleted the release definition. Recreating it from scratch using the same template, works fine now...
Maybe the definition got some how corrupted.
Not sure, but new one is not having this issue.
In my case the problem was with template parameters override. I needed to put parameter value in quotes - "DEV" on screenshot below.
Ran into this the other day. The release pipeline used to be working, and it suddenly started failing continuously with this error:
Error text:
##[error] One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see for details.
##[warning] Validation errors were found in the Azure Resource Manager template. This can potentially cause template deployment to fail. Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.. Please follow
Starting Deployment.
Deployment name is TemplateDeployment-20220504-******-****
There were errors in your deployment. Error code: InvalidDeploymentParameterKey.
##[error] One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see for details.
##[error] Check out the troubleshooting guide to see if your issue is addressed:
##[error] Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.
Change that caused the error
I had changed the build pipeline such that the build numbers would now have spaces in it: so it changed from my-build-number to my build number. I was still using template param overrides this way: -buildNumber $(Build.BuildNumber):
this would expand to -buildNumber my build number, which breaks the command line processing of the ARM template deployment release task.
Used quotes for my build number variable: -buildNumber "$(Build.BuildNumber)":
Now this would expand to -buildNumber "my build number", and the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template deployment release task is happy: