Setting little app icon in iOS in .NET MAUI app - maui

All the app icons in my .NET MAUI app seem to work correctly, except for this little guy on iOS. You see this icon when you swipe up to see all the open apps.
I guess, somehow I'm missing this but I uploaded all the icons with different sizes Apple requires for iOS apps. Which one is this icon and how do I make sure I'm giving Apple my app's icon for this particular size so it doesn't default to the .NET icon?

Yes,this is often the case when you are using images that are not formatted correctly or are very complex. And I've had similar problems before.
Vector graphics are highly recommended in ios.


How to specify different dock icon in Swift for macOS App

My app icons are a light blue with clear background and I find that it doesn't show up nicely in the macOS dock.
I'm trying to find a way to use a different icon for the dock icon only but can't seem to find a way to do it programatically or through Xcode.
The dock icon I created does adhere to the Apple HIG guidelines however I'm not distributing through the App Store anyways.
Can anyone help me out?
I'm using XCode 13 with Swift 5.
Setting NSApp.applicationIconImage should do what you need.
EDIT: If you need to display a custom icon even when the app is not running, you need to make a dock tile plugin. Unfortunately, documentation on this is pretty scarce, but basically you need to make a plugin target, embed it inside your app's bundle with the extension .docktileplugin, put the path to your plugin in your app's Info.plist under the NSDockTilePlugIn key, and then make the plugin's principal class implement the NSDockTilePlugIn protocol. Also keep in mind that dock tile plugins are not allowed in the Mac App Store, so you'll need to self-publish with a Developer ID certificate if you go this route.

Apple App Store not showing correct icon in iOS 7

I've updated one of my apps to support both iOS6 and iOS7. After the update was approved, the icon for the app in search results is incorrect on iOS7.
As you can see, the icon is correct on the app page, but not correct in the search results page (you can tell by the rounded corners). It is showing the iOS6 icon in the search results.
I setup the icons for the projects with the new method that uses the Images.xcassets folder. In iTunesConnect, I uploaded the new icon, and the iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork#2x files are both the correct versions.
I'm fairly convinced this is an issue on Apple's end. Here is a thread on another website about the same issue:
iOS7 App store search icons. Btw, if you check various apps in the App Store, you can see that a lot of them have this common problem, the icon displayed in search results is the incorrect/iOS6 version.
Anybody know what the deal is? This is so annoying.
I had the same problem with one of my apps on iOS7. It seems it is an issue on Apple's side.
I had everything setup correctly in Xcode, but the icon displayed in search results was wrong.
In the last update I finally solved the problem. It seems Apple always takes "Icon#2x.png" for search results on the App Store. It doesn't matter what you set in Images.xcassets or Info.plist. Apple will probably fix the problem soon, for the moment you can just replace the "Icon#2x.png" file.
If you were looking for an answer to this problem, this isn't the answer you were looking for. I feel that it is too late in the game for Apple to do anything about this issue, since at this point nobody cares about iOS6. Therefore, the best course of action is to just make all icons for iOS7, meaning if you have a border in your icon, make the roundness of the border match iOS7 for all sizes. This will result in the icon looking slightly weird on an iOS6 device, but at this point that is an extremely minor issue.

margins for ios app icons

I have an icon for my iOS app that seems to be missing some margins that other icons have. This creates an irregular, unwanted border around the icon when it is selected in Springboard (as the darkened selection overlay is smaller than the actual icon), as visible in this image:
When another app is selected (Safari, for example), there is no extra border:
I've tried this out with "Prerendered" setting (in the Xcode Target Summary page) on and off with no visible difference. I've also noticed other apps icons that have this issue. When I look at the icon for an app that doesn't have this issue, I do notice margins of a few pixels on every side.
I couldn't find any values listed online for the margins of different icon sizes. Does someone happen to know the values for the margins, or a program that can create the images with the correct margins? Or is there something else I may be missing?
(Note that the icons are not parallel due to the wiggling icons do in the app-deletion mode of Springboard. The 72#2x visible on the icon is--I assume--a separate issue.)
UPDATE: I myself have verified this on both a iPod Touch 4 (iOS 5) and iPhone 4 (iOS 6). (If it matters, both devices are jailbroken.) The project contains the following icons: Icon (57x57), Icon#2x (114x114), Icon-72 (72x72) and Icon-72#2x (144x144).
UPDATE 2: Since I'm developing an app for Cydia, the automatic icon rounding done by Springboard for regular App Store apps doesn't seem to be a possibility (see comments in #Vojtech Vrbka's answer).
UPDATE 3: Posted my solution to this problem (also removed the linked question in the last paragraph before the updates).
If you are making round corners manually, don't. Use square icon and the round corners will be added automatically.
Here is list of all sizes, that you should include in your app: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines
It turns out the main problem I had was not knowing what margins to use, but that my app did not get the automatic rounded corners (and margins) from Springboard which regularly installed apps would get (as my app is for Cydia, meaning it's basically a System App, and I was installing it manually to /Applications).
I found a similar question here, which had two useful answers, one which provides a potential way to prepare the icons manually, and another which names a useful app in Cydia which can create the icons correctly: (most likely using the method from the other answer).

iOS Localize Splash Screen in Xcode 4.6

I found a bug in Xcode 4.6 during the App Store submission process.
The problem is from May 1, 2013, Apple reject applications that doesn't support retina display and iPhone 5.
To understand if an application is optimized for iPhone 5 the process looks into the launch image section in the settings:
The problem born when you try to localize the splash screen: to localize splash screen you must drag the image NOT in the launch images section, but in the supporting file folder in project navigator. Then localize the image and call it Default.png (and with other appropriate name for iPhone 5 and iPad). This procedure cause the launch images sections are blank even if all works fine: in the device you can see the correct splash based on device language.
But, because Apple looks into this section to understand if an app is optimized for iPhone 5 you can't able to publish the app and the process returns you this error: iPhone 5 optimization required.
This is a bug in Xcode because the process I mentioned works fine...
Has anyone have encountered this problem and found a solution to it?
please check this:
" can also localize your application icons and launch images by placing files with the same name in your language-specific project directories. Even if you provide localized versions, however, you should always include a default version of these files at the top-level of your application bundle. The default version is used in situations where a specific localization is not available..." from Apple
I had the same problem, and I have solved it using UILaunchImageFile key in the app Info.plist and renaming the splash images, check the documentation for a more complete explanation

Dynamic (Default.png) splashscreen in 3.0 [iPhone SDK]

I know it's possible to create a dynamically changable Default.png by creating a symbolic link. But that's not possible in iPhone SDK 3.0 anymore (only in 2.0).
How can I make this in 3.0, or is this impossible?
This worked on iPhone OS 2.0 but not on iPhone OS 3.0 anymore. The default-screen is always black.
I can change the default-screen in the documents-folder and the symbolic-link does link to that file. I tested that by browsing to the app-folder from the Simulator. I saw the right file in the documents-directory and I saw that the symbolic link points to that (the right) file.
It's not possible in 3.0. It was only possible on 2.0 because it was an exploitable bug. The bug was fixed in 3.0 which is why it's not possible.
Apple don't intend the Default.png to be a "splash screen".
If you read the HIG, you'll see that the Default.png is suppose to represent your user interface as it would be "empty" - without any content. It is intended to give the user the illusion of an "near instant" launch.
Check out all of the Apple apps on the iPhone and you'll see how the default.png is meant to be used properly.
Apple frown upon using the Default.png as a splash screen. They say that it is really only appropriate for apps such as games that don't use the standard UI elements that are provided in the SDK.
That being said - lots of apps these days are using this feature to show splash screens, and seems Apple aren't really enforcing this guideline.
Long story short, you can do a splash screen, but it can't be dynamic - not anymore.
Use a blank Default.png and then in your app delegate's -applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, load a UIView that contains your dynamic content. This solution sidesteps any conflicts with Apple's SDK terms as well as all technical problems.