Flutter communication notification - flutter

Im already using the awesome_notifications package to create custom notifications in my Flutter app but it doesn’t seem to support communication notifications for iOS (notifications with a profile picture instead of the app icon). I don’t know if there’s a plan to add this in the future and it’s been a year since these notifications were released with iOS 15 so I’m looking for other solutions. Are there any example Flutter apps with a platform channel or something like that to create communication notifications?


Flutter background notifications large icon

I am using firebase messaging for the notifications of my app and i want to add large icon in the notification but i couldn't find a way to do so with FCM neither the FCM docs have anything about this.
I tried using data only notifications. They are working fine on android but on ios the notifications are not shown. I tried passing content-available:true but it didn't work. Please help.

Flutter background service, push notification?

in my application I need to send a request to the database 2 times a day and issue a notification on the response.
The problem is that the Dart codes I wrote should work even when the app is closed. I used workmanager background service and flutter_local_notifications. On the Android system, it works without problems, but on the IOS system, it constantly causes problems. How can I make things work the way I want for both Android and iOS?

Flutter in-app-purchase non-renewing-subscription

I want to make a periodic pass item(ex: 1 week pass, 1 month pass) for remove ads and access premium contents to user.
I saw Android has consumable, non-consumable, subscription.
And IOS has consumable, non-consumable, auto-renewable-subscription, non-renewable-subscription.
But in Flutter's In-App-Purchase, there's only two options: consumable and none-consumable.
How can I implement this to flutter app in Android and IOS both with In-App-Purchase?
You have to make your custom logic for it that will will work fine. I will suggest you to go with cron package to make the periodic tasks over android side workmanager is the best but it doesnt works over ios side but cron does. Alternatively you can get the work done with firebase schedule functions but its a bad approach the best one is cron with flutter in app purchase I've done similar task with over ios side as well.
Android and IOS both with In-App-Purchase with auto-renew working best and easy way in Revenuecat plugin
Link https://docs.flutterflow.io/advanced-functionality/payments/revenuecat

is it possible to make an application for video calls in Ionic?

I need to write an application with video chats (1:1), and i know Angular. There are tons of SDKs for Angular(or web) to handle video calls(like e.g. twilio.com, agora.io?). But my client need mobile app. It's possible to write native app in Ionic with video calls support? However, do I have to use something more professional like flutter to achieve this?
Is there any ready SDK to handle this in Ionic?
I am looking, I am looking for and I cannot find anything. And I have to make quick decisions in part.
Please help me :)
You can use the camera and the microphone with Ionic (in native or pwa mode).
Ionic fully supports Angular and Angular components.
I recommend you the use of notifications like Google FCM to notify the caller.
You can trigger an action directly from the notification (app in background or in app which is not the same).

Flutter : Run an app as a background service

I want to show a custom popup message whenever the user disconnects a cellular call. The problem is how to detect when the app is not running. any leads would be helpful.
It's been a while and there have been many developments.
First, there are some answers at How to create a service in Flutter to make an app to run always in background?
Also, flutter/Background processes will basically point you to medium/Executing Dart in the Background with Flutter Plugins and Geofencing (Sept 2018)
which is a Geofencing sample that involves a partnership between isolates, native Android/iOS code via MethodChannel, and PluginUtilities.getCallbackHandle (PluginUtilities)
Alas, there are many plugins available now:
https://pub.dev/packages/android_alarm_manager (Android)