Kafka Consumer and Producer - apache-kafka

Can I have the consumer act as a producer(publisher) as well? I have a user case where a consumer (C1) polls a topic and pulls messages. after processing the message and performing a commit, it needs to notify another process to carry on remaining work. Given this use case is it a valid design for Consumer (C1) to publish a message to a different topic? i.e. C1 is also acting as a producer

Yes. This is a valid use case. We have many production applications does the same, consuming events from a source topic, perform data enrichment/transformation and publish the output into another topic for further processing.
Again, the implementation pattern depends on which tech stack you are using. But if you after Spring Boot application, you can have look at https://medium.com/geekculture/implementing-a-kafka-consumer-and-kafka-producer-with-spring-boot-60aca7ef7551

Totally valid scenario, for example you can have connector source or a producer which simple push raw data to a topic.
The receiver is loosely coupled to your publisher so they cannot communicate each other directly.
Then you need C1 (Mediator) to consume message from the source, transform the data and publish the new data format to a different topic.

If you're using a JVM based client, this is precisely the use case for using Kafka Streams rather than the base Consumer/Producer API.
Kafka Streams applications must consume from an initial topic, then can convert(map), filter, aggregate, split, etc into other topics.


Producer-consumer processing pattern for Kafka processing

I'm implementing a streaming pipeline that resembles the illustration below:
*K-topic1* ---> processor1 ---> *K-topic2* ---> processor2 -->
*K-topic3* ---> processor3 --> *K-topic4*
The K-topic components represent Kafka topics and the processor components code (Python/Java).
For the processor component, the intention is to read/consume data from the topic, perform some processing/ETL on it, and persist the results to the next topic in the chain as well as persistent store such as S3.
I have a question regarding the design approach.
The way I see it, each processor component should encapsulate both consumer and producer functionality.
Would the best approach be to have a Processor module/class that could contain KafkaConsumer and KafkaProducer classes ? To date, most examples I've seen have separate consumer and producer components which are run separately and would entail running double the number of components
as opposed to encapsulating producers & consumers within each Processor object.
Any suggestions/references are welcome.
This question is different from
Designing a component both producer and consumer in Kafka
as that question specifically mentions using Samza which is not the case here.
the intention is to read/consume data from the topic, perform some processing/ETL on it, and persist the results to the next topic in the chain
This is exactly the strength of Kafka Streams and/or KSQL. You could use the Processor API, but from what you describe, I think you'll only need the Streams DSL API
persist the results to the next topic in the chain as well as persistent store such as S3.
From the above topic, you can use a Kafka Connect Sink for getting the topic data into these other external systems. There is no need to write a consumer to do this for you.

Where to run the processing code in Kafka?

I am trying to setup a data pipeline using Kafka.
Data go in (with producers), get processed, enriched and cleaned and move out to different databases or storage (with consumers or Kafka connect).
But where do you run the actual pipeline processing code to enrich and clean the data? Should it be part of the producers or the consumers? I think I missed something.
In the use case of a data pipeline the Kafka clients could serve both as a consumer and producer.
For example, if you have raw data being streamed into ClientA where it is being cleaned before being passed to ClientB for enrichment then ClientA is serving as a consumer (listening to a topic for raw data) and a producer (publishing cleaned data to a topic).
Where you draw those boundaries is a separate question.
It can be part of either producer or consumer.
Or you could setup an environment dedicated to something like Kafka Streams processes or a KSQL cluster
It is possible either ways.Consider all possible options , choose an option which suits you best. Lets assume you have a source, raw data in csv or some DB(Oracle) and you want to do your ETL stuff and load it back to some different datastores
1) Use kafka connect to produce your data to kafka topics.
Have a consumer which would consume off of these topics(could Kstreams, Ksql or Akka, Spark).
Produce back to a kafka topic for further use or some datastore, any sink basically
This has the benefit of ingesting your data with little or no code using kafka connect as it is easy to set up kafka connect source producers.
2) Write custom producers, do your transformations in producers before
writing to kafka topic or directly to a sink unless you want to reuse this produced data
for some further processing.
Read from kafka topic and do some further processing and write it back to persistent store.
It all boils down to your design choice, the thoughput you need from the system, how complicated your data structure is.

Kafka Consumer API vs Streams API for event filtering

Should I use the Kafka Consumer API or the Kafka Streams API for this use case? I have a topic with a number of consumer groups consuming off it. This topic contains one type of event which is a JSON message with a type field buried internally. Some messages will be consumed by some consumer groups and not by others, one consumer group will probably not be consuming many messages at all.
My question is:
Should I use the consumer API, then on each event read the type field and drop or process the event based on the type field.
OR, should I filter using the Streams API, filter method and predicate?
After I consume an event, the plan is to process that event (DB delete, update, or other depending on the service) then if there is a failure I will produce to a separate queue which I will re-process later.
Thanks you.
This seems more a matter of opinion. I personally would go with Streams/KSQL, likely smaller code that you would have to maintain. You can have another intermediary topic that contains the cleaned up data that you can then attach a Connect sink, other consumers, or other Stream and KSQL processes. Using streams you can scale a single application on different machines, you can store state, have standby replicas and more, which would be a PITA to do it all yourself.

Kafka instead of Rest for communication between microservices

I want to change the communication between (micro)-services from REST to Kafka.
I'm not sure about the topics and wanted to hear some opinions about that.
Consider the following setup:
I have an API-Gateway that provides CRUD functions via REST for web applications. So I have 4 endpoints which users can call.
The API-Gateway will produce the request and consumes the responses from the second service.
The second service consumes the requests, access the database to execute the CRUD operations on the database and produces the result.
How many topics should I create?
Do I have to create 8 (2 per endpoint (request/response)) or is there a better way to do it?
Would like to hear some experience or links to talks / documentation on that.
The short answer for this question is; It depends on your design.
You can use only one topic for all your operations or you can use several topics for different operations. However you must know that;
Your have to produce messages to kafka in the order that they created and you must consume the messages in the same order to provide consistency. Messages that are send to kafka are ordered within a topic partition. Messages in different topic partitions are not ordered by kafka. Lets say, you created an item then deleted that item. If you try to consume the message related to delete operation before the message related to create operation you get error. In this scenario, you must send these two messages to same topic partition to ensure that the delete message is consumed after create message.
Please note that, there is always a trade of between consistency and throughput. In this scenario, if you use a single topic partition and send all your messages to the same topic partition you will provide consistency but you cannot consume messages fast. Because you will get messages from the same topic partition one by one and you will get next message when the previous message consumed. To increase throughput here, you can use multiple topics or you can divide the topic into partitions. For both of these solutions you must implement some logic on producer side to provide consistency. You must send related messages to same topic partition. For instance, you can partition the topic into the number of different entity types and you send the messages of same entity type crud operation to the same partition. I don't know whether it ensures consistency in your scenario or not but this can be an alternative. You should find the logic which provides consistency with multiple topics or topic partitions. It depends on your case. If you can find the logic, you provide both consistency and throughput.
For your case, i would use a single topic with multiple partitions and on producer side i would send related messages to the same topic partition.

Kafka Streams use case

I am building a simple application which does below in order -
1) Reads messages from a remote IBM MQ(legacy system only works with IBM MQ)
2) Writes these messages to Kafka Topic
3) Reads these messages from the same Kafka Topic and calls a REST API.
4) There could be other consumers reading from this topic in future.
I came to know that Kafka has the new streams API which is supposed to be better than Kafka consumer in terms of speed/simplicity etc. Can someone please let me know if the streams API is a good fit for my use case and at what point in my process i can plug it ?
It is true that Kafka Streams API has a simple way to consume records in comparison to Kafka Consumer API (e.g. you don't need to poll, manage a thread and loop), but it also comes with a cost (e.g. local data store - if you do stateful processing).
I would say that if you need to consume records one by one and call a REST API use the Consumer API, if you need stateful processing, query the topic state, etc. use the Streams API.
For more info take a look to this blog post: https://balamaci.ro/kafka-streams-for-stream-processing/
Reads messages from a remote IBM MQ (legacy system only works with
Writes these messages to Kafka Topic
I'd use Kafka Connect for (1) and (2). It is part of the Kafka project, and there are many free as well as commercial "connectors" available for hundreds of systems.
Reads these messages from the same Kafka Topic and calls a REST API.
You can use Kafka Streams as well as the lower-level Consumer API of Kafka, depending on what you prefer. I'd go with Kafka Streams as it is easier to use and far more powerful. (Both are part of the Kafka project.)
There could be other consumers reading from this topic in future.
This works out-of-the-box -- once data is stored in a Kafka topic according to step 2, many different applications and "consumers" can read this data independently.
Looks like you are not doing any processing/transformation once you consume you message from your IBM MQ or even after your Kafka Topic.
First one -> from IBM Mq to your Kafka Topic is kind of a pipeline and
Secondly -> You are just calling the REST API(I assume w/o any processing)
Considering these facts it seems to be a good fit for using Simple consumer.
Let's not use a technology only because it's there :)