the results of murmurhash in pyspark and local python are different - pyspark

i use murmurhash to compute the hash value, but i got the results of murmurhash in pyspark and local python are different.
local python:
the hash value of 54958 is 5309672324031917724
the hash value of 54958 is -878367076


Can I include a variable in an `sh` command in zeppelin?

I'm using Zeppelin with Hadoop on a Spark cluster.
I'd like to run a command to check files on s3 and I'd like to use a variable.
This is my code
aws s3 ls s3://my-bucket/my_folder/
Can I replace my-bucket/my_folder/ with a variable?
What do you mean by "a variable"? A Python variable? If so, I'm not sure. But if you just want to pull the path out onto another line, you can use a shell variable:
export AWS_FOLDER=my-bucket/my_folder/
aws s3 ls s3://$AWS_FOLDER

Pyspark and Stata, losing variable observations

I'm experiencing a weird bug. I'm using PySpark in standalone local mode, calling Stata in each worker thread. Each worker then writes a dofile to disk, and calls Stata with, opening Stata instances that run the dofile. Each Stata instance then fetches a csv. The thing is, the csv has 630 observations per variable, but Stata only recognises 621. This doesn't happen when I import the csv from a regular Stata instance.
All dofiles have different names and the csv is only read by the workers, never written. Basically what i see is that when I run the python script, multiple Stata windows open (if I set gui) and start working.
What I've tried so far:
Running the dofile from cmd.exe (630 obs)
running the dofile from a .py without Spark (630 obs)
running stata from PySpark (621 obs)
re-running the dofile from the Stata windows generated in the Spark worker (621 obs)
re-running the dofile from the Stata windows generated by the Spark worker after closing one of the Stata instances launched by PySpark (630)
So Stata only has this bug when called from pyspark, but the bug disappears when I manually close one of the Stata windows generated by PySpark in a worker.
This is the command I'm using to run Stata, be it from PySpark or from cmd.
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Stata13\\StataMP-64.exe -e do c:/repos/myrepo/python\\'
I only change the gui flag, and the n number depending on the worker.
This is the only call to spark inside the pyspark script:
with open(stata.working_dir + '/' + stata.csv_filename) as f:
db = f.readlines()
db = str(db)
db_bc = sc.broadcast(db)
r_squared_rdd = vars_ranges_rdd.flatMap(lambda x: stata.call_stata(db_bc.value,x))
These are the last 20 entries from the csv file:
All dofiles have the following structure:
cd c:/repos/myrepo/python
import delimited using data.csv
log using 1_1366, text replace
qui regress county year ,
di %23.18f e(r2)
qui regress county crmrte ,
di %23.18f e(r2)
qui regress county year crmrte ,
di %23.18f e(r2)
... more regressions ...
log close
Any idea of what can be causing this?
The answer was simple. Because the file was not closed before the flatMap, the OS didn't give control of the last part of it to Stata, so it couldn't read it, missing the last observations of each variable. Closing the file properly before starting the Stata thread (by running the flatMap) fixed this issue.

How can I Join Two Output Streams Into One Input Stream in Powershell?

Specifically, I want to pass a date and a csv file into a python script. I understand how to pass in one of those using a |, but how can I pass both of them into the script and into separate variables?
Development of my comment, after installing Python (3.5) and quickly writing my first Python script (yay!): file:
import sys
print(len(sys.argv), 'arguments:')
PowerShell call (with on my desktop):
& python "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\" (Get-Date).ToString() "path/to/CSVFile.csv"
3 arguments:
['C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\', '24/06/2016 17:50:37', 'path/to/CSVFile.csv']
To me, this addresses I want to pass a date and a csv file into a python script.
I'm pretty sure I missed the point :) ...

Share variables between different jupyter notebooks

I have two different Jupyter notebooks, running on the same server. What I would like to do is to access some (only a few of them) of the variables of one notebook through the other notebook (I have to compare if the two different versions of the algorithm give the same results, basically). Is there a way to do this?
Between 2 jupyter notebook, you can use the %store command.
In the first jupyter notebook:
data = 'string or data-table to pass'
%store data
del data # This will DELETE the data from the memory of the first notebook
In the second jupyter notebook:
%store -r data
You can find more information at here.
If you only need something quick'n dirty, you can use the pickle module to make the data persistent (save it to a file) and then have it picked up by your other notebook. For example:
import pickle
a = ['test value','test value 2','test value 3']
# Choose a file name
file_name = "sharedfile"
# Open the file for writing
with open(file_name,'wb') as my_file_obj:
# The file you have just saved can be opened in a different session
# (or iPython notebook) and the contents will be preserved.
# Now select the (same) file to open (e.g. in another notebook)
file_name = "sharedfile"
# Open the file for reading
file_object = open(file_Name,'r')
# load the object from the file into var b
b = pickle.load(file_object)
>>> ['test value','test value 2','test value 3']
You can use same magic commands to do this.The Cell magic: %%cache in the IPython notebook can be used to cache results and outputs of long-lasting computations in a persistent pickle file. Useful when some computations in a notebook are long and you want to easily save the results in a file.
To use it in your notebook, you need to install the module ipycache first as this Cell magic command is not a built-in magic command.
then load the module in your notebook:
%load_ext ipycache
Then, create a cell with:
%%cache mycache.pkl var1 var2
var1 = 1 # you can put any code you want at there,
var2 = 2 # just make sure this cell is not empty.
When you execute this cell the first time, the code is executed, and the variables var1 and var2 are saved in mycache.pkl in the current directory along with the outputs. Rich display outputs are only saved if you use the development version of IPython. When you execute this cell again, the code is skipped, the variables are loaded from the file and injected into the namespace, and the outputs are restored in the notebook.
Alternatively use $file_name instead of mycache.pkl, where file_name is a variable holding the path to the file used for caching.
Use the --force or -f option to force the cell's execution and overwrite the file.
Use the --read or -r option to prevent the cell's execution and always load the variables from the cache. An exception is raised if the file does not exist.
The github repository of ipycache and the example notebook

I want to use the output of `gcloud` in a script, but the format changes. What should I do?

I’m using the command gcloud compute instances list in a script, but I’m worried that the exact output format isn’t static. What should I do?
You should use the --format flag, available for most gcloud commands.
For instance, if you’d like to get the exact same output as the current (as of the time of writing of this answer) format, you can run:
$ gcloud compute instances list --format="table(
scheduling.preemptible.yesno(yes=true, no=''),
The output of this command will not change between releases, even if the default output of the command does (unless the resource being formatted changes; this should be rare).1 Showing the default format for resources in commands is a work in progress.2
You can also specify a format like YAML or JSON for machine-readable output:
$ gcloud compute instances list --format=yaml
$ gcloud compute instances list --format=json
Note that this output contains much more information than is present in the default output for this command; this is the information you have to work with when constructing a custom format.
CSV is another format option. Like table, it requires a projection–a specification for how to print each row.3
$ gcloud compute instances list --format="csv(name,zone,status)"
For more information on the formatting capabilities of gcloud, see the output of gcloud topic formats and gcloud topic projections.
You can see all possible fields by running gcloud compute instances list --format=flattened.
For some commands, like gcloud beta test android locales list, you can pass the --verbosity=info flag and look for INFO: Display format.
This is because CSV data cannot be nested like JSON or YAML, and the data structures being printed may be nested.