Selenium with powershell - powershell

I am trying to use Selenium with PowerShell. I have to capture a search button, but i am not able to do so.
The element needs to be captured is
<a id="btnAdvSearchMenu" class="searchbox-btn" href="/AdvancedSearch.aspx" style="display: none;"></a>
I have the html as:
When i hover the search option, it takes me to "btnAdvSearchMenu" tag.
I am using below PowerShell code to capture this. Please suggest if i am missing something.

You are trying to click invisible element. In the element XML you shared you can see style="display: none;".
Selenium imitates real user GUI actions. As a user you normally can't click invisible elements.
Also, there may be more problems with you code that we can't see since you shared only this information.
The updated XML shows that the element you trying to access is inside the iframe. In order to access elements inside iframe you need to switch driver to that iframe. Also, when finished and you will want to access elements out of that iframe block you will need to switch to the default content.
I know how to do that with normal languages like Python and Java but not a Powershell, I'm sorry. But I'm sure you can find examples for that here in Stackoverflow.


web submission automation: simulate onclick event on a title element to load form

A resume-service I use requires that for each listed activity on the resume, there is an hours-per-week field and total hours field. However, the total hours field does not update itself automatically no matter how many weeks pass. My goal is to write a script that does this.
The idea behind the script is:
Log in to website -> go to a certain page -> submit a form** on that page updating the total hours
**unfortunately, for the form to open, you need to click an "edit" title element first which causes it to show up. I've taken a look at the html of the webpage but cannot find the form or input tags corresponding to the form I wish to submit, only that the form is generated with what I think is a javascript function call from the element's onclick field.
I believe the relevant html snippet is:
<a title="edit" class="edit" href="#entry-type" onclick="editComponent('10227041','education');">Edit</a>
but just in case there is a much larger code snippet later in this post (check the 2nd pastebin link at the bottom)
THE QUESTION: Is there a specific language/library/way (preferably in python, although I can work with Java) to simulate an onclick event and that would result in a form loading?
I've worked on this problem a bit, starting with python's mechanize library. I wrote two functions,
def login(br,url):...
def navigate(br,baseurl,url):...
which would satisfy the first two parts of my script's plan, but the third is where the trouble starts. When I print all the forms on the page using
for form in br.forms():
print form
I get
The website's html can be found on
Later I tried to work with Selenium (the firefox IDE plugin) and then exporting code into python, where I would edit it to satisfy my specific needs, but that was a no-go either due to some awkward errors.
Have you looked into GreaseMonkey? You should be able to use that to extract the hours per week, do the math and populate the total hours field. You could probably do the entire thing. Anything that can be done on the page in JavaScript could be done within GreaseMonkey.
EDIT: The code for that site is awful. I especially like the inline call to loadResume() that is made BEFORE the element it writes to (#build-wrap).

How can I program a button on an Access form to link to a browser window that looks up multiple addresses on Google Maps?

My problem is very similar to the one posted here:
except that thread never found any solutions. Basically, I'm working on an Access form that has a datasheet as a subform. Upon clicking a button on the main form I'm trying to make it so that a browser window opens up and, using the address columns from the spreadsheet data in the subform, plot all the address markers listed. I've looked up a lot of ways to attempt this but I've yet to find a way that seems to work.
I'm not even sure if it's possible to plot multiple markers on Google Maps, but according to research (and after trying it myself) it seems like it isn't, although I don't want to rule it out entirely because I'm still not 100% sure. However I know both Google Earth and do allow this. I still want to try and do this on Google Maps, but if that doesn't work I want to try to do it using and if that still doesn't work, then Google Earth (I don't want to make the user download external software if possible).
If it helps, from what I've read API's seem like a useful tool, though I'm not sure how to apply it to an Access form, it seems more like a way to embed to already existing websites.
I'd really appreciate if someone could help me figure out how to approach this problem!
Maybe this would help?
It is Excel but should be translatable.
Here is another example, this time using Access:
...from what I've read API's seem like a useful tool, though I'm not
sure how to apply it to an Access form, it seems more like a way to
embed to already existing websites.
You're right. There's no way, that I'm aware of, to embed a Google Maps object in a form (like an ActiveX control). Microsoft MapPoint is a software product that lets you do Map integration by way of an ActiveX control (no need to use HTML and/or javascript).
What I usually do on a project like you're working on is I get my HTML page working the way I want it to, outside and independent of MS Access. You should be able to program and test the HTML file locally without having to use an actual web server. Just use something like NotePad++ or Sublime Text Editor 2 to write your HTML and Javascript and then open the file in your browser to see if it works. I'm quite sure you'll need to use Javascript in your HTML page to make this work. That's what the Google Maps API is all about.
After you have your webpage working, then you will have to go into Access and write code to create that web page on the fly with the address data for the current data set. You can just write it out to the Windows Temp folder and then open your browser control that that web page.
Julian Knight's answer links to more specifics on how to create the HTML page on the fly. It looks like gobble-de-gook, mostly because it is. Outputting HTML/Javascript/CSS from VBA is far less than optimal. This is why you troubleshoot it outside of Access, as much as you can.

is it possible to interact with hidden elements in selenium2?

I need set value in Hidden inputfield of my webpage, I am using Selenium 2.
I tried with webelement.sendKeys(value), but its not working.
Can anybody tell me how to do this ?
That question seems a little bit out of the box. Selenium is simulating user-based interactions. So, that's pointless to expecting from a user editing hidden elements on the page. But may be you should say why do you need this and what are you trying to do with this function, it can be more easy to finding some workarounds for it.
You can't modify the hidden object using element methods. Instead, send script to the driver:
Here is the documentation: execute_script(script, *args)
To use xpath instead, try this:
Is there a way to get element by XPath using JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

gwt typeahead missing

I have a GWT app with a bunch of textboxes. In firefox I would expect that when I type a word in a textbox that I have already typed in and submitted, that firefox would offer to autocomplete that text. But for this GWT app it is not happening.
The ids and the name of the html elements are the same everytime. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I am using UiBinders for presentation.
Also in IE it seems that none of my css stuff is loaded. And when I IE developer tools on my GWT page, it can focus in on any of the textboxes it just focuses on the encompassing DIV around all the textboxes.
The problem with autocompletion is caused by how the DOM tree is created in a dynamic web application, such as the one created using GWT. Basically, all the DOM elements (textboxes, etc) are dynamically created, after the page is loaded. However, AFAIK, the browser only supports autocompletion on "static" elements, ones that are part of the HTML host page. So, for that reason you won't get autocompletion support from your browser in a GWT app. Fot some cases, you can still emulate it via SuggestBox.
You could try including the elements you want autocompletion for in your HTML host page, and then wrapping your GWT Widgets around them - that might work :) But it's not the "prettiest" solution, since you probably want autocompletion for a number of unrelated fields/elements.

tiny mce not working properly in google chrome

I have four textareas in my form. TinyMce editor applies to only first row of the textarea, remaining rows for textareas dont get editor in google chrome. It works fine in firefox instead.
It's hard to know without seeing the code, but I'm going to go ahead guess that you are referencing your multiple textareas using the same ID. IDs must be unique - so give them each their own individual ID and then attach the editor with four separate calls, or reference them by class instead.
Or attach some code for us to take a look at.