First function in Ssrs - ssrs-2008

I'm running to a problem, I'm trying to get first record of punch's of employee clocking in my payroll system. Typically there is 4 punches in a day including the break. When i run the report with the first punch it returns the 3rd punch not the first. How can I get the first punch, i want to run a report for the first punch and last punch
The expression i used is
=iif(IsNothing(Fields!Punched_In.Value),"Missing Punch",First(Fields!Punched_In.Value))
The data I'm getting is the following
10:05:23 am
03:00:55 am
03:33:04 pm
07:01:33 pm


Financial formulation in Crystal Reports

I need help with creating a trial balance report for a specific tenure, from beginning of fiscal year to a selected period. I need this in Crystal Reports.
I am unable to formulate how can I get debit and credit amounts totalling from beginning of the fiscal year till the end of selected period (not YTD).
For example, I want to get a trial balance report till period 6 (June), I am able to get the balance at the end of period 6, but unable to formulate total credits and total debits for selected number of periods/months. Instead, it is either debit/credit amounts for June or it's for total debit/credits till date.
Can anyone help me please?
Create a formula that returns, for each record, it's dollar amount if it's within the target date range, otherwise, zero.
Sum that formula to get the total for that time period.
I'm a user of the DelmiaWorks/IQMS ERP solution as well. IQMS uses a stored procedure to populate a database table named "C_TRIAL_BALANCE_AS_OF". When you publish a report into IQMS, there is a field named "Execute Before Print" on the Edit Report Definition window that opens when edit a report. To run this stored procedure in conjunction with another report, you will want to choose "POP_C_TRIAL_BALANCE_AS_OF" in the drop-down box control for this field. This will ensure the procedure is run prior to the report so you have the account balances you need as of a specified date. When the report is executed, IQMS will present the user with a Date Picker for the As Of Date. Almost all of the data you need to do a Trial Balance report can be found on this calculated table. The only joins needed should be "V_GLYEAR_PERIODS", "V_GLACCT", and "EPLANT".
There is a built-in report that may do what you want already though. If you begin the Trial Balance module and then click "Reports" > "Print" to bring up the list of all reports, then look for one named "Trial Balance As Of". Even if this report is lacking some information you need, it will likely be much easier to edit this existing report than it would be to create one from scratch.
If you don't have this built-in report, you may be able to get a copy of the RPT file from their support department. As long as you have the Trial Balance module, you should have this report. Its a standard report that is included in every version of IQMS I've worked with. However, my experience is limited to the 15.3 and 2020 versions.

Google Sheets - Protect monthly range script needs monthly triggers at specified date and time

I would like to request help with a script Im trying to put together.
Linked is my test spreadsheet including the script I currently have on the second sheet.
The idea is that this sheet will be copied individually to a group of people. Each person will get their own sheet, editable only by them and myself. It does not get shared any further. Each day the person will add a value into the corresponding day's cell.
On the last day of each month at 8pm, I would like to protect (lock) the cells for that month, to stop the person changing any values that they previously entered.
I have put a repeating script together with a function for each month, covering each range. The problem I'm having is creating triggers that will run the function on the required day. If I set a monthly trigger, they will all trigger at the same time at the end of the first month. Ideally I need individual triggers that will run once a year on the specified date and time for each individual function.
Is this possible? Is there a better way of doing this?
I also realise that I will need to give permissions for each function run, and possibly for each individual copy of the sheet I give to said persons. Is there a clever way around that?
Im also thinking another approach would be for the script to trigger each monthly function 'on open' if the relative date has passed. For example, on Open, if Date is Feb 1st, lock January range, and so on.
Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.
(Note: the true sheet I copied my script and layout from starts this section at Column U, which is why I have minimised Columns A-T).
Test Sheet Link:

Get value from Measure in OLAP Cube and Insert it in a SQL table

I need help with the the following:
I got an OLAP Cube, let's call it "company_prod" on "server\instance"
That Cube has (among many) a calculated member called "[Measures].[Value]"
One of the Dimensions in the Cube is for time (Year, Month, Date and so on). e.g. [TIME].[Y_M_D].[YEAR].&[2020]
Our main frontend is Excel, where we retrieve Data from the Cube with CUBEELEMENT, CUBEVALUE etc.
We got some measures which unfortunately, when I update the Excel report now and show numbers for last year, the result is different when I update that same report in a few weeks or months. This is something I won't be able to change and in some reports it's the desired behaviour because underlying data from SAP is changed and sometimes valid_from and valid_to dates are changed retroactively.
Now I want to get the value from my "[Measures].[Value]" on a certain date, let's say April 1st. I then want to insert the value I get on April 1st for 2020 in a SQL table. This should be done by an agent job that executes a stored procedure or runs a dtsx package or anything else, whichever works.
I hope it's clear what I am trying to accomplish...
If you can create linked servers from your SQL Server to SSAS Server, then you can run your MDX query against the linked SSAS Server using OPENQUERY and save the result directly to the SQL Server table.
INSERT INTO <your table>
EXECUTE <your mdx statement> AT <linked server>
You can add the run the above via your SQL Agent job on schedule.

Calculate average time

How can I calculate average time in Crystal Reports given a collection of different times?
Average Time refers to the average start time when a given doctor starts diagnosing patients. I only have 1 SELECT FROM WHERE statement and cannot INSERT data into any database table, so I'm unclear how to calculate this value.
I tried using a separate SQL Command for just this calculation, but the results weren't on the same conditions (WHERE statement conditions and current doctor name for each row). I also tried this formula but don’t know how to adapt it.
Use a Running Total.
If you group by doctor, all the individual times will show up as records in the details section. (Or you can configure this in a subreport if necessary.)
Then create a Running Total that summarizes the time value (no dates included), evaluates for each record, and resets on change of group (doctor). Place this in the Doctor's group footer.
Again, you can set this up in a subreport too if your main report can't be configured with this grouping.

Create a warning prompt box that appears before parameters are set in Crystal Reports

I have created a Crystal Report for some of my users with a date range parameter set. The volume of information that the SQL command returns means that anything over a 7 day period in the date parameter slows the report to unusable speeds and subsequently locks the DB for all other users.
Does anyone know of a way to create a prompt in Crystal Reports that will appear before the parameter set? I.e. As soon as they select the report and click "Open", the first thing they see is a box saying "Please ensure a maximum 7 day date period". Then upon clicking "OK" or something of my choosing, they are presented with the parameter fields and can continue with the report.
If this cannot be done, is there a way to restrict the parameters so that when the users select the start date, they can only select a maximum of 7 days after.
The other option, if it is doable, is to have them select the start date and then it auto complete the end date with a date 7 days after the start date.
At the moment i have just added (Must be a 7 day period) to the parameter title but i dont feel this does a good enough job at advertising it and as soon as i publish it i know someone will want to get 4/5 years worth of data...our clinicians will be most unimpressed if they PAS system locks up during a busy clinic.
I have attached a screenshot of the kind of thing i am after. It is a little crude as it was done in paint but it gets the point across.
I have searched high and low for this solution so i am not sure it even exists, but am asking out of sheer desperation.
Thanks in advance,
If you use Crystal Report solely (not within a program like .Net app) you can select your latest proposition. Get start date and in your SQL command (View, Stored Procedure, ...) select items from startDate to startDate + 7 days.
Depending on your DBMS there are ways to add some value to date (like dateadd function in MSSQL).
So its done.