Meta description showing fully mpty on SERP - metadata

The homepage meta description not showing when I search on Google. I use elementor for homepage design. I'm tried to fix by uninstalling some new plugin. But still there whitespace. But when I check by any meta checker It shows the meta description with updated title tag. How can I fix it?


GitHub Pages: Image From Link Not Showing

I used to have my website hosted through Shopify, and when I linked to it in my LinkedIn job description the logo showed up. I've since moved my website to GitHub Pages, and now the logo is blank when I link to it in LinkedIn (or anywhere else for that matter). Is there something I can do to fix this, or is it just a con of GH Pages?
It always helps to include a link to the codebase for reference, but it looks like you're likely working with this repo on your GitHub profile.
It's possible that Shopify or a theme you were using before included these by default, but typically you have to specify the preview image in your site's metadata. The preview images for formatted links are pulled from an Open Graph image property, which you define in a meta tag in your HTML's <head> section (see the OG documentation here). So, in your head include file, you'd add a meta tag like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
Then, ideally, you'll include this head file in each layout file so that it's included in each page's HTML.
A couple of things that worked for me:
Put your image in your 'public' directory near index.html, and in your meta tag retrieve it with content="". (https didn't work for me but http did)
Also, is a good tool to check your og image appears.

How can a social button loads article's intro text, instead of site's meta description?

I have install version 1.8 of ITPSocialButtons-Plugin on my Joomla 1.5 site. When a user click on facebook button for example, gets a new tab, that contains article's image, article's title and in my case, site's meta description text. Any idea how can I have article's intro text instead of site's meta description??? Thank you in advance!!!
I have discussed this with the developer already. In my case the problem existed for LinkedIn which is worse because once the article was shared once, you cannot undo it, so everyone shared with the site meta description.
In my case one thing that did help was to copy the intro text into the meta description for the article. Another thing that helped was to use ITPMeta pro to manage all the tags for each article.
Try at least the article's meta description trick and let me know if that worked for you...if not I think it's time to go back to Todor and ask him to make some changes.

Facebook Open Graph Protocol Lint Debugger Error - You have <meta> tags outside your <head>

i have a facebook tab that i am attempting to place a send button into (standard FB plugin). i want to control the title and description via open graph, so i followed the current FB instructions to do that.
the open graph data just won't show up in the "send" plugin. passing the page through the FB debugger renders this error: "You have meta tags outside your head" and that's why they aren't working, according to it.
the problem is - i have scoured the source of the page and there are no meta tags outside of the head. furthermore, the page passes through the validator with no errors regarding misplaced meta tags (which it would find). the only errors rendered in the validator are regarding FB's use of non-standard meta attributes. no markup errors, no meta tags outside of the head.
so, at a loss. help: appreciated.
I had a similar problem and traced the issue to Debugger not parsing my document properly because I had NOSCRIPT tags in the HEAD. This is valid in HTML5 (which I was using) but not in HTML 4.01. It appears that the Facebook debugger hasn't caught up with HTML5 tag validation yet.

Meta descriptions of frontpage items not working in joomla 1.5

When I view the page source the meta tags are fine, however when I try to share the website link (the problem is only with frontpage item) on Facebook, the preview points to "Joomla! ..." text.
I have also changed
Changed the global config file (that only ensures all other pages work fine except the frontpage item)
hardcoding the MetaDesc tag in *.php files.
Maybe I'm missing something very basic?
Have you tried removing the Generator meta tag from Joomla? The only meta data tag I know of that starts Joomla! is the generator tag. In Joomla 1.6 onwards you can remove this by adding a line to your template. In 1.5 however you have to edit the following file.
\libraries\joomla\document\html\renderer ~ line 84
As mentioned earlier, the Google problem should be solved by waiting for a while.
Facebook seems to need custom meta tags in order to work properly. There is a thread about it here. Also worthwhile checking out facebook developers section.
Your home website not show metadescription and keyword although you config it in Global Configuration .
Menu manager -->Home is Front Page Blog view.Try insert metadesc and keyword in file
I try using get values from configuration.php.But it not working with 2 parameter MetaDesc, MetaKeys.
Edit file yourwebsite\components\com_content\views\frontpage\view.html.php
$config = & JFactory::getConfig();
$document->setDescription($config->getValue( 'config.MetaDesc'));
Sumary I fix my problem like that,
Edit file yourwebsite\components\com_content\views\frontpage\view.html.php
$document->setMetadata(“keyword abc here”);
$document->setDescription( "Description about your website" );
Hope this help someone have some problem's.My name is vanhien771354

Changing facebook application name

I have written a simple facebook application using PHP SDK. Application works well but application name (main title which is tagged this on this image : ) looks as "php-sdk". How can I change it ?
You can change the name of your application under the developer settings click on edit settings and the first page should allow you to update the display name. You can also change your canvas url by changing the namespace.
It looks as though the image you're showing is when you try to share a link to your application, correct? That title and other info is set in the headers under specific Facebook metadata.
Check out their documentation on the meta tags at
The specific tag for the title is <meta property="og:title" content="[your title here]"/>, this will be found in the HTML <head> area of your application.