Flutter alphabetical list from a to z on right side - flutter

I want to implement an alphabetical list on the right side of the screen, i don't want to use a packages because they reorder my listview which i want to stay at same order, and i want to implement the onClick on a letter manualy.
So how do i implement this widget and make it stay on the side of the screen

I do NOT quite get when you say, "i don't want to use a packages because they reorder my listview which i want to stay at same order".
However, here is my implementation for your requirement.
The UI is arranged using Stack, ScrollablePositionedList, and a Column. Used ScrollablePositionedList to enable the search against the ListView and then jump to the index based on the search letter selected.


How to make a widget that its children can expand over its parent not in the same stack?

I have a TextFormField which as I type in it consults a cities database and the results are shown in a ListView just like a Google Maps search box. In a attempt to make the results to hover over other elements I've tried to add the listview in a stack with clip behavior set to "none" and various other configurations but I still couldn't managed to make the results hover over the page. I intend to use it for flutter web and there will be other elements which the search results cannot displace them to fit the query. I could access a parent Stack and pass the position of the TextFormField so I would know where to build the result list but this tinkering its not very straight forward so I was wondering if I could punch a hole in the parent layer from a child to print the result list.

Flutter how to implement multiple scrolling items is same screen

I have a screen with a column that contains 2 items and a list below.
i want to make the first item (1) always scroll up below the appbar or down, doesn't care if the list is empty or full.
the second item (2) should always be visible while scrolling the list items.
see image how can i implement this in flutter
What I suggest you do is to look at Sliver* series of built-in Flutter classes. They give you a great amount of flexibility when it comes to scrolling behavior. Here is a great documentation that demonstrates what I mean: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/advanced/slivers

How to create change item from list A to list B using animation

I have a list of words, and arrange them into 1 complete sentence similar to below image. I'm thinking of the idea of ​​creating 2 Widget lists and animating between widget list changes, but don't know how to do it yet. I would like to see if flutter has a lib to do that, or if not, what do I have to research to make such a feature,
realistic image that i want to do

Is it possible to drag ReorderableListView items to another ReorderableListView?

I'm trying to drag an item from one ReorderableListView into another ReorderableListView.
It seems it is only possible by using a regular ListView with Dragable and DragTarget widgets and without the look and feel of a ReorderableListView.
Am I right or is there a way?
This is a bit delayed but I'm leaving this answer for anyone else that landed here after searching:
Consider using this flutter package:
Reorder elements between multiple lists
Reorder lists
Drag and drop new elements from outside of the lists
Vertical or horizontal layout
Use with drag handles, long presses, or short presses
Expandable lists
Can be used in slivers
Prevent individual lists/elements from being able to be dragged
Easy to extend with custom layouts

android - Why does view.bringToFront() doenst work in custom Listview case?

I am making a custom listview, in that data is dynamically changing after sometime. this part and click event part of list and list's button is working fine.I have to show some specific row on the top according to text.
I am using view.bringToFront() for showing that row in front. It is not working. How can i do this?? I want if(StatusText.get(position).equalsIgnoreCase("chat request")) if i check this method then this row come to front as top row of the list.
How can I do this?
bringToFront() change the view's z order in the tree, so it's on top of other sibling views (pay attention: Z-order) In your case you should resort your data and call notifyDataChanged for your adapter
I think you can use relative layout with listview and list item layout.Make Listitem layout invisible.After calling that method just make the visiblity of that listitem layout to View.VISIBLE as you are using relative layout you can position the list item layout to top bottom center or anywer.