Want to convert String into json object in flutter - flutter

[{insert: comming comming}, {insert:
, attributes: {list: ordered}}]
getting this string response from backend. I want to convert it in a json object , not in json string.
I am using flutterQuill editor for rich text , so I want the string as json object , so that I can use it on the flutter quill

you should read this:
Basic JSON serialization in Flutter is very simple. Flutter has a built-in dart:convert library that includes a straightforward JSON encoder and decoder.
There are also examples.

Have you checked the official flutter Docs? This is the link: dart-convert -jsonEncode
In there, you can find how it is done.


Flutter | Retrieve ffprobe data

I'm using flutter_ffmpeg package, specifically I'm trying to retrieve information regarding the chapter marks from a .m4b file which is an audiobook. By using this method:
_flutterFFmpeg.executeWithArguments(['-i', widget.book.path, '-print_format', 'json', '-show_chapters', '-loglevel', 'error']);
I was able to output this data as a JSON map in the console. The thing is, I need to use this data inside my application, is there a way to get access to those chapters as a variable using another approach, or maybe to access this data directly from the console log printed by the method shown earlier.

How to render emojis rightly in flutter dynamically?

How to render emojis in dynamic text correctly in flutter?
I am taking input from the user which can have emojis and I am storing it on the server.
When I view the data on the server, it looks fine(with emojis).
But when I decode the data in my app from json, it shows invalid characters.
I am decoding the data simply using
postDetailText = serverData['Post']['text'];
I am not sure if there are any other methods to store data efficiently.

How can I convert simple string to Base64 in App Inventor 2?

I've been searching through the Internet and I don't seem to find a way of converting a simple string into a Base64 string in MIT App Inventor 2.
All I can find are extensions to convert images to Base64, but not strings. Is there a way that I am not realizing?
You might want to try the tools extension and its Base64Encode method:

How convert the image into binary (BLOB) before passing it as a paramater?

I am using the plugin provided here . I want to convert the image into binary formate before I pass it as a parameter to the service. How can I do the using this plugin? Is it possible?

iOS: How to build a table from a JSON Query?

I got a JSON response with a lot of data.
(e.g.: Private Messages).
How to display them into a table?
I mean in C#.net I normaly would have a class (PM) with a lot of Properties (sender, reciever, subject, text) and make a database-query (here JSON) and fill it in a list of my class (List pmList = new pmLIst();).
How to do it in Objective C for iPhone?
Have a look at SBJson. The TweetStream example project shows how to fetch data over an HTTP connection and parse it. If the data contains a list of objects you'll find those in an NSArray in your parsed data; at that point it's simply a matter of using a UITableView to display the data.
Have a look at restkit. It's a nice framework for parsing JSON and putting it into the right structure. The examples provided there should get you started.