Kubernetes does not evict a pod event if it is in a "failed" state, e.g. CrashLoopBackOff - kubernetes

I have a pod that had a Pod Disruption Budget that says at least one has to be running. While it generally works very well it leads to a peculiar problem.
I have this pod sometimes in a failed state (due to some development) so I have two pods, scheduled for two different nodes, both in a CrashLoopBackOff state.
Now if I want to run a drain or k8s version upgrade, what happens is that pod cannot ever be evicted since it knows that there should be at least one running, which will never happen.
So k8s does not evict a pod due to Pod Disruption Budget even if the pod is not running. Is there a way to do something with this? I think ideally k8s should treat failed pods as candidates for eviction regardless of the budget (as deleting a failing pod cannot "break" anything anyway)

...if I want to run a drain or k8s version upgrade, what happens is that pod cannot ever be evicted since it knows that there should be at least one running...
kubectl drain --disable-eviction <node> will delete pod that is protected by PDB. Since you are fully aware of the downtime, you can first delete the PDB in question before draining the node.

I hit this issue too during k8s upgrade. Fyi, as mentioned in the other answer, kubectl drain --disable-eviction <node> may cause service downtime, and deleting pods might not work always when deleted pods are immediately recreated by the deployment managing the pods. Also, even if the pods are deleted successfully, it may cause service downtime depending on PodDisruptionBudget.
Instead, I increased the number of replicas of the pods in the deployment to honor PodDisruptionBudget.minAvailable or PodDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable and was able to successfully upgrade k8s while honoring PodDisruptionBudget.


Kubernetes Pods Not Being Evicted

I have multiple pods on Kubernetes (v1.23.5) that are not being evicted and rescheduled in case of node failure.
According to Kubernetes documentation, this process must begin after 300s:
Kubernetes automatically adds a Toleration for node.kubernetes.io/not-ready and node.kubernetes.io/unreachable with tolerationSeconds=300 unless you, or a controller, set those tolerations explicitly.
These automatically-added tolerations mean that Pods remain bound to Nodes for 5 minutes after detecting one of these problems.
Unfortunately, pods get stuck in terminating status and would not evict. However, in one test on a pod without any PVC attached, it evicted and started running on another node.
I'm trying to understand how I can make other pods evict after the default 300s time.
I don't know why it would not happen automatically, and I must drain the pod stuck in a terminating state to make it work properly.
I have seen the kvaps/kube-fencing project. There seems to be a fencing procedure that runs in case of a node failure. I couldn't make it solve my problem, and I didn't. I don't know whether it is because of my lack of comprehension of this project, or it is solely used to handle the node in case of a failure and not the pods stuck in termination state and evicting those pods.
There are two ways to handle this problem.
First one is to use kvaps/kube-fencing. You need to configure a PodTemplate in which you can set a node to be deleted from the cluster when it becomes NotReady or flush the node. If you have volumes attached to the pod, the pods will remain in the ContainerCreating state.
There are the annotations in the PodTemplate:
fencing/mode: 'delete'
fencing/mode: 'flush'
The second way is to use the Kubernetes Non-Graceful Node Shutdown. This is not available in Kubernetes (v1.23.5) and you have to upgrade.

what should I do to find the pod evicted reason

Today when I checked the kubernetes cluster, some of the pod shows the status was evicted. But I only see the evicted status and could not found the detail logs why the pod was evicted. Disk Pressure? CPU pressure? what should I do to found the reason of the pod evicted?
you can try to look at logs of that particular pod.
Do a describe on that pod and see if you find anything.
kubectl get pods -o wide
try the above command to see on which node it was running and run a describe on that node and you find at-least some information related to the eviction.
Eviction is a process where a Pod assigned to a Node is asked for termination. One of the most common cases in Kubernetes is Preemption, where in order to schedule a new Pod in a Node with limited resources, another Pod needs to be terminated to leave resources to the first one.
So, to answer your question, the pod would have got evicted with limited CPU or memory resources allocated.

What is default behavior of Kubernetes when pod crashes?

In Kubernetes deployment with 4 static pods and no autoscaling, what happens by default if one pod crashes? Will it be re-created automatically with the same ID/different ID or will the application continue running on 3 pods?
When a pod crashes, it will automatically be restarted. You will see this by the incrementing value of the pod's "Restarts" value when you do kubectl get pods
From the documentation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#pod-template
Only a .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy equal to Always is allowed, which is the default if not specified.
In other words, a deployment will ALWAYS restart your pod, regardless, and you cannot change that behaviour.
A restart will not change the name of the pod (or ID has you have called it)
The only time the pod name will change is if the pod gets deleted. This can happen during autoscaling processes or if the pod gets evicted from a node.
You've specified no autoscaling in your deployment, but if you have specified a value of 4 replicas, as I suspect you have, then the eviction will cause that one pod to change names, as it gets recreated by another node, in order to meet your request for 4 replica.
By "changing names" I just mean the hash at the end of the pod name will change. So your pod named my-test-g4gsv may be renamed to my-test-4dsv4 after it goes to a new node.
There is a backoff policy for restarts. So if Kubernetes detects a pod has been restarted repeatedly, it will start delaying its restart attempts. You will notice this as a CrashLoopBackoff value under the pod status (instead of Running). While in this state, the pod is not started, so during this time, your deployment is essentially running with reduced replicas until Kubernetes starts it.

How to automatically force delete pods stuck in 'Terminating' after node failure?

I have a deployment that deploys a single pod with a persistent volume claim. If I switch off the node it is running on, after a while k8s terminates the pod and tries to spin it up elsewhere. However the new pod cannot attach the volume (Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-...").
I can manually delete the old 'Terminating' pod with kubectl delete pod <PODNAME> --grace-period=0 --force and then things recover.
Is there a way to get Kubernetes to force delete the 'Terminating' pods after a timeout or something? Tx.
According to the docs:
A Pod is not deleted automatically when a node is unreachable. The
Pods running on an unreachable Node enter the 'Terminating' or
'Unknown' state after a timeout. Pods may also enter these states when
the user attempts graceful deletion of a Pod on an unreachable Node.
The only ways in which a Pod in such a state can be removed from the
apiserver are as follows:
The Node object is deleted (either by you, or by the Node Controller).
The kubelet on the unresponsive Node starts responding, kills the Pod and removes the entry from the apiserver.
Force deletion of the Pod by the user.
So I assume you are not deleting nor draining the node that is being shut down.
In general I'd advice to ensure any broken nodes are deleted from the node list and that should make Terminating pods to be deleted by controller manager.
Node deletion normally happens automatically, at least on kubernetes clusters running on the main cloud providers, but if that's not happening for you than you need a way to remove nodes that are not healthy.
Use Recreate in .spec.strategy.type of your Deployment. This tell Kubernetes to delete the old pods before creating new ones.
Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy

What's the difference between pod deletion and pod eviction?

From PodInterface the two operations Delete and Evict seems having the same effect: deleting the old Pod and creating a new Pod.
If the two operations have the same effect, why do we need two API to delete a Pod and create a new one?
Deletion of a pod is done by an end user and is a normal activity. It means the pod will be deleted from ETCD and kubernetes control plane. Unless there is a higher level controller such as deployment, daemonset, statefulset etc the pod will not be created again and scheduled to a kubernetes worker node.
Eviction happens if resource consumption by pod is exceeded the limit and kubelet triggers eviction of the pod or a user performs kubectl drain or manually invoking the eviction API. It's generally not not a normal activity .Sometimes evicted pods are not automatically deleted from ETCD and kubernetes control plane. Unless there is a higher level controller such as deployment, daemonset, statefulset etc the evicted pod will not be created again and scheduled to a kubernetes worker node.
It's preferable to use delete instead of evict because evict comes with more risk compared to delete because eviction may lead to in some cases, an application to a broken state if the replacement pod created by the application’s controller(deployment etc.) does not become ready, or if the last pod evicted has a very long termination grace period
Pod evict operation (assuming you're referring to the Eviction API) is a sort of smarter delete operation, which respects PodDisruptionBudget and thus it does respect the high-availability requirements of your application (as long as PodDisruptionBudget is configured correctly). Normally you don't manually evict a pod, however the pod eviction can be initiated as a part of a node drain operation (which can be manually invoked by kubectl drain command or automatically by the Cluster Autoscaler component).
Pod delete operation on the other hand doesn't respect PodDisruptionBudget and thus can affect availability of your application. As opposite to the evict operation this operation is normally invoked manually (e.g. by kubectl delete command).
Also besides the Eviction API, pods can be evicted by kubelet due to Node-pressure conditions, in which case PodDisruptionBudget is not respected by Kubernetes (see Node-pressure Eviction)