Tensorflow Lite Facemesh in Flutter - flutter

I'm building a mobile app which basically should create a facemesh from a live camera video and apply some filters/makeup to it.
I wanted to use Flutter as the mobile framework in combination with Tensorflow lite.
I'm looking at Tensorflows Facemesh model but I can't find any good integration in Tensorflow lite.
Is there either a way to use Tensorflow lite with the facemesh model or use tensorflow.js (includes the facemesh feature) with Flutter?
Thanks in advance!


face detection in flutter using google ml kit

I am working on an application where main screen has a live camera opened automatically.
Here I need faces to be detected.
Am getting confused about how to integrate ML kit.
Do I have to signup with firebase????
I tried working with google ml kit but got too many errors.
There are two separate ML libraries now - Firebase ML and ML Kit. Firebase ML runs on the cloud, and you need to use Firebase for it. You can find the documentation here.
ML Kit, however, runs entirely on the user's device, and it does not require you to use Firebase, unless you want to use custom models.
The easiest way to integrate it into your flutter app would be to use the google_ml_kit library, which provides modules for different purposes. For face recognition, you can use google_mlkit_face_detection.

How to use custom tensorflow lite models in flutter?

I am working on a flutter project that requires some machine learning. I have my model already trained and ready to be used.
How to integrate this Tensorflow lite model with flutter?
I have tried couple of packages that exists but unfortunately, I did not worked! Most of these packages are no longer maintained.

flutter plugin for running onnx model

My team are developing an app that will involve some on device ML model that are in onnx format. Currently we considering Flutter & React Native. I prefer Flutter but couldn't find any plugin that support running on device onnx model. in RN we could use onnx.js from Microsoft.
I think there is no Flutter Plugin to do this but you only need to create one in your project (link) and take implement Android version and iOS version. The plugin will make the wrapper and you can use it in your Flutter code. Depending of the phone OS, flutter will execute Android or iOS code.

Emotion analysis in ml kit in flutter

I am building a flutter app which needs the emotion analysis feature using face recognition . So I tried out ML Kit but it doesn't support emotion analysis. Then I tried using Azure or aws but they are all APIs that need time to process an image, I want it in real time. So is there any solution for integrating such a feature with flutter .

Does Flutter support virtual or augmented reality?

I have to make an app that uses virtual reality, so should I drop the idea of using Flutter?
yes as much as I have seen flutter does support AR,I have been following a flutter developer on twitter he posts some cool AR stuff built with flutter here's a plugin ARCore he has built for flutter.
here are some of sample AR videos from the developer himself
Can I build 3D (OpenGL) apps with Flutter?
Today we don’t support for 3D via OpenGL ES or similar.We have long-term plans to expose an optimized 3D API, but right now we’re focused on 2D.
there aren't any OpenGL bindings supported by flutter. Flutter is only a 2d only application.
I am not sure how VR would work at all on flutter.
You can use google's ar core with flutter. Check out the arcore_flutter_plugin to work with ar in a flutter.
As of now, there aren't any packages that specifically target VR. But you can use ARKIT arkit_flutter_plugin.
NOTE: ARCORE only works with android. And ARKIT only works with iOS.
I recently created a Flutter plugin for AR that supports both Android and iOS by wrapping around ARCore and ARKit: https://pub.dev/packages/ar_flutter_plugin
The plugin is a work in progress, but it already supports collaborative AR and sharing content through Google's Cloud Anchor Service and a lot of other useful features