How do I change color of Scrollbar in Visual Studio Code? - visual-studio-code

The question is - how do I change color of scrollbar in VSCode?
I want to change my scrollbar to the color of my VSCode background. Available scrollbar settings in workbench.colorCustomizations don't change it the way I want (all I could find is scrollBarSlider and scrollbar.shadow settings), and I know there's a way to change it cause it is different in other themes (it's the same color as the background in those themes, as it should be)
How my scrollbar looks right now
(Added an arrow juuuuuust incase)
Thanks a lot!

In your settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorOverviewRuler.background": "#ff0000", // for the "track" where the scrollThumb lives
"scrollbarSlider.background": "#9aa", // for the scrollThumb color
For others, see theme color reference: scrollbars and editorOverViewRuler in the same link.
Do note that there are other indicators that also live in the editorOverviewRuler, like selection indicators, find match indicators and more, which have to play nice with the color as well.


How can I customize some of the Explorer's background colours for the selected item in VS Code?

I have simply question. How can i set background color for active file in unfocused sidebar in Visual Studio Code. In the picture, you can see it a little bit.
Also i'd like to ask you for another 2 things about customization.
How can i set border color on hover with transparent background.
How to set background color for active file in focused sidebar.
At the time of this writing, there are no dedicated settings for the explorer's listing colours. There are settings for list colours in general.
The settings you are looking for are:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#880000",
"list.activeSelectionBackground": "#ff0000",
"list.hoverBackground": "#ff0000",
If you have set "explorer.autoReveal": false, you may want to remove that or set that to true.

selected text background color for Visual Studio Code quick search (ctrl+f) input

I've searched for this setting for a while now, but just can't find it. How can I change the background color of selected text in the search box? Here is an example - as you can see (or not), foo is selected. I'd like to change the background color of that selection.
Oddly, it is just
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"selection.background": "#ff0000",
Stumbled on it at theme base colors:
selection.background: Background color of text selections in the
workbench (for input fields or text areas, does not apply to
selections within the editor and the terminal).

Visual Studio Code - Change the colour of disabled sideBar items

I want to change the colour of disabled sideBar-items (see picture). Which property can I use to change that in the settings.json? I know that you use sideBar.foreground to edit the active sideBar-items but I don't know how to do that for the deactivated ones.
I imagine those are ignored files:
"gitDecoration.ignoredResourceForeground": "#ff0000",
You can add a theme for the icons.
Go to extensions and search for material icon theme.

How do I change the color of the content inside window showed in the image? I'm using STS

I was using STS and decided to give it a try to the dark theme, but the color of the tooltip window, was black and the font also black hence impossible to read, so I restored the appearance to the default settings hoping that the tooltip window color would change as well but it didn't. I haven't found a way to customize the colors of it. Does anyone knows how to do that? Thanks in advance.
screenshot of tooltip window

How to make Eclipse's tab's background color changed when use dark theme?

I am trying to make my Eclipse cooler like IntelliJ's darcular theme. Everything is fine now except the tab's background's color. It's white and I can't see the words clearly.
Just like the picture below.
Oh, I don't know why it can be seen in the screenshot.
But what I want like this:
By TWiStErRob's comment I found where to change it for me, which also had bright tabs when switching to dark theme.
Below the steps how I changed my tabs:
Go in the top menu to window, then preferences.
Then drill down to General > Appearance > colors and fonts
There is a list with multiple background begin, background end options. If you select an option you can use the edit button to change the color.
Default you only get the basic colors. By clicking the *Define Custom Colors >>** button you can use a color picker or the hex/hsl editor fields to enter your own preferred colors. I changed them all (all the background begin/background end options) from their bright colors to darker colors.
The end result.
Thanks to TWiStErRob for giving the pointer where to find the setting.