Move files incrementally by file size and wait till the destination gets emptied before moving files again either using Robocopy or Powershell - powershell

I would like to ask how can I move files from a source folder to a destination folder as shown in the image. The sum of file size from the source folder can only be moved not larger than 7GB (or I can set that depending on the largest single file like 5GB) and then wait for the files moved to the destination folder to get ingested (emptied) before moving again the next batch of files.
I have an idea of using a Robocopy or Powershell script that moves the files and is automatically triggered using a Task Scheduler but I have no experience scripting on any of these.


Automatically copy files in use

I have some files that are always in use and I want to make a copy of them automatically on another disk. I have tried Shadow Copy, but it does not put them in a specific path so that I can access them and send them in an email automatically
Automatically copy files in use
One way to make a copy of files that are always in use is to use the robocopy command-line utility. robocopy is a robust file copying tool that is built into Windows. It can handle copying files that are in use, and it has a wide range of options that allow you to customize the copy process.
For example, you can use the '/mir' option to mirror the source folder to the destination folder, the /r:n option to retry the copy operation a specified number of times if errors occur, and the '/w:n' option to specify the wait time between retries.
You can also use the '/log' option to create a log file of the copy operation, and the '/np' option to suppress the display of the file-transfer progress.
robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder /mir /r:3 /w:3 /log:C:\Robocopy.log /np
You can schedule this command to run at specific intervals using the Task Scheduler. Then you can use this command to copy the files that are in use at specific intervals.
Additionally you can use any language or automation tool to send the files after the copy operation is done

Robocopy file to random named folder

I'm creating a script to automatically copy and paste bookmarks to x amount of computers.
Robocopy the Mozilla Bookmarks which are stored in a file called places.sqlite on a drive. To the destination
Appdata\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\*RANDOM PROFILE NAME\places.sqlite
I can't find a solution to copy this file to the destination due to every windows profile and computer gets a random profile name created. I tried with a star * as you can see in the code because I thought a star choices the newest folder (last changed).
The code is:
Robocopy "$env:homeshare\ComputerChange\" "C:\Users\$env:username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\" "places.sqlite" /COPY:DAT
How do I edit the code so it chooses the random named folder? Is it possible to copy the places.sqlite to ALL folder in the Profiles\ folder?
Appreciate the help

Robocopy option to force copy fail if destination folder does NOT exist

I'm trying to use Robocopy as part of my backup procedures, whereby backup files are copied from one disk to another (for secondary and tertiary backups). I basically have one key external drive for primary backups, and then various of the backups get siphoned off to other disks, depending on which disk it is. I want to develop a sequence of Robocopy commands in a batch file that I can use in any situation, so that if the Robocopy command tries to copy a folder from the source to a destination drive where there is no matching folder, it automatically FAILS and moves on to the next command. Robocopy by default creates the destination folder if it does not already exist, and I want to switch this default OFF if at all possible.

Batch File to Automate backup folders

So, I currently have a Drobo server that houses a Backup folder for customers that need to have their Hard drive files backed up. I create a folder for each customer in this backup folder. It's our policy to keep these files for our customers for 30 days, after which, need to be deleted. I'm wondering if its possible to make a batch file that can scan the entire Backup folder, each folder for each customer ONLY, not all the files, just the folder by modified date and if it is older than 30 days, move the entire folder that I'll label Delete for further review before deleting. I'm going to make a second batch file to delete all the folders and files once inside that delete folder, but I need the first batch file that scans just the folders' modified date in order to determine if it needs moved first. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Forfiles /P C:\test\ /D -30 /c "cmd /c move #file c:/delete"
just an example of script you might use

Execute robocopy powershell continuously between two times established

I have a program that creates temporary files in a specific folder. Then, automatically, after a few seconds, these files are deleted.
I wanted to copy those temporal files to an specific folder, I would like to use a powershell script to do this:
robocopy startFolder destinationFolder *.TIFF *.JPEG *.jpg *.PNG *.GIF *.BMP *.ICO *.PBM *.PGM *.PPM /s /XO
My problem is that I couldn't use a scheduled task (because of the problem with limitation of seconds) or install this powershell as a Windows Service with a powershell script (as far as I know is a bad practice) . I need this powershell running all the time trying to get files at the moment that they are created, before this folders were deleted.
Could you give me a hand please? Thanks!
Not sure it's quite what you want, but robocopy does have directory monitoring funcitonality built-in. You could add /mon:1 which should monitor the source directory and re-run the copy when it detects one change (a new or changed file, for example).
However, a down-side of this perhaps is that using this method, robocopy won't exit - it will run until you kill it.
Edit: I've just noticed you specify in your question title that this should run between two established times, in which case you could add the /rh:hhmm-hhmm option to specify times between which new copies can be started. For example, /rh:1000-1200 should only perform the copies (and hence monitoring) between 10am and midday.
Caveat: I've not tried using the "monitor" option of robocopy, so I'm not sure what sort of delay there would be between a change taking place, and the copy being re-run, but it's worth a shot.