Flutter GetX refresh page after Get.back() [duplicate] - flutter

I need to reload page after Get.back(). How to do it? How to call any method on previous page as soon as possible after using Get.back()?
For example:
I'm on Page1
Go to Page2
Use Get.back(), so user back to Page1
Usually user now see Page1 exactly like when he leave Page1. How to reload now view Page1?
Maybe is any method to override what I can call every time after navigate one page back? This method must come from Page1, not from Page2

you can do await while navigating to page 2.
await Get.to(()=> Page2());
// perform update
the setState will get fired once you come back to page 1 from page 2
another, similar example, code from Page1:
title: const Text("Item"),
onTap: () async {
await Get.toNamed(page2);
setState(() {});
Using this sample, refresh (setState) fired after return from Page2 to Page1.

on Page 2: You need to write this
Get.back(result: true);
on Page 1: wait for response
var response = await Get.to(()=> Page2());
// perform update


Flutter call setState after Get.back()

I need to reload page after Get.back(). How to do it? How to call any method on previous page as soon as possible after using Get.back()?
For example:
I'm on Page1
Go to Page2
Use Get.back(), so user back to Page1
Usually user now see Page1 exactly like when he leave Page1. How to reload now view Page1?
Maybe is any method to override what I can call every time after navigate one page back? This method must come from Page1, not from Page2
you can do await while navigating to page 2.
await Get.to(()=> Page2());
// perform update
the setState will get fired once you come back to page 1 from page 2
another, similar example, code from Page1:
title: const Text("Item"),
onTap: () async {
await Get.toNamed(page2);
setState(() {});
Using this sample, refresh (setState) fired after return from Page2 to Page1.
on Page 2: You need to write this
Get.back(result: true);
on Page 1: wait for response
var response = await Get.to(()=> Page2());
// perform update

Flutter get reference after navigation pop

I would like to get a reference to the screen I am going to show.
With this code:
I actually going back to the previous screen but I would like to access that reference to do some work.
How can I do that?
With my iOS background working in Swift I would have done something like that:
var newScreen = Navigator.of(context).pop();
You cannot create a reference because when you pop the current "route" all the data will be disposed.
But you can return a pop result to the awaiting parent as explained by official docs.
Something like:
//When you will dispose the pushed page/route you can pass your result to pop method
Navigator.pop(context, 'This is my new page result');
//In the parent page you will await for the result
final result = await Navigator.push(
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => MyPushedPage()),
print(result) //--> This is my new page result

Flutter: Send data to parent page & Reload

I'm new to flutter but I'm in love with it! :D
I'm doing a small application. It requires reloading the parent page when coming back from the child page.
I'm using Navigator.push() method to move between pages. I want to reload the parent page after calling Navigator.pop() method.
How can I do that?
On first widget
onPressed:() async {
var value = await Navigator.pushNamed(context,"/second");
on second widget
Navigator.pop(context, param); //pass parameter here

In Flutter Which method gets called when pop back to Screen A from Screen B

I have updated my Sqlite Table in Screen B and want to reflect that change in Screen A Also.
So when Pop back from Screen B> Screen A nothing updated.
In Android, we have onResume() to make changes reflect in Activity A.
I have used Widgets Binding Observer but it works if app background, foreground.
You can await Navigator.push, when pop is called anything below Navigator.push will be called. Ex:
await Navigator.push(SomePage());
/// This will be called after SomePage cals Navigator.pop();
You can get back from the second page with data like this:
// Second Page
Navigator.pop(context, 'result');
Then by the below code on the first page, you are able to lunch the second page and wait until return from it and get data.
// First Page
var result = await Navigator.push(
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondPage()),

How to refresh a page after back button pressed

I have a "list page". and an add page. User clicks "add page", goes to a new page where they add some entity. Then I pop the Navigator, and user goes back to "list page".
At this point, I want to get notified somehow - callback maybe? override a method, I am not really sure - and re-read the information from database.
Is there a hook like this in Flutter? Or is there another pattern that I should use?
The Navigator.push method returns a future of the generic type of the Route:
.push(new MaterialPageRoute<String>(...))
.then((String value) {
And inside the new route, when you have the value you need:
If at your list page, you create function let say retrieveData() to read list of the data then call it inside initState, if you're using pushNamed route, the simple solution would be
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/adddatapage').whenComplete(retrieveData());
If you're using push route,
Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AddPage())).whenComplete(retrieveData);
That should be enough. No need to additional code on the add page. This will be works if user press back button also, again, without additional code in the add page.
Adding a option to #ian 's answer
.push(new MaterialPageRoute<String>(...))
.then((value) => setState(() => {}));
This worked for me. This will rebuild whenever page is loaded.
Write below code when redirect to screen 2,
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/screen2').then((_) {
// This block runs when you have returned back from screen 2.
setState(() {
// code here to refresh data
in screen 2 to back to screen 1
i use Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil, it will refresh the page and load the data again, this is example :
builder: (context) =>
(Route<dynamic> route) =>
I passed a callback method into the "add" page as a Navigator route argument. The callback is a method in my list page. The "add" page executes the callback when exiting. The callback method then simply refreshes the data and calls setState to refresh the screen.
My architecture is using Provider and viewmodels, but it should be straight-forward in a standard app as well.
For named route:
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/page2').then((_) {
// This block runs when you have returned back to the 1st Page from 2nd.
setState(() {
// Call setState to refresh the page.
For unnamed route:
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => Page2())).then((_) {
// This block runs when you have come back to the 1st Page from 2nd.
setState(() {
// Call setState to refresh the page.