erpnext: how to send system notificatio particular user wise in erpnext - erpnext

for example 5 user ,A,B,C,D,E owner send notification notification specific user like A only ahow this notification not all user show this notification


How to send message to specific user in flutter without FCM in flutter

I am making VC appointment system when the user request for appointment then the admin approve his request and send him a message for appointment now i dont know how the admin send message for that user who wants appointment otherwise everyone can see the admin message in flutter

Send reminder notifications for user's birthday

I am creating an app using Swift and Parse as my backend platform. In my application a User can send an invitation to be connected to another user and as soon as they are connected the app should send notifications to remind the user about his friend’s birthday.
In this scenario I have two moments in which the app should send a notification:
1- When user A sends an invitation to user B, user B should receive a notification
2- When it’s user’s B birthday, user A should receive a notification and vice versa
I created a Parse object called AppNotification that is responsible for storing information about the notifications the user should receive. So when a user sends an invitation to another user I am adding a line in the AppNotification table, the same happens when it’s a birthday of a friend. Using this I can calculate the number of unread notifications and show it to the user in the UI using the components badge.
My question is more related to the best way to send the birthday notification. What I am considering is:
1- When user A sends and invitation to user B I have to send a push notification to user B.
2- As soon as the users are connected I can schedule local notifications to remind them about the birthday. This solution would use Local Notifications instead of Push Notifications.
3- Or create a Job in Parse that will be executed every day and will read all the users whose birthday is today and send a push notification to his friends. This solution would use Push notifications and I would not need to worry about scheduling local notifications.
Between the points 2 and 3 which one is the best solution? Is there any other approach I could use? When should I consider using Local Notifications other than Remote Notifications?
Thank you in advance.
Regarding points 2 and 3: there are pros and cons for both options: Having the reminders as local notifications is basically what your local calendar app does, i.e. you don't need a connection the Internet / Parse. However: what happens if one party (A) decides that she no longer wants to be a "friend" (of B)? Should notifications still be sent? If not, you could easily delete the scheduled notification on the server. This would also ensure that the other party (B) wouldn't receive notifications of a former friend (A) if she didn't open the app in the meantime and synced the list of friends.
There are of course more pros and cons, so it is really a matter of your preference and possibly other constraints (e.g. should an active internet connection be necessity?).

How can I send apple push notifications based on userIDs not only on device tokens?

I use push notifications in my iOS application but the problem is - several users with different IDs in the system can use the same device and I want to send push notification only to the user which is logged in, but now notifications arrive to the device even if other user is logged in. I know that APNS identifies pushes only by device tokens...
But is there some way to send push notifications based on user ID or other information not only device token?
You'll have to manage it yourself.
Whenever a user logs-in to your app, notify your server (send the user-id to the server).
Do the same whenever a user logs-off.
In your server, based on the currently logged-in user (you'll have to manage a database that contains for each device token the currently logged-in user), you can decide
which push notification to send to the device.
I don't think iOS push notification is right for your problem. here is why
consider you have an app with multiple users using the same device. you have a simple scenario where users can assign tasks to other users and they would like to get notifications when a task has been assigned to them
you do 'user to device token' mapping yourself on the server. consider user A and user B. both registered to receive notifications. so on the server both of them will have an entry in the mapping of what their device tokens are
Now, user B is logged out -- you will update on the server by removing the token for user B? or say use a flag to update the status that he is logged out?
user A now assigns a task to user B. on the server, you can see that user B has no mapping or mapping status is not active?
what happens to the notification?
you will end up queuing a notification for user b until he logs in? and push again? but again how do you know when to push again?
It is better you provide some UX in the app to get the notifications on a tap or periodically poll the server for any notifications

Register for Push of certain events iOS

I'm trying to write an iPhone app in which the user can register for push-notifications in some events. Lets say the app will display 4 different categories. What if the user only wants notifications from 1 or 2 of these categories?
How can this problem be solved?
when user selects these events you can send a call on server (which is generating the push notification) that only these events should generate the push notification and when sending push notification you can check if this device is registered for this particular event's push notification if the user is not registered for this event then don't send the push notification

How to specify users for push notification on iphone?

I want to send push notifications to the application users and i can send to all users, but i want to select users also. How can i do that?
If you are currently able to send push notifications to all of your users, you're obviously storing their device tokens somewhere. If you want to send a notification to a single user, you just need to determine which token is theirs (possibly by associating information with it in the database—e.g. their email) and send a single notification to APNS.