How do I split a Grafana time series graph by another value? - grafana

I am using a managed AWS Grafana V8.4.7 and Opensearch as my Datasource.
I am trying to achieve a time series visualization that will show split results of the same metric according to another metric, similar to “Split Series” in Kibana.
Allow me to elaborate - My monitor sends a JSON to Opensearch (which is my datasource) that has many different values, one of the values is “speed”. The thing about “Speed” is that it cannot be explained without “power” which is another metric. I have four different power values that results in different speeds. What I am trying to achieve is one speed time series visualization that shows 4 different speed graphs, color coded according to the power value. In Kibana this is done by choose the “Split series” → term → and then choosing the metric to split by.
What I did so far is created a time series visualization → chose data source → Metric → Average → Chose “speed” metric.


Dashboard visualizing CPU usage of kafka container chopped up

I want to monitor the cpu usage of kafka container, but the graph is chopped up into different pieces. There seem to be gaps in the graph and after each gap a different colored line follows. The time range is last 30 days. For the exporter we use danielqsj/kafka-exporter:v1.4.2
The promql query used to create this graph is:
Can I merge these lines into one continual? If so, with what promql expression/dashboard configuration?
This happens when at least 1 of the labels that are attached to the metric changes. The rate function keeps all the original labels from the underline time series. In Prometheus, each time series is uniquely identified by the metric name container_cpu_usage_seconds_total and any labels (key-value pairs) attached to the metric (container, for instance). This is why Grafana uses different colors because they are different time series.
If you want to get a single series in Grafana you can aggregate using the sum operator:
which by default will not keep any of the original labels.

Grafana Singlestat Max not matching Graph with same query

I have a Singlestat panel and Graph panel that use an identical query, (Singlestat & Graph query). And, the Singlestat is set to max (Singlestat setting).
Unfortunately, the graph clearly shows a maximum greater than the max singlestat (714 vs ~800): Singlestat vs Graph. Judging from the sparklines on the Singlestat, it seems like the Singlestat's calculations are less granular than the graph's. Can anyone explain why this would be if they're using the same base query? The other singlestat functions (like Min, Avg, etc.) seem to work fine. It's just max that I'm seeing this issue with.
Note: I reviewed the other Grafana Singlestat vs Graph posts, but this appears to be a different issue.
If you take a look at the first image you linked to, you'll notice there is a Min step input, with a default value of 5m. That's where your lower resolution comes from. You may set that explicitly to your scrape interval (or less, to make sure you don't lose any samples due to jitter in the scrape interval, although that may end up being costly), but if you increase your dashboard range enough you'll:
(a) likely have a singlestat max value that's higher than anything on the graph (because your graph is now lower resolution than the singlestat source data); and
(b) will hit Prometheus' 11K samples limit if you zoom out to a range longer than 11K times the scrape interval.
Your best bet is to use PromQL to calculate the max value to display in your singlestat panel. You'll still have to deal with (a) above (low resolution graph when the range is long) but it's going to be the actual max (as much as the fact that you're actually sampling values at some fixed interval allows) and it's going to be more efficient.
Problem is that given your query -- sum(jvm_thread_count) -- there is no way of putting that into a single PromQL query with max_over_time. You'd have to define a recorded rule (something like instance:jvm_thread_count:sum = sum(jvm_thread_count) and then have your singlestat panel display the results of the max_over_time(instance:jvm_thread_count:sum[$__range_s]) instant query (check the Instant checkbox in your singlestat settings).

Combining several data series to the same value in Grafana

I'm looking for a function in Grafana which looks like it should be trivial, but until now I haven't been able to find out how, if at all, it is possible to do.
With the recent templating options, I can easily create my dashboard once, and quickly change the displayed data to look at different subsets of my data, and that's great.
What I'm looking for is a way to combine this functionality to create interactive graphs that show aggregations on different subsets of my data.
E.g., the relevant measurement for me is a "clicks per views" measurement.
For each point in the series, I can calculate this ratio for each state (or node) in code before sending it to the graphite layer, and this is what I've been doing until now.
My problem starts where I want to combine several states together, interactively: I could use the "*" in one of the nodes, and use an aggregate function like "avg" or "sum" to collect the different values covered in the sub-nodes together.
Problem is, I can't just use an average of averages - as the numbers may be calculated on very different sample sizes,the results will be highly inaccurate.
Instead, I'd like to send to the graphite the "raw data" - number of clicks and number of views per state for each point in the series, and have grafana calculate something like "per specified states, aggregate number of clicks AND DIVIDE BY aggregate number of views".
Is there a was to do this? as far as I can tell, the asPercent function doesn't seem to do the trick.
You can use a query like this in edit mode:
SELECT (aggregate_function1(number_of_clicks)/aggregate_function2(number_of_views)) as result
FROM measurement_name
WHERE $timeFilter
GROUP BY time($_interval), state.

Graphite show top 10 metrics filtered by time

I am new to Graphite and can't understand how to do this:
I have a large number of time-metrics (celery metrics) in format stats.timers.*.median
I want to show:
Top N metrics with average value above X
Display them on one graph with the names of metrics
Now I have averageAbove(stats.timers.*.median,50) but it displays graphs without names and renders strangely and in bad scale. Help, please! :)
You will need to chain a few functions together in order to get the desired result.
limit(sortByMaxima(averageAbove(stats.timers.*.median, X)), N)
Starting the the averageAbove as the base.
The next thing you want to do is get all the metrics in order, "top-to-bottom" by using sortByMAxima.
Then you can limit the results that are rendered with the limit function.
You might not be rending the legend if you have too many metrics for the size of the graph. You can do 3 things.
Make the graph larger
Reduce the number of metrics using limit
Force the legend to be displayed via hideLegend

How can I control how Jasper Reports combines data for a single value in a time series?

I have a time series and I'd like to:
a) Know how Jasper Reports (or JFreeChart) will combine my data for a single point on the chart by default
b) Be able to change how that combination is performed
For instance, let's say that I have samples of data once per second, and my time series is configured for "minute". That means that I have 60 pieces of real data for each single value shown on the chart. I'd like to be able to control how that mapping is done (e.g. average, maximum, etc.).
I looked around for documentation on how to see the default or modify how the plot works, but I wasn't able to find anything. Perhaps my search terms (chart, time series, etc.) were too generic.