Hello everyone I am using Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash stack from https://github.com/robcowart/elastiflow
running it with docker-compose. The problem is that the instructions that are described in the dockerfile are not executed, now I will tell you with an example.
Logstash has settings that are stored in /etc/logstash/elastiflow/user_settings when I edit one of the configuration files, and after that I do docker-compose, then logstash is built with standard settings, ignoring the settings made in the /user_settings folder The problem is partly solved by the fact that I go into the running logstash container, into the /user_settings folder and already edit the necessary files there,
docker exec -u 0 -it container_ID bash
cd user_settings
vi ifName.yml
vi sampling_interval.yml
but such changes live until the container is loaded, after docker-compose down, the settings i made are returns to default. I have a question, for what reason could it be that the instruction specified in the dockerfile is ignored by the docker compose?
Here is default intruction:
WORKDIR /etc/logstash/elastiflow
COPY --chown=logstash:root ./logstash/elastiflow/user_settings ./
I am using docker-compose for a development project. I have 6 services defined in my docker compose file. I have been using the below script to rebuild the images whenever I make a change.
# file: rebuild.sh
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
I am looking for a way to reduce the build time as building and restarting all the services seems unnecessary as I am usually only changing one module. I see in the docker-compose docs you can run commands for individual services by specifying the service name after e.g. docker-compose build myservice.
In another terminal window I tried docker-compose build myservice && docker-compose restart myservice while leaving the other ./rebuild.sh command open in the original terminal. In the ./rebuild.sh terminal window I see all the initialization messages being reprinted to the stdout so I know it is restarting that service but the code changes aren't there. What am I doing wrong? I just want to rebuild and restart a single service.
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build myservice
Note that:
-d is for Detached mode,
-force-recreate will recreate containers even is your code did not change,
-build is for build your images before starting containers.
At least the name of your service.
Take a look here.
I have dockerfile which has the following command for building the image
FROM postgres:9.6.2-alpine
COPY postgresql.conf /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/postgresql.conf
COPY postgres-*.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
CMD ["postgres", "-c", "config_file=/docker-entrypoint-
and from this image in the repository I am creating another local docker image as
ARG FROM_IMAGE_TAG=v9.6.2-latest
FROM <url for the image above>:${FROM_IMAGE_TAG}
COPY postgres-create-zfunction.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
The script in the 2nd dockerfile is copied to the container but it is not getting executed. When I tried to run the scipt locally it is working perfect inside the container, however during start up it is not getting executed and I do not see any logs for errors in the container too.
Any suggestions on how to run the script will be helpful
The issue was resolved by removing the volume mapping which was created when I first ran the docker-compose build. So every-time I want to run the scripts I have to delete the volume mapping in local filesystem and do the docker-compose up or build commands
see the comment by blag on this issue https://github.com/docker-library/postgres/issues/40
I am using the "plain" postgresql:alpine docker image, but have to schedule a database backup daily. I think this is a pretty common task.
I created a script backupand stored in the container in /etc/periodic/15min, and made it executable:
bash-4.4# ls -l /etc/periodic/15min/
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 95 Mar 2 15:44 backup
I tried executing it manually, that works fine.
My problem is getting crond to run automatically.
If I exec docker exec my-postgresql-container crond, the deamon is started and cron works, but I would like to embed this into my Dockerfile
FROM postgres:alpine
# my backup script, MUST NOT have .sh extension
COPY backup.sh /etc/periodic/15min/backup
RUN chmod a+x /etc/periodic/15min/backup
RUN crond # <- doesn't work
I have no idea how to rewrite or overwrite the commands in the official image. For update reasons I also would like to stay on these images, if possible.
Note: This option if you would like to use the same container with multiple service
Install Supervisord which will makes you able to run crond and postgresql. The Dockerfile will be as the following:
FROM postgres:alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache supervisor
RUN mkdir /etc/supervisor.d
COPY postgres_cron.ini /etc/supervisor.d/postgres_cron.ini
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisord.conf"]
And postgres_cron.ini will be as the following:
logfile=/var/log/supervisord.log ; (main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)
loglevel=info ; (log level;default info; others: debug,warn,trace)
nodaemon=true ; (start in foreground if true;default false)
command=/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh postgres
command =/usr/sbin/crond -f
Then you can start the docker build process and run a container from your new image. Feel free to modify the Dockerfile or postgres_cron.ini as needed
I had the exact same problem a few month ago. The key aspect is that a container can have only one main process defined by the ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD in your Dockerfile.
You cannot just swap out postgres with crond otherwise your database isn't running. It is generally recommended to separate areas of concern by using one service per container.
With that in mind either use a separate container which runs nothing but crond and thus Docker can both track its lifecycle, and restart it when/if it fails, the machine restarts, etc.
Or run the jobs via cron on your host using docker exec.
The third and in my opinion best (but also advanced) solution is pg_cron. It is an postgres extension and therefore runs the jobs in the same database container. Your challenge would be to adapt the configuration and installation of it.
The easy part should be the
# add to postgresql.conf:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_cron'
cron.database_name = 'postgres'
Next, you need to add the pg_cron extension to your image by adjusting the Dockerfile, which you can derive from the official alpine postgres image. The installation of it is described here.
I'm on windows 10 with docker version 1.9.1 using docker toolbox
I wanted to put up a quick postgres container, something I've done before with a dockerfile I had laying around.
FROM postgres
ADD create-db.sql /tmp/
ADD drop_create_table.sql /tmp/
ADD db.sql /tmp/
ADD create-db.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
It's pretty simple.
and when i run the resulting image. it starts fine.
However at the end it says:
server started ALTER ROLE
/docker-entrypoint-sh: running
/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create-db.sh :No such file or directory
If I try to do docker run -it <imagename> //bin/bash I can see that the file is indeed there:
root#xxxx:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d# ls
but whenever I run it it tells me it's not.
The container promptly stops when it doesn't find the file, so I can't try to ssh into the running container.
Under the background of https://github.com/docker-library/postgres (github repo) and https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/postgres/ (docker hub)
It can be seen database is started by Entrypoint and CMD with bash script
ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["postgres"]
another script hook provided to change database is
which means the database starts (can be pqsl) only at runtime, when docker run command is typed in.
This causes a problem, we could not customize the database before it runs in build time, for example add extensions and populate db with data.
Of course, it could be done in run time. But it has the advantage to repeat the operation every time when the image is run.
So, what is the logic behind this design from docker or postgres perspective? How could I add extension and populate data in build time ?
If you were to customize (create, populate data) a database at build time, that would imply that the database data is written into the docker image filesystem itself (as one cannot mount a volume at build time).
The issue with that is that the docker image filesystem is a special one (AUFS or btrfs, etc) which isn't delivering good I/O performances for data intensive applications such as a database server.
As a consequence, you want to have your data written on a volume instead of on the docker container filesystem. As you don't know at build time what would be the volume used at run time, and as there is no mean anyway to mount volumes at build time, no one should create database at build time.
Furthermore, if you take a close look at the Dockerfile of the official PostgreSQL image, you will see that there is a VOLUME instruction that makes the path at which the data is written a volume. That means that the image is designed so that the data will never hit the docker container filesystem.
If you take a look at other Dockerfiles for other databases or data intensive applications, you will notice that they all operate in this manner. An other reason for that is that it is accepted as a good practice to make your docker containers immutable.
If you want to install additional modules to your image, it is fine as long as those do not depend on data that would be written on a volume, and as long as you make sure to declare a volume for any path they would write data on.
Application code/binary → docker image filesystem
Application data → docker volume
This is right from the docker page for the postgres image (library/postgres):
If you would like to do additional initialization in an image derived from this one, add a *.sql or *.sh script under /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d (creating the directory if necessary). After the entrypoint calls initdb to create the default postgres user and database, it will run any *.sql files and source any *.sh script found in that directory to do further initialization before starting the service.
You can also extend the image with a simple Dockerfile to set the locale. The following example will set the default locale to de_DE.utf8:
FROM postgres:9.4
RUN localedef -i de_DE -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias de_DE.UTF-8
ENV LANG de_DE.utf8
Since database initialization only happens on container startup, this allows us to set the language before it is created.
You have the ability to extend an image just as the example shows from the docs that I pasted above. You can also use the exec command and execute virtually anything within the container right from your host machine. It took me a little while to get used to it, I continue to discover things as I play with it more and more.
sudo docker run --name some-postgres -v ~/PATH/TO/some-postgres/data:/var/lib/postgres/data -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -d postgres