Mapstruct - Multiple parameters to inner class - mapstruct

I'm trying to map to a inner class but it's not working.
I have the following Pojos:
public record Author(UUID id, String name) {}
public record Book(Author author) {}
And this is the mapper:
public interface BookMapper {
#Mapping(target="author", source=".");
Book map(UUID id, String name);
Author map(UUID id, String name);
But I get this error when compiling:
BookMapperImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method map(UUID,String)
Any help is appreciated.

BookMapperImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method map(UUID,String)
That is a strange error, it means that MapStruct generated some partial implementation due to something else, but it didn't report an addition error. This is most likely a bug in MapStruct.
Nevertheless, using source = "." doesn't work with multiple source parameters and even without that it won't be able to pass the mapping to the Author mapping.
I would suggest using a custom method for mapping this e.g.
public interface BookMapper {
#Mapping(target="author", source=".");
default Book map(UUID id, String name) {
Author author = map(id, name);
return author != null ? new Book(author) : null;
Author map(UUID id, String name);


JPA Generic Entity using Map

Is there a way to implement JPA Entity using Map? either extended HashMap or contain a hashmap i.e.:
public class Employee {
/* .... */
void set(String columnName, Object columnValue) { /*...*/ }
Object get(String columnName) { /*...*/ }
public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Long> {
this way, there is no need to provide model attributes in the Employee class. Basically, whatever columns are defined in the database, it will be a property like entry in the Employee class.
Employee emp;
Is something like this possible?
Though not possible in vanilla JPA, EclipseLink dynamic entities ( might be what you want. It allows for working with entities in a map-like fashion. Not sure if it is sufficient for your use case, though.

Spring Data JPA And NamedEntityGraphs

currently I am wrestling with being able to fetch only the data I need. The findAll() method needs to fetch data dependant on where its getting called.
I do not want to end up writing different methods for each entity graph.
Also, I would avoid calling entitymanagers and forming the (repetitive) queries myself.
Basicly I want to use the build in findAll method, but with the entity graph of my liking. Any chance?
#NamedEntityGraph(name="allJoinsButMessages", attributeNodes = {
#NamedEntityGraph(name="allJoins", attributeNodes = {
#NamedEntityGraph(name="noJoins", attributeNodes = {
public class Complaint implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private long id;
private Timestamp date;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "customer")
private User customer;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "handling_employee")
private User handling_employee;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Genre genre;
private boolean closed;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "complaint", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<ComplaintMessage> complaintMessages = new ArrayList<ComplaintMessage>();
//getters and setters
And my JPARepository
public interface ComplaintRepository extends JpaRepository<Complaint, Long>{
List<Complaint> findByClosed(boolean closed);
#EntityGraph(value = "allJoinsButMessages" , type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
List<Complaint> findAll(Sort sort);
We ran into a similar problem and devised several prospective solutions but there doesn't seem to be an elegant solution for what seems to be a common problem.
1) Prefixes. Data jpa affords several prefixes (find, get, ...) for a method name. One possibility is to use different prefixes with different named graphs. This is the least work but hides the meaning of the method from the developer and has a great deal of potential to cause some non-obvious problems with the wrong entities loading.
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Integer>, UserRepositoryCustom {
#EntityGraph(value = "User.membershipYearsAndPreferences", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
User findByUserID(int id);
#EntityGraph(value = "User.membershipYears", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
User readByUserId(int id);
2) CustomRepository. Another possible solutions is to create custom query methods and inject the EntityManager. This solution gives you the cleanest interface to your repository because you can name your methods something meaningful, but it is a significant amount of complexity to add to your code to provide the solution AND you are manually grabbing the entity manager instead of using Spring magic.
interface UserRepositoryCustom {
public User findUserWithMembershipYearsById(int id);
class UserRepositoryImpl implements UserRepositoryCustom {
private EntityManager em;
public User findUserWithMembershipYearsById(int id) {
User result = null;
List<User> users = em.createQuery("SELECT u FROM users AS u WHERE = :id", User.class)
.setParameter("id", id)
.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", em.getEntityGraph("User.membershipYears"))
if(users.size() >= 0) {
result = users.get(0);
return result;
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Integer>, UserRepositoryCustom {
#EntityGraph(value = "User.membershipYearsAndPreferences", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
User findByUserID(int id);
3) JPQL. Essentially this is just giving up on named entity graphs and using JPQL to handle your joins for you. Non-ideal in my opinion.
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Integer>, UserRepositoryCustom {
#EntityGraph(value = "User.membershipYearsAndPreferences", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
User findByUserID(int id);
#Query("SELECT u FROM users WHERE JOIN??????????????????????????")
User findUserWithTags(#Param("id") final int id);
We went with option 1 because it is the simplest in implementation but this does mean when we use our repositories we have have to look at the fetch methods to make sure we are using the one with the correct entity graph. Good luck.
JPA EntityGraph with different views using Spring
I don't have enough reputation to post all of my sources. Sorry :(
We had the same issue and built a Spring Data JPA extension to solve it :
This extension allows to pass named or dynamically built EntityGraph as an argument of any repository method.
With this extension, you would have this method immediatly available:
List<Complaint> findAll(Sort sort, EntityGraph entityGraph);
And be able to call it with an EntityGraph selected at runtime.
Use #EntityGraph together with #Query
public interface ComplaintRepository extends JpaRepository<Complaint, Long>{
#EntityGraph(value = "allJoinsButMessages" , type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
#Query("SELECT c FROM Complaint ORDER BY ..")
List<Complaint> findAllJoinsButMessages();
#EntityGraph(value = "allJoins" , type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
#Query("SELECT c FROM Complaint ORDER BY ..")
List<Complaint> findAllJoin();
Using the #EntityGraph annotation on a derived query is possible, as I found out from This article. The article has the example:
public interface ArticleRepository extends JpaRepository<Article,Long> {
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = "topics")
Article findOneWithTopicsById(Long id);
But I don't think there's anything special about "with" and you can actually have anything between find and By. I tried these and they work (this code is Kotlin, but the idea is the same):
interface UserRepository : PagingAndSortingRepository<UserModel, Long> {
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = arrayOf("address"))
fun findAnythingGoesHereById(id: Long): Optional<UserModel>
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = arrayOf("address"))
fun findAllAnythingGoesHereBy(pageable: Pageable): Page<UserModel>
The article had mentioned the caveat that you can't create a method similar to findAll which will query all records without having a By condition and uses findAllWithTopicsByIdNotNull() as an example. I found that just including By by itself at the end of the name was sufficient: findAllWithTopicsBy(). A little more terse but maybe a little more confusing to read. Using method names which end with just By without any condition may be in danger of breaking in future versions in Spring since it doesn't seem like an intended use of derived queries name.
It looks like the code for parsing derived query names in Spring is here on github. You can look there in case you're curious about what's possible for derived queries repository method names.
These are the spring docs for derived queries.
This was tested with spring-data-commons-2.2.3.RELEASE
EDIT: this doesn't actually work. Ended up having to go with The default method LOOKS correct, but doesn't successfully override the annotations.
Using JPA, what I found works is to use a default method, with a different EntityGraph annotation:
public interface ComplaintRepository extends JpaRepository<Complaint, Long>{
List<Complaint> findByClosed(boolean closed);
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"customer", "genre", "handling_employee" }, type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
List<Complaint> findAll(Sort sort);
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"customer", "genre", "handling_employee", "messages" }, type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
default List<Complaint> queryAll(Sort sort){
return findAll(sort);
You don't have to do any of the re-implementation, and can customize the entity graph using the existing interface.
Can you try create EntiyGraph name with child that you will request and give same name to the find all method.
#EntityGraph(value = "fetch.Profile.Address.record", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Employee getProfileAddressRecordById(long id);
For your case:
#NamedEntityGraph(name="all.Customer.handling_employee.genre", attributeNodes = {
method name in repository
#EntityGraph(value = "all.Customer.handling_employee.genre" , type=EntityGraphType.FETCH)
This way you can keep track of different findAll methods.

Cannot create self link for class X. No persistent entity found

Getting the error in the title when using Spring Data REST. How to resolve?
#JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, property="#class")
#JsonSubTypes({ #JsonSubTypes.Type(value=Individual.class, name="Individual") })
public abstract class Party {
protected Long id;
protected String name;
public String toString() {
return id + " " + name;
...getters, setters...
public class Individual extends Party {
private String gender;
public String toString() {
return gender + " " + super.toString();
...getters, setters...
public interface PartyRepository extends JpaRepository<Party,Long> {
If I POST, it saves to the db correctly:
POST /parties {"#class":"com.example.Individual", "name":"Neil", "gender":"MALE"}
But returns a 400 error:
{"cause":null,"message":"Cannot create self link for class com.example.Individual! No persistent entity found!"}
It looks like it's an Individual after retrieving from repository:
//output is MALE 1 Neil
Looks like Jackson can figure out that it's an individual:
System.out.println( new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString( partyRepository.findOne(1L) ) );
//output is {"#class":"com.example.Individual", "id":1, "name":"Neil", "gender":"MALE"}
Why can SDR not figure it out?
How to fix? Preferably with XML config.
Hibernate 4.3.6.Final
SDR repositories expect a non-abstract entity, in your case it would be Individual. You can google or search here for explaination on why SDR expects a non-abstract entity.
I tried your code myself and SDR won't even work for POST and I see below error message.
"cause": {
"cause": null,
"message": "Can not construct instance of, problem: abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or be instantiated with additional type information\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream#30217e25; line: 1, column: 1]"
"message": "Could not read JSON: Can not construct instance of, problem: abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or be instantiated with additional type information\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream#30217e25; line: 1, column: 1]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of, problem: abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or be instantiated with additional type information\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream#30217e25; line: 1, column: 1]"
I suggest you change respository from PartyRepository to IndividualRepository
public interface IndividualRepository extends JpaRepository<Individual,Long> {
You are seeing that error since SDR could not find a repository refering Individual while constructing links. Simply adding Individual respository and not exporting it would solve your problem.
#RepositoryRestResource(exported = false)
public interface IndividualRepository extends JpaRepository<Individual,Long> {

Entity Framework code first Inheritance Issue

I have code first implementation for flowing hierarchy,
Public int Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public string Designation{get;set;}
public int NumOfEmployees{get;set;}
I want to identify person or company with by using only the Id value? Currently I am using reflection to identify whether it is a person or company. Is there any other way to identify it without doing too much?
Without seeing how you initialised your classes I'm going to assume you have a table per concrete type approach.
You can't do it just from the ID, as you don't know which table the ID belongs to. ID 2 in "Person" table is a different entity to ID 3 in "Company". The only practical way to identify only from an ID is using a Table per Hierarchy approach and inspecting the type descriptor.
Some good references
You can also use a simple is statement instead of reflection. Ie if (entity is Company)
In your BaseContact (assume it is an abstract class) add abstract property which will be implemented by other two classes.Use Enum to identify the property type as follows.
public enum MyType
public abstract class BaseContact{
public abstract MyType ContactType{get;}
public class Person:BaseContact
public override MyType ContactType
return MyType.Person;
public class Company:BaseContact
public override MyType ContactType
return MyType.Company;
Use your BaseContact repository to retrieve entities and use enum for type separation.

Entity Framework, LINQ and Generics

I have the following code:
public interface IKeyed<TKey>
TKey Id { get; }
// This is the entity framework generated model. I have added the
// IKeyed<Guid> interface
public partial class Person : IKeyed<Guid>
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public class Repository<TKey, TEntity> : IKeyedRepository<TKey, TEntity>
where TEntity : class, IKeyed<TKey>
private readonly IObjectSet<TEntity> _objectSet;
public Repository(IOjectSet<TEntity> objectSet)
_objectSet = objectSet;
public TEntity FindBy(TKey id)
return _objectSet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(id));
Here is how I am calling this:
Db2Entities context = new Db2Entities(_connectionString); // This is the EF context
IObjectSet<Person> objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<Person>();
IKeyedRepository<Guid, Person> repo = new Repository<Guid, Person>(objectSet);
Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
Person person = repo.FindBy(id); // This throws the exception.
The above code compiles. When the 'FindBy' method is executed, I get the following error:
Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'. Only primitive types (for instance Int32, String and Guid) are supported in this context.
Since the type of my 'Id' is a Guid (one of the primitive types supported) it seems like I should be able to massage this into working.
Anyone know if this is possible?
It doesn't work this way. You cannot call Equals because EF doesn't know how to translate it to SQL. When you pass expression to FirstOrDefault it must be always only code which can be translated to SQL. It is probably possible to solve your problem with some manual building of expression tree but I can reference other solutions already discussed on Stack Overflow.
ObjectContext offers method named GetObjectByKey which is exactly what you are trying to do. The problem is that it requires EntityKey as parameter. Here are two answers which show how to use this method and how to get EntityKey:
Entity Framework Simple Generic GetByID but has differents PK Name
generic GetById for complex PK
In your case the code will be less complicated because you know the name of the key property so you generally need only something like this:
public virtual TEntity FindBy(TKey id)
// Build entity key
var entityKey = new EntityKey(_entitySetName, "Id", key);
// Query first current state manager and if entity is not found query database!!!
return (TEntity)Context.GetObjectByKey(entityKey);
The problem here is that you cannot get entitySetName from IObjectSet so you must either pass it to repository constructor or you must pass ObjectSet.
Just in case you will want to use DbContext API (EFv4.1) in the future instead of ObjectContext API it will be much simplified because DbSet offers Find method:
generic repository EF4 CTP5 getById