API Gateway Proxy to EC2 Instance - aws-cloudformation

I want a template to create a proxy with Serverless Framework YAML to existing services that are running on App Runner. I already created manually on AWS Console, it would be good if there's a way to use the exported YAML from the console too, or convert it in a Serverless Framework YAML


Problems accessing Service Fabric Explorer and Cluster via RDP

I have an infrastructure pipeline in Azure DevOps that setup a service fabric cluster. The fabric cluster's key vault and certificate are generated by a custom PowerShell script I wrote, while the cluster and its resources are generated by an ARM template. They are executed as tasks in the pipeline.
However, I am having problems accessing the generated fabric cluster via Service Fabric Explorer using web address: https://myclustername.mylocation.cloudapp.azure.com:19080/Explorer
I also have problem accessing the nodes using RDP:
I tried the following:
Restarted virtual machine scale set.
Checked the ports are open on load balancer: 3389-3391
I don't get this problem if I setup the fabric resource group with visual studio.
I checked the certificate generated and made sure it has a subject that is the same as the fabric cluster url. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
I think I used the ARM template that came with visual studio 2017. The template is old (2016). I updated the template to the recent one and the issue is resolved:
I still have some problem for adding a custom internal load balancer, but all the other resources out of the ARM template are working.

IBM Cloud Private - Deploy Node Js application

We have configured IBM Cloud Private
We have sample node application. We need to deploy the same in ICP console.
We have followed the procedures listed in the below link.
Please suggest suitable methods.
to deploy an application, you can deploy using
using helm chart you created
i have a sample project where I shows a java app how it is package and deploy, hopes it helps
using deployment file
using helm chart you created and added into the UI catalog and deploy using it
see above .
using deployment and service
the following project, i have package a ng sample and shows how to deploy using the UI Workloads/Deployment/Create Deployment and Network Access/Services/Create Service
hopes it helps.

How to add AppSync backend to AWS MobileHub project via console?

Although awsmobile-cli has a feature for enabling and configuring an AppSync backend like:
awsmobile appsync enable
awsmobile appsync configure
It is prone to end up with a total irrelevant configuration: It creates DynamoDB tables in us-west-2 (Oregon), even if my project is located at eu-central-1 (Frankfurt). And it does so through its default "events" graphql schema. And after all, it does not appear on the MobileHub project console as a backend feature.
Now, the thing I want to do is adding an AppSync backend to AWS MobileHub project via the console. And then I can pull the changes from the cli once I am done i.e. modified the my graphql schema, attached the resolvers and engaged the datasources.
Is it possible as of now?
Unfortunately right now this is not possible via the Mobile Hub console. It is in the CLI roadmap to support importing existing AppSync resources.
As it is not possible to on Mobile Hub right now you could try to use serverless framework together with serverless-appsync-plugin. It allows you to write your infrastructure as code and to deploy it to AWS via CLI.
While Mobile Hub is kinda limiting, you can actually design more complex backend for your app with serverless tool. You can even set up lambda data sources for appsync. Here you can find some examples for different graphql API setups: https://github.com/serverless/serverless-graphql
If you have more or less complex schema it is a right solution to deploy it from CLI as AppSync console starts to lag with big schemas

what are the advantages of aws cloud config over spring cloud config?

Based on what parameters can we decide on a config server? aws cloud config vs spring cloud config server?
if the application is developed based on Spring framework, which one will be a better option? aws-cloud-config / spring-config?
does both support XML/properties configuration other than YAML?
Can both be configured for High Availability?
Is it possible to define a workflow (for approval of changes that need to be moved to PRODUCTION, using jenkins for example?)
If your application is based on Spring, it makes sense to use Spring Cloud Config as you would be using a specific framework instead of a Generic framework like AWS config
yes, Spring Cloud Config supports both YAML and property files
Ultimately the Spring Cloud Config is a Spring Boot App, hence you can make it high available using the same strategy that we use for any Spring Application
The simplest Approval work flow would be
Configure your Jenkins Job to send mail for approval
Set-up Promotion using https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Promoted+Builds+Plugin
Deploy the Artificats to the specific environment

Bluemix Deploy Behaviors - Declared Services

I have the following manifest.yml file for a WAR file deployment to Liberty on Cloud Foundry-based Bluemix. When I use the deploy stage from the pipeline to my own workspace, the declared services and service bindings to the app from my manifest file are ignored. However, when using the Deploy to Bluemix button, the dependent services and bindings are created.
How can I force the deploy stage to create and bind services if they don't exist in the space when NOT using "Deploy to Bluemix" but simply using the deploy stage?
label: cloudantNoSQLDB
plan: Shared
- services:
- tuck-cloudant-cloudantNoSQLDB
- name: HelloWorldTuck4
path: HelloWorld.war
The service bindings in the file manifest.yml are IBM extensions to the Cloud Foundry standard (see the Deploy to Bluemix) which are hopefully incorporated. However, at this time only the special deployment processing of the Deploy to Bluemix button will take care of that declared services section and will provision the services for you.
Indeed you can script the service creation in the pipeline.
There is even a way to make it occur with a Deploy to Bluemix button, using a pipeline.yml file in your sample repo: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/develop/sharetextpipelines.html
See an example there:
The declared services are specific to Deploy to Bluemix. You can, however, run pretty much any cf cli command you want in the deploy stage. You should be able to do a cf create-service ... or a cf bind-service .... This would have to be done manually, adding lines to the deploy script.