Can we download AWS Appflow Metadata for each flow - amazon-appflow

We need metadata for each Flow in Appflow. For example we need mapping field name and source object name used in flow. Is there any UI or API option available.


How to create Database wallet into hyperledger-fabric?

I need to use a database (mysql/mongodb) instead of files to store the user's wallet identity into hyperledger-fabric.
The Fabric client SDKs only provide file-system and CouchDB wallet storage out-of-the-box so you have two options:
Write your own WalletStore implementation that stores and retrieves data from MongoDB.
Store the client credentials however you want (in your database of choice or any other location), and then pass them to the SDK directly as an X509Identity object in the identity field of the connection options.
See this tutorial and the WalletStore documentation for details of how to use a custom WalletStore implementation. You might also refer to the CouchDB store implementation as a reference.
Note that for Hyperledger Fabric v2.4 and later, the Fabric Gateway client API is the preferred API for Node, Java and Go applications. The model used with this API is for you to store client credentials however you chose (which could still be in a wallet) and then just supply an identity and signing implementation using those credentials to the API on connection. See the migration guide for details.

How to copy data from rest api using oauth to azure blob storage as json using adf

I have difficulties creating an ADF pipeline that pulls data from a REST API using oAuth and writes it to azure blob storage in JSON format. I am a python developer and relatively new to adf. I will explain in more detail below.
I need to obtain an access token by posting a request to the token endpoint. This step works fine.
I need to pull the data from the API using a GET request in a copy activity. Also I need to include pagination. Is there something wrong on the way I define the pagination rules? "#odata.nextLink" is full description of the json key; is this correctly spelled in the value section?
I need to copy the data to a blob storage in json format. I created the sink dataset.
Upon running the pipeline it asks for 2 pipeline parameters, what am I supposed to write here?
I get the following error, what am I doing wrong?

REST API calls for setting namespace preferences and Program preferences

Can the namespace preferences and program preferences be set via REST API calls? If yes, what is the syntax for it?
Generally in Cloud Data Fusion, when we intend to perform the action on GCP side, like create/delete/restart etc. instance, it's feasible to use domestic Google Cloud API, giving the opportunity to interact with a service endpoint via JSON/HTTP calls interface as described in Google Cloud API design document.
Dedicated to Data Fusion you can follow the Cloud Data Fusion REST API reference document, nicely explaining the methods for composing REST API HTTP calls to manage Data Fusion instances, moreover every method description from the documentation contains Google API Explorer sub-panel, to get handy experience building JSON request on a live data.
Said above, I assume your initial question is related more to CDAP REST API, as it includes the methods for pure CDAP instance metadata/namespaces/application configuration.
From the user perspective your workflow might be the following:
Identify the CDAP API endpoint as explained in this guideline;
Compose an HTTP PUT/GET request relevant to Data Fusion
object via CDAP RESTful API.
Yes of course! You have two methods.
The first method is creating it from the platform. Follow the steps below:
Open your data fusion instance
Go to System Admin => Configuration => Make HTTP calls
To create a namespace, submit an HTTP PUT request:
PUT /v3/namespaces/<namespace-id>
Link of CDAP: CDAP
The second method is using terraform.

Reset default filters for tableau view via rest api

I am using tableau rest api for view data to fetch data for views. There are some default filter values applied to the view filters and I am getting data filtered according to that. I want the complete data. How can I clear the filters via tableau rest api. I cannot use their javascript api.
There is no endpoint in the rest api that enables this functionality out-of-the-box. You may be able to download the workbook and script something that interrogates the raw xml (a twb/twbx file is simply xml) and updates the default filter(s). You can then re-package the workbook and push back to server, then fetch the data.
If you are restricted due to row-level security rules on the data source...the above will not work.

How to get the Eventbrite user's data using eventbrite class

How to get the Eventbrite user's data using eventbrite class.
Mistry Sandip
That depends on what language you are using, and what type of data that you want to access.
Eventbrite's various API Client libraries are available on their Open Source Projects page.
Each of Eventbrite's API request methods are available as function calls attached to any initialized API client object.
See the README file bundled with any of the API Client libraries for more specific information.