How do I query a GitHub Project V2 Item Order by Custom Field from GraphQL? - github

How do I get the order of items in a board view column from the API? I found the sortBy object in the ProjectV2 views, but I'm struggling querying the items ordered by fieldValue (position?).
Would you mind helping me construct a query for the JSON equivalent of the data in the picture, please?


WIQL or query to get all related work-item, but NOT listing the parents

I have a query listing all features and their child/related work-items.
Is there a way not to display the features (parents) itself? Just a flat list of all work-items having a link with a feature in this project.
I am afraid you cannot use the flat list of work items to query the work items with links.
You can have a try using a Work items and direct links type of query to show the children work items of the Features on the top level. See below:
If you want to add a query result account widget on dashboards, you can check out the Query Tile PRO tool.

Rest API: How should the filter params send to API in case query based on nested resource

I have two entities Properties and Bookings.
I need to know the URL structure in case I'm filtering the properties base on query on bookings.
In my case I need to get the properties which are free (not occupied) at specific date.
Can it be
it seems for me that the last one is the more appropriate but the filter is on the bookings not on the properties which is not obvious.
The Facebook Graph API has a interesting way of doing nested queries by using a strategy of fields filter.
The fields filter it´s a way of filter specific fields or nested fields of a rouserce. They also create a standard way to inform functions for every selected field like: limit or equal.
Your request would be something like this:
GET /api/properties?fields=bookings{bookingDate.notEqual('1-1-2017')}
For more information about Facebook´s GraphAPI:

Parse Data Model for users tagging items

im trying to figure out a good data model approach when using parse (underlying mongodb) for users that are allowed to select a tag and provide a value to them, lets call it just a rating since thats the easiest to understand.
Im working on a class that is called user tags that has the following structure currently in its collection.
User (pointer to user class)
Object (pointer to object to tag)
Tags (array of tags with values)
The tags can be up to maybe 30 tags and each one of them can have a rating of 1-5 in this case...
I was wondering if I could do a PFRelationship in an array that has the objectId of the tag as the key and value as the 1 - 5 rating.. here is an example json object mocked up to what im saying.
"3q24afadfadf": 3.5 //parse relation object id : value,
"234rrdfadfk": 2.4 //parse relation object id : value,
"as4q2w34lsdf": 2.3 //parse relation object id : value
This way I can store one row for the item that the user tagged and all the tags with its rating value along with that.
I'm not sure this is the right way or if its scalable when doing queries for get me all users items he or she tagged, along with the tag (name) and the values).
I also on top of that need to figure out a way to when many users tag the same item with different values that I build up some analytics or maybe counter class that gets incremented or averaged in to then be displayed along with the item. I might try cloudcode to do saveafter to update the analytic data class for that item.
Anyhow Any thoughts on this model would be appreciated and most importantly need to be able to get at the data inside the tag array, with hopefully the key being a pointer, if not a pointer i'm up to suggestions because the result should return
Item A
Tag name 1 with value 4.5
Tag Name 2 with value 3.5
and so on..
Also if you have any pointers to how to build aggregated data of the item and its over all value that many users have tagged over time.. My thought as above is to have a analytic class that the cloud code increments or that the app then increments, the challenge is to load all the user tags of item x, and get the tag and value out of the array and then add them to the analytic class. I could run this at night since it doesn't have to be real time.

Mongo - How to query by category

I have the need to list links on a page, grouped together by category.
In MySql this would be easy - I'd have a category table and a links table. The Links table would include a category Id. I could then loop over the entries in the category table and
query the the links table where category matches the current category.
I've been reading about model tree structures in Mongo and things seem to work a little differently (link). The basic list seems to be either store a parent or child reference in the document directly which allows you to
create a tree strcuture. I'm unsure how to use these sort of structures to output the data as I need it. I need to somehow loop over the categories and then query the links based on that.
I'm wondering if I can just take the same approach as I would have with Sql? So have a seperate categories collection and then in the links collection just have an object Id that points to the categories? I can then loop over categories and query the links table each time for all links with a matching category.

Dynamic Sorting according to populated value?

There is a table named house which has many-to-many association with location table. Have to sort the list by the value of the location.street. Is there a way to sort the result of the query according to the value of the populated field?
I tried:
House.populateAll().sort("location.street ASC").exec(console.log);
Neither waterline (0.10.22) or sailsjs (v0.11) currently support this.
You would need to process your return variable to reorder the data.
There is a ticket for this at