What is a good use case for a delay task in Uber Cadence? - cadence-workflow

I want to implement a delay task and found a cadence cron example, how to use cadence to implement a delay task?

Cron is for periodic execution of some functionality.
If you need to delay a task you can call sleep and the beginning of the workflow and then call an activity that executes the task.

Cadence supports both activity and workflow delaying.
Activity delay can be achieved with Workflow.Sleep API
Workflow delay can be achieved with DelayStart option. See https://github.com/uber-go/cadence-client/blob/e66e2d4da8def80e7a5730b824a2de7a28f5c050/internal/client.go#L415
For regular workflows, this will delay execution that many seconds, then start.
For cron workflows, this will delay ONLY the FIRST execution. For example you want to set up an hourly cron workflow but you want it to start running from next week on Monday at 9AM. You can pass delayStart seconds option to delay till that Monday between 8AM and 9AM so it will start at 9AM since it's the next schedule.


What is the behavior of ADF schedule triggers when a schedule starts before the previous one ends?

I am trying to contrast and find the exact behavior of ADF schedule triggers and ADF thumbing window triggers when a trigger starts before the previous pipeline triggered by the schedule ends?
For example, let’s say we have a every 5 min schedule but the pipeline takes one hour to finish. What happens to all the every-5-min triggers that happen until the pipeline is finished?
Are the behaviors of thumbing window and schedule triggers the same in this scenario?
When using the ADF schedule trigger (shorter recurrence time than the amount of time pipeline takes to execute), the pipeline starts executing (In progress state) every time it is triggered irrespective of the previous pipeline run status.
Using the trigger with 3-minute recurrence interval produced the following output.
The tumbling window trigger reacts in the same way as a schedule trigger. The pipeline starts execution irrespective of the status of previous run. The trigger used has a 5-minute recurrence interval.
So, in this scenario both types of triggers behave in the same way. But tumbling window triggers have a self-dependency property which is not available with Schedule triggers. If the consecutive pipeline runs depend on each other, the self-dependency property can be used. Other significant differences between these triggers, including the self-dependency property are mentioned in the following Microsoft Q&A link.

Recurrent job in an Eclipse plugin

Using the Eclipse Job class, it is possible to schedule a job to run certain amount of time after it is scheduled, like this:
Job job = getMyJob();
This will run the job after the specified delay, is there a way to create a job that runs at a given hour of the day, everyday?, for example, I want to run a job at 5pm, everyday, so if Eclipse happens to be open at 5pm the job will run, if it is closed, then the job will be skipped that day and it will wait for the next day.
Is there a way to create this type of recurrent job?
No, the Job API doesn't have anything like this.
You could use something like the scheduleAtFixedRate method of ScheduledExecutorService to schedule a Runnable to submit the job once a day.

Run scheduler to execute jobs at an interval from the completion of the previous job

I need to create schedulers to execute jobs(class files) at specified intervals..For Now, I'm using Quartz Scheduler which triggers the jobs at defined intervals from the time of triggering of it.
For Eg: Consider I'm giving a cron expression to run for every one hour starting at morning 9.My first run will be at 9 and my second run will be at 10 and so on.
If my job is taking 20 minutes to execute then in that case this method is not that much efficient.
What I need to do is to schedule a job for every one hour from the completion time of the previously ran job
For Eg: Consider my job to run every one hour is triggered at 9 and for the first run it took 20 minutes to run, so for the next time the job should trigger only at 10:20 instead of 10 (ie., one hour from the completion of previous ran job)
I need to know whether there are any methods in Quartz Scheduling to achieve this or any other logic I need to do.
If anyone could help me out on this,it would be very helpful for me.
You can easily achieve this by job-chaining your job executions. There are various approaches you can choose from:
(1) Implement a Quartz JobListener and in its jobWasExecuted method, that is invoked by Quartz whenever a job finishes executing, re-fire your job.
(2) Look at the Quartz JobChainingJobListener that you can use to implement simple job chaining scenarios. Please note that the functionality of this listener is very limited as it does not allow you to insert delays between job executions, there is no support for conditions that must be met before target jobs are executed etc. But you can use it as a good starting point to implement (1).
(3) Use QuartzDesk (our commercial product) or any other product that allows you to create job chains while externalizing and managing all job dependencies outside of your application. A job chain can have multiple target jobs that can be executed immediately, with a fixed delay or at arbitrary time in the future produced by a JavaScript expression. It also allows you to implement somewhat more sophisticated works flows, such as firing a target job when multiple source jobs complete their execution etc. I am attaching screenshots showing you what a simple job chain that re-executes Job1 with a 1 minute delay upon Job1's completion (with any job execution status) looks like:

Quartz Service - Simple Triggers

I have a Quartz Job that I want to fire every minute. The job itself contains logic to check to see if there is a process to run and if there is, this job could take 45 minutes to complete.
Using a Simple Trigger, will Quartz fire this job off every minute even if there is one already running? Or if the interval is set to 1 minute, does that mean that Quartz will wait 1 minute after the job is done before it fires the next job?
If the trigger is set to fire every minute, it will fire every minute (and a new job instance will be created and invoked).
Unless the related job is marked #DisallowConcurrentExecution.

I want to have a queue that push task to worker (celeryd) depend on interval time setting

I 'm working of project that use celery, rabbitmq. I want to have right to control interval that queue push task to worker(celeryd).
It sounds like you're looking for this documentation on Periodic Tasks.
Essentially, you configure and run celerybeat, which fires off task executions at intervals.
Word of warning:
If it's undesirable to be running your task multiple times concurrently, I'd suggest you follow a task locking recipe. If your workers are busy or offline, you may end up with a backlog of periodic tasks.