Facebook app: Cannot add a domain in my app - facebook

For a few weeks I've been getting the error "Async request failed with error 1007" when I try to add a domain to my app.
when requesting /apps/ApplicationIdentifier/async/domain/add/


How do use ionic 6 with Auth0 ionic sample

I am using the https://github.com/auth0-samples/auth0-ionic-samples/tree/main/angular and following the examples in the readme file to to letter
Allowed Callback URLs:
com.auth0.samples://XXXX/capacitor/com.auth0.samples/callback, capacitor://localhost, http://localhost, http://localhost:4200
Allowed Logout URLs:
com.auth0.samples://XXXXX/capacitor/com.auth0.samples/callback, http://localhost:4200
Allowed Origins (CORS):
capacitor://localhost, http://localhost
Allowed Web Origins:
And it worked twice and then all further testing I received this error
Failed to launch 'com.auth0.samples://dev-zhh5r4vf5zhgl2w4.us.auth0.com/capacitor/com.auth0.samples/callback?code=XXXXX&state=OGhsemEyWmF3MXlrOHkyVjRsanRhOVVKZ1dNZjdSb0swMlc3OWUtVnZYOA%3D%3D' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
Has anyone else received this error and what was the fix?

NEXTJS API routes not working in production mode, getting a 502 error

I am unable to fetch my API routes in production mode and receiving an error of
VM15:1 GET https://movies-words-ts-86xlkq6rp.vercel.app/api/movies/tt5052448/words 502
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 502
at LYNF.e.exports (fcae4559c849ad3f0939b7cca63449d545e4627d.d32ee7ae9c5841de2d98.js:1)
at Rn+g.e.exports (fcae4559c849ad3f0939b7cca63449d545e4627d.d32ee7ae9c5841de2d98.js:1)
at XMLHttpRequest.p.onreadystatechange (fcae4559c849ad3f0939b7cca63449d545e4627d.d32ee7ae9c5841de2d98.js:1)
Though everything works perfectly fine in development mode.
File information
api page
code from where I am calling the route, dict.tsx

Cors request Rejected

I am facing an error and I don't known what to do. Whenever I try to save user to my ionic user service using the following code:
var user = Ionic.User.current();
if (user.id) {
user.set('name', username);
and then I get this error:
Ionic User: Error: CORS request rejected
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.ionic.io/auth/users/null.
Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 404
OPTIONS https:// api .ionic .io /auth /users /null
[cors request rejected][1]
Ionic has a cordova plugin that sorts out all CORS issues called "cordova-plugin-whitelist". When you test through the browser, the Cordova plugins are not active, hence it's not sorting out your issues. Only when you deploy your app to android/ios/windows will the Cordova plugins work.
Rather get "Allow-Control-Allow-Origin" chrome plugin to allow you to make requests if you want to test on your browser.

Posting using test user's profile error on Facebook: An unknown error occurred

I am trying to post from an app on with a test user on his wall and I receive the next
error response from the API:
(#1) An unknown error occurred
When i create the user I add these permissions:
Do you have any idea why is this happenning?
Later Edit
The request for creating a test user:

ACS/Facebook Integration - ACS40001: An error occurred while attempting to get an access token from Facebook

Getting the following error setting up ACS/Facebook integration:
HTTP Error Code: 502 Message: ACS40000: An error occurred while
processing a Facebook sign-in response. This may be caused by invalid
configuration of the Facebook application. Inner Message: ACS40001:
An error occurred while attempting to get an access token from
Facebook. Inner Message: ACS90005: Web exception Trace ID:
988ec1a7-e02b-4dcf-abab-51812745a121 Timestamp: 2011-07-12 19:59:51Z
I've verified that App ID, App Secret, Site URL and Site Domain have all been set.
For Site Url, we're using https://project.accesscontrol.windows.net
For Site Domain, we're using project.accesscontrol.windows.net
I'm using the following as a guideline:
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Just checked my (working) settings. Differences I see:
I did not enter a Site Domain over at Facebook
On the ACS side, I have "Application permissions" set to "email" (not sure if you have something entered there?)