How can i convert 'X' to '*' and them compute it in dart - flutter

i am building a calculator app although its working fine but i just want to make it look like this before its is been turn into mathematical expression:
how do i achieve something like this:
'5X4' = 20
instead of using the asterisk sign '5*4' = 20
like i want to be able to replace the string 'X' in background before it's been computed
i tried this code below:
final multiply = '5X4';
final computed = multiply.replaceAll('X','*');
final result = computed;
if i run the
but if i try
the console print out
Uncaught Error: FormatException: 5*4
how do i fix this?

You can use expressions package. Here is an example:
String data = "12x2÷3-2+4";
data = data.replaceAll("x", "*");
data = data.replaceAll("÷", "/");
Expression expression = Expression.parse(data);
const evaluator = ExpressionEvaluator();
var r = evaluator.eval(expression, {});
print(r.toString()); // 10.0

You should try this approach.
final multiply = '5X4';
final computed = multiply.replaceAll('X','*');
final List<String> variable1 = computed.split('*');
final result = int.parse(variable1.first) * int.parse(variable1.last);
final lastResult = '$computed = $result';


Flutter & Dart : how to retrive map field data from firestore?

Maps key is dynamic key, so i cant set a class to use fromjson method,
Map<String, double> rating;
i set the data , it working;
data['rating'] = json.encode(this.rating);
i try to get data, not working;
rating = jsonDecode(json['rating']);
igot the error:
Expected a value of type 'Map<String, double>', but got one of type 'String'
how can i get the data as Map ?
json.encode turns it into a string. I believe you actually want to just do
data['rating'] = this.rating;
instead of
data['rating'] = json.encode(this.rating);
here is the solution;
i used this;
data['rating'] = FieldValue.arrayUnion([this.rating]);
instead of
data['rating'] = json.encode(this.rating);
data['rating'] = this.rating; //both not working
for getting data; (I don't like this solution, but worked)
var asd = json["rating"] as List;
Map qwee = asd[0];
String rtkey = qwee.keys.toList()[0].toString();
double rtvalue = qwee.values.toList()[0];
rating = {rtkey: rtvalue} ;

I want to apply dynamic formula using query string for Map

I want to add calculation on Map dynamically using query string, as shown below. I will define variable:
Map<dynamic, dynamic> data= new Map();
data["qty"] = 12;
data["price"] = 18;
I want to write just like a string query like below
string string = "Content data["amount"] = data["qty"]*data["price"]";
I want to execute this string and it return Map values which I will add to data map code here, it is possible in flutter.
You can use this package
And solve math expressions using string like the following
Parser p = Parser();
Expression exp = p.parse("(x^2 + cos(y)) / 3");

How to take an array input from a formfield in flutter?

I want to enter a array like [1,2,3,4,5] in the form field and use that form value as a parameter to bubblesort function to sort the array.How to implement this in flutter?
Keep it simple and just use the builtin json parser.
Like this:
List<int> nbs = List<int>.from(json.decode('[1,2,3,4]'));
Our string:
final hi = "[1,2,3,4,5]";
The regular expression used to remove the square brackets:
final regex = RegExp(r'([\[\]])');
Our string without any brackets after replacing them with nothing:
final justNumbers = hi.replaceAll(regex, ''); // 1,2,3,4,5
Our list of strings by splitting them by commas:
List<String> strings = justNumbers.split(',');
Now we parse our strings into integers (tryParse is used so that it returns null instead of throwing an exception):
List<int> numbers = => int.tryParse(e)).toList();
void main() {
final hi = "[1,2,3,4,5]";
final regex = RegExp(r'([\[\]])');
final justNumbers = hi.replaceAll(regex, '');
List<String> strings = justNumbers.split(',');
List<int> numbers = => int.tryParse(e)).toList();

Map<string, string> argument

I'm trying to assign a Map<string, string> argument to double. If that's even what I have to do. I have no idea how to work with this argument type. Here it is:
I'm using this to extract column #3 and all its values from a google sheet via gsheets. This is a nightmare to work with... Anybody know if there's another way to call the column? or if there's a way to convert the Map<string, string> to a single string containing only the values in the column ? In this case, they're coordinate values for longitude or latitude. I'm trying to call these values for plotting in Google maps. Here's the rest of my code:
Iterable markers = [];
var latstr = (; //latitude
var lngstr = (; //longitude
List<dynamic> names = [];
List<double> lat = [];
List<double> lng = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
lat.add(parse(await; //<--- I have no idea what I'm doing here. Trying to convert to double. very confused.
to add to this, here's the full error:
The argument type 'Map<String, String>' can't be assigned to the
parameter type'double'.
here's how i'm pulling from google sheets:
const _spreadsheetId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
final gsheets = GSheets(_credentials);
final ss = await gsheets.spreadsheet(_spreadsheetId);
var sheet = await ss.worksheetByTitle('xxxxxxxxxxxx');
As the document says await gives you a Map<String,String>, but lng is List<double>, so only doubles can be added to it but you are trying to asign a Map<String,String> which results in the error,
//try this to map the map into a map of doubles (mapception), if your okey with using Map instead of a list
Map<double,double> m = (await, value)=> MapEntry(double.parse(key), double.parse(value)));
parse will throw if it encounters a character which is not a digit

What is wrong with the below lambda expression for multiplication(C#3.0)

List<double> y = new List<double> { 0.4807, -3.7070, -4.5582,
-11.2126, -0.7733, 3.7269,
2.7672, 8.3333, 4.7023 };
List<double> d1 = y.ForEach(i => i * 2);
Error: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
What is wrong?
List<T>.ForEach doesn't perform a conversion: it executes the given delegate for each item, but that's all. That's why it has a void return type - and why the parameter type is Action<T> rather than something like Func<T, TResult>. This last part is why you've got a compilation error. You're basically trying to do:
Action<double> = i => i * 2;
That will give you the same compilation error.
If you want to stick within the List<T> methods (e.g. because you're using .NET 2.0) you can use List<T>.ConvertAll:
List<double> d1 = y.ConvertAll(i => i * 2);
Try instead:
List<double> d1 = y.Select(i => i * 2).ToList();
List.Foreach takes an Action<> delegate which does not return anything, so you cannot use it to create a new list that way. As others have pointed out, using ForEach is not the best option here. A sample on how to perform the operation using ForEach might help to understand why:
List<double> y = new List<double> { 0.4807, -3.7070, -4.5582,
-11.2126, -0.7733, 3.7269,
2.7672, 8.3333, 4.7023 };
List<double> d1 = new List<double>();
Action<double> a = i => d1.Add(i*2);
List<double> d1 = y.ForEach(i => i = i * 2);