Event data aggregation using Kafka Streams in a system with high volume of data - apache-kafka

In our company we have a use which can be mapped to the one exposed in Confluent about joining movies and ratings using a KStream and KTable.
Here is the problem statement described in Confluent article:
Suppose you have a set of movies that have been released and a stream
of ratings from moviegoers about how entertaining they are. In this
tutorial, we'll write a program that joins each rating with content
about the movie. Related pattern: Event Joiner
The short answer they provide is the following:
KStream<String, Rating> ratings = ...
KTable<String, Movie> movies = ...
final MovieRatingJoiner joiner = new MovieRatingJoiner();
KStream<String, RatedMovie> ratedMovie = ratings.join(movies, joiner);
However, in our case the data we are dealing with has the following properties:
The number of total movies is about 500 million, while the number of ratings is even higher.
We always need to have the complete movie catalog in our lookup store, otherwise we may receive a rating for a movie we don't have and the join will not work.
A new rating can be received anytime, and a new movie can be received anytime.
We just need to send the rated movie event (join result) if the rating was done after one month ago. If the rating was done more than one month ago we don't want to send the rated movie event anymore.
Then, considering properties P1 and P2, I think for movies lookup is more appropriate to use a persistent database instead of a KTable. KTable can use local disk storage and is fault-tolerant, since it can be rebuilt using the kafka topic in case it crashes. Even though, that process could take a long time if we are talking about millions of movies.
Having P3, we need to guaranty there is no race condition which may lead to an event being lost.
With P4 we are considering a time window of one month.
As you can imagine, most likely, the rating will belong to an already existent movie, so the initial lookup will be successful more than 95% of the times. However, it is possible to receive a rating for a new movie which is not yet present in our system, or a movie which we will never receive.
Apart from KStream-KTable, I was also thinking on a KStream-KStream windowed join, but considering the volume of the data and the window of one month, I expect the memory usage to be too high.
Based on the properties described above, is there any recommended pattern using KStream-KStream or KStream-KTable joins which could fit this use case?
Otherwise I believe the best option we have is to use two persistent datasources for the lookup, like this:


How do you get the latest offset from a remote query to a Table in ksqlDB?

I have an architecture where I would like to query a ksqlDB Table from a Kafka stream A (created by ksqlDB). On startup, Service A will load in all the data from this table into a hashmap, and then afterward it will start consuming from Kafka Stream A and act off any events to update this hashmap. I want to avoid any race condition in which I would miss any events that were propagated to Kafka Stream A in the time between I queried the table, and when I started consuming off Kafka Stream A. Is there a way that I can retrieve the latest offset that my query to the table is populated by so that I can use that offset to start consuming from Kafka Stream A?
Another thing to mention is that we have hundreds of instances of our app going up and down so reading directly off the Kafka stream is not an option. Reading an entire stream worth of data every time our apps come up is not a scalable solution. Reading in the event streams data into a hashmap on the service is a hard requirement. This is why the ksqlDB table seems like a good option since we can get the latest state of data in the format needed and then just update based off of events from the stream. Kafka Stream A is essentially a CDC stream off of a MySQL table that has been enriched with other data.
You used "materialized view" but I'm going to pretend I
heard "table". I have often used materialized views
in a historical reporting context, but not with live updates.
I assume that yours will behave similar to a "table".
I assume that all events, and DB rows, have timestamps.
Hopefully they are "mostly monotonic", so applying a
small safety window lets us efficiently process just
the relevant recent ones.
The crux of the matter is racing updates.
We need to prohibit races.
Each time an instance of a writer, such as your app,
comes up, assign it a new name.
Rolling a guid is often the most convenient way to do that,
or perhaps prepend it with a timestamp if sort order matters.
Ensure that each DB row mentions that "owning" name.
want to avoid any race condition in which I would miss any events that were propagated to Kafka Stream A in the time between I queried the materialized view, and when I started consuming off Kafka Stream A.
We will need a guaranteed monotonic column with an integer ID
or a timestamp. Let's call it ts.
Query m = max(ts).
Do a big query of records < m, slowly filling your hashmap.
Start consuming Stream A.
Do a small query of records >= m, updating the hashmap.
Continue to loop through subsequently arriving Stream A records.
Now you're caught up, and can maintain the hashmap in sync with DB.
Your business logic probably requires that you
treat DB rows mentioning the "self" guid
in a different way from rows that existed
prior to startup.
Think of it as de-dup, or ignoring replayed rows.
You may find offsetsForTimes() useful.
There's also listOffsets().

How to process a record in Kafka based on the processing result of another record?

I have a #KafkaListener class that listens to a particular topic and consumes records that contain either a Person object or a Phone object (and only one of them). Every Phone has a reference / correlation id to the corresponding Person. The listener class performs certain validations that are specific to the type received, saves the object into a database and produces a transfer success / failed response back to Kafka that is consumed by another service.
So a Person can successfully be transferred without any corresponding Phone, but a Phone transfer should only succeed if the corresponding Person transfer has succeeded. I can't wrap my head around how to implement this "synchronization", because Persons and Phones get into Kafka independently as separate records and it's not guaranteed that the Person corresponding to a particular Phone will be processed before the Phone.
Is it at all possible to have such a synchronization given the current architecture or should I redesign the producer and send a Person / Phone pair as a separate type?
It's not clear how you're using the same serializer for different object types, but you should probably create separate topics and/or branch your current one into two (refer Kafka Streams API)
I assume there are less people than phones, in which case you could build a KTable from a people topic, then as you get phone records, you can perform a left join or lookup against this table for some person ID
Other solutions could involve using Kafka Connect to dump records into a system where you can do the join

Initial load of Kafka stream data with windowed join

I am using a Windowed Join between two streams, let's say a 7 day window.
On initial load, all records in the DB (via kafka connect source connector) are being loaded to the streams. It seems then that ALL records end up in the window state store for those first 7 days as the producer/ingested timestamps are all in current time vs. a field (like create_time) that might be in the message value.
Is there a recommended way to balance the initial load against the Windows of the join?
Well, the question is what records do you want to join to each other? And what timestamp the source connector sets as record timestamp (might also depend on the topic configuration, [log.]message.timestamp.type.
The join is executed based on whatever the TimestampExtractor returns. By default, that is the record timestamp. If you want to base the join on some other timestamp, a custom timestampe extractor is the way to go.
If you want to get processing time semantics, you may want to use the WallclockTimestampExtractor though.

Category projections using kafka and cassandra for event-sourcing

I'm using Cassandra and Kafka for event-sourcing, and it works quite well. But I've just recently discovered a potentially major flaw in the design/set-up. A brief intro to how it is done:
The aggregate command handler is basically a kafka consumer, which consumes messages of interest on a topic:
1.1 When it receives a command, it loads all events for the aggregate, and replays the aggregate event handler for each event to get the aggregate up to current state.
1.2 Based on the command and businiss logic it then applies one or more events to the event store. This involves inserting the new event(s) to the event store table in cassandra. The events are stamped with a version number for the aggregate - starting at version 0 for a new aggregate, making projections possible. In addition it sends the event to another topic (for projection purposes).
1.3 A kafka consumer will listen on the topic upon these events are published. This consumer will act as a projector. When it receives an event of interest, it loads the current read model for the aggregate. It checks that the version of the event it has received is the expected version, and then updates the read model.
This seems to work very well. The problem is when I want to have what EventStore calls category projections. Let's take Order aggregate as an example. I can easily project one or more read models pr Order. But if I want to for example have a projection which contains a customers 30 last orders, then I would need a category projection.
I'm just scratching my head how to accomplish this. I'm curious to know if any other are using Cassandra and Kafka for event sourcing. I've read a couple of places that some people discourage it. Maybe this is the reason.
I know EventStore has support for this built in. Maybe using Kafka as event store would be a better solution.
With this kind of architecture, you have to choose between:
Global event stream per type - simple
Partitioned event stream per type - scalable
Unless your system is fairly high throughput (say at least 10s or 100s of events per second for sustained periods to the stream type in question), the global stream is the simpler approach. Some systems (such as Event Store) give you the best of both worlds, by having very fine-grained streams (such as per aggregate instance) but with the ability to combine them into larger streams (per stream type/category/partition, per multiple stream types, etc.) in a performant and predictable way out of the box, while still being simple by only requiring you to keep track of a single global event position.
If you go partitioned with Kafka:
Your projection code will need to handle concurrent consumer groups accessing the same read models when processing events for different partitions that need to go into the same models. Depending on your target store for the projection, there are lots of ways to handle this (transactions, optimistic concurrency, atomic operations, etc.) but it would be a problem for some target stores
Your projection code will need to keep track of the stream position of each partition, not just a single position. If your projection reads from multiple streams, it has to keep track of lots of positions.
Using a global stream removes both of those concerns - performance is usually likely to be good enough.
In either case, you'll likely also want to get the stream position into the long term event storage (i.e. Cassandra) - you could do this by having a dedicated process reading from the event stream (partitioned or global) and just updating the events in Cassandra with the global or partition position of each event. (I have a similar thing with MongoDB - I have a process reading the 'oplog' and copying oplog timestamps into events, since oplog timestamps are totally ordered).
Another option is to drop Cassandra from the initial command processing and use Kafka Streams instead:
Partitioned command stream is processed by joining with a partitioned KTable of aggregates
Command result and events are computed
Atomically, KTable is updated with changed aggregate, events are written to event stream and command response is written to command response stream.
You would then have a downstream event processor that copies the events into Cassandra for easier querying etc. (and which can add the Kafka stream position to each event as it does it to give the category ordering). This can help with catch up subscriptions, etc. if you don't want to use Kafka for long term event storage. (To catch up, you'd just read as far as you can from Cassandra and then switch to streaming from Kafka from the position of the last Cassandra event). On the other hand, Kafka itself can store events for ever, so this isn't always necessary.
I hope this helps a bit with understanding the tradeoffs and problems you might encounter.

How do I implement Event Sourcing using Kafka?

I would like to implement the event-sourcing pattern using kafka as an event store.
I want to keep it as simple as possible.
The idea:
My app contains a list of customers. Customers an be created and deleted. Very simple.
When a request to create a customer comes in, I am creating the event CUSTOMER_CREATED including the customer data and storing this in a kafka topic using a KafkaProducer. The same when a customer is deleted with the event CUSTOMER_DELETED.
Now when i want to list all customers, i have to replay all events that happened so far and then get the current state meaning a list of all customers.
I would create a temporary customer list, and then processing all the events one by one (create customer, create customer, delete customer, create customer etc). (Consuming these events with a KafkaConsumer). In the end I return the temporary list.
I want to keep it as simple as possible and it's just about giving me an understanding on how event-sourcing works in practice. Is this event-sourcing? And also: how do I create snapshots when implementing it this way?
when i want to list all customers, i have to replay all events that happened so far
You actually don't, or at least not after your app starts fresh and is actively collecting / tombstoning the data. I encourage you to lookup the "Stream Table Duality", which basically states that your table is the current state of the world in your system, and a snapshot in time of all the streamed events thus far, which would be ((customers added + customers modified) - customers deleted).
The way you implement this in Kafka would be to use a compacted Kafka topic for your customers, which can be read into a Kafka Streams KTable, and persisted in memory or spill to disk (backed by RocksDB). The message key would be some UUID for the customer, or some other identifiable record that cannot change (e.g. not name, email, phone, etc. as all this can change)
With that, you can implement Interactive Queries on it to scan or lookup a certain customer's details.
Theoretically you can do Event Sourcing with Kafka as you mentioned, replaying all Events in the application start but as you mentioned, if you have 100 000 Events to reach a State it is not practical.
As it is mentioned in the previous answers, you can use Kafka Streaming KTable for sense of Event Sourcing but while KTable is hosted in Key/Value database RockDB, querying the data will be quite limited (You can ask what is the State of the Customer Id: 123456789 but you can't ask give me all Customers with State CUSTOMER_DELETED).
To achieve that flexibility, we need help from another pattern Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), personally I advice you to use Kafka reliable, extremely performant Broker and give the responsibility for Event Sourcing dedicated framework like Akka (which Kafka synergies naturally) with Apache Cassandra persistence and Akka Finite State Machine for the Command part and Akka Projection for the Query part.
If you want to see a sample how all these technology stacks plays together, I have a blog for it. I hope it can help you.