Is there a way to reassign all commits and activity from one GitHub/git user to another? - github

I need to convert a personal GitHub account to an organization. Rather than creating a new account and transferring the repos as recommended in the Git docs, I'd prefer to convert the existing account, which then changes all activity associated with the personal account to the ghost account.
Is there a way to direct what would be assigned to ghost, to an existing github personal account -before- converting to an organization? In other words: reassign all personal activity associated with this account to another existing personal account?


Merge two github accounts

Is it possible to merge two GitHub accounts into one?
I had one work account but would like to merge into a personal one.
I found some details about transferring ownership of the own repos which will merge all commit history etc.
Could anyone please confirm if it will transfer all commit history for any contributions made to another third party repos?
What will happen in the third party repos where I have made contributions from work account after the work account is deleted?
That is what describes "Merging multiple personal accounts"
And its repository transfer process (from the account you want to delete to the account you want to keep) should transfer issues, pull requests, and wikis.
You will need to add the email address you used to author the commits (of the old account) to the account you're keeping.
That way, your old contributions will be preserved.
I logged a support ticket with github and below is the summary:
After deleting work account and following steps as mentioned did not bring contributions across to the personal account.
As work account was deleted - it started showing as a ghost account.
The commits made through work account were as from the personal acccount but contribution history (PR or any reviews) didn't come across to the personal account.
So make sure you think of above steps before removing any of your Github account.
Below were responses from Github:
As pull requests, issues and all activity in the GitHub web UI excluding commits are directly tied to the account that created them, they will not be counted on the new account even if you add the old account's email address to the new account.
Pull requests are replaced with the ghost user when the account is deleted. On the other hand, we read the email address from the metadata stored inside a commit and attempt to match commits up with a user account, so those that meet the contribution criteria will be counted on the new account.

How to send github activity feed graph from your organisational account to your personal github account?

As my organizational GitHub account is and I have made a lot of contributions to that, and I really like the green dots, is there any way I can send the activity feed to my personal GitHub account from email id (
I just want to send these green dots to my personal email :(
feed image
You can't transfer activity from one account to another like that. The contribution graph lists all activity created by your account and only your account.
The only way you'd be able to transfer activity is if you removed the email address specified in the commits made by your organizational account and associated it with your personal account. Because GitHub uses the email address in the commits to attribute the commits to an account, that would make those commits be associated with your personal account.
However, this doesn't transfer activity other than commits from one account to another. This is intentionally not transferable because doing so can lead to misattribution and abuse.
I should point out that while the contribution graph is a neat feature, it's not a measure of your self-worth or your competence as a developer and so you shouldn't worry about how densely it's populated.

I need a way to create an action for github

The scenario is that I'm working in a company that uses a GitLab Empresarial account so that we can perform commits and work with it.
But I have a personal account on GitHub and GitLab, I need a way that I can create an action that makes the work account commits count in my personal account (could be either GitHub or GitLab).
Because I don't want my account to be "stopped" and without the count of commits, for the portfolio, I believe this is not good.

Merging multiple github user accounts and transfer commits

I have two GitHub accounts. One from my work and my personal one, and i wanna merge these two.
I already read this doc: Merging multiple user accounts
But i still remain with two doubt:
After i add the same e-mail to my personal account. All my collaboration in repos will be transfered too?
the repos that my work account was a colaborator, my personal account will get the permision too?
They answered my ticket:
Contributions are linked to your email address, so adding your
existing email to your new account will transfer these over.
However collaboration and permissions in other repos is attached to
the account itself, not the email, so you will need to request to be
added as a collaborator again for any repos you currently collaborate
Likewise, if you are a member of an organisation, you'll need to be
added to that organisation again and any teams you were a member of.
Commits are associated to your email: after transferring all the repos etc. and deleting your account, you need to add the previous email address (from the deleted account) to the new account in your account settings. The commit history will now be linked to your new account.

AppVeyor account for GitHub organization

I'm part of a GitHub organization developing a FOSS project. I'd like to run CI tests on Windows using AppVeyor. Currently I see my own fork of the project, and some other forks from people who have named me collaborator in GitHub. I don't see the upstream of the project, though. Apparently me being an administrator of the GitHub organization isn't enough to offer access to it in AppVeyor. But probably setting this up under my account would be the wrong approach anyway. Probably this should be under the name of the organization.
Towards that end, I'd like to have an AppVeyor account for this organization, with suitable permissions for its members. Reading it sounds as if AppVeyor could distinguish between users (with unique email and password) and accounts (to which projects belong), and a single user apparently can belong to multiple accounts while one account can have multiple users with different roles. In that sense, I'd like to create a new account without creating a user for it. Instead I as an existing user, identified by GitHub login, would like to become the first administrator of this new account, and ready to change settings and add more users. How do I do this?
You can't create a new account without a user. Just use some your email/password to create an account, then add existing user as collaborator.