Chartkick - charts stuck at "Loading..." [reproduced example included] - chartkick

Looked everywhere and I cannot figure out why my charts are stuck at loading...
Here is the real-world example reproduced, feel free to inspect the page and view page source, etc
Thank you for any help!

Try adding <%= javascript_include_tag "//", "chartkick" %> in your layouts/application.html.erb and then //= link chartkick.js into config/manifest.js.


How do I embed Expo Snacks in Markdown document

could someone please tell me how I could embed my Expo Snack in a Markdown file? Because I want to make a documentation kind of thing for my project. And I wanna embed a Snack in it.
What I've tried so far that does not work...
style="overflow:hidden;background:#212121;border:1px solid var(--color-border);border-radius:4px;height:505px;width:100%"
<script async src=""></script>
PS: I have tried iframe but it did not work.
Thank you!

Addthis button size class stopped working

We have a sharing toolbox that defaults to 32x32 px but we also use the same toolbox code to display at 20x20 px in other parts of our site. The code below (including Drupal tokens) worked fine for a few months but last month it started showing the icons at 32x32 even though it has the class addthis_20x20_style. It also changed the behavior on another system outside Drupal that uses the same toolbox code.
<div addthis:title="[node:title]" addthis:url="[node:url]"
class="addthis_sharing_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_20x20_style">
I tried changing addthis_sharing_toolbox to addthis_toolbox per the support page at, but then the buttons do not display at all. The AddThis support pages are incredibly disorganized and outdated and they seem to have abandoned their user forum. I don't even know where else to ask.
Here's a reply I received from AddThis support. Hopefully this will be of use to others:
JAN 07, 2016 | 03:26PM EST
We recently made a change to our code that affected some of our older
You will need to use our advanced configuration code in the locations
that you would like our buttons to appear in 20x20.
Replace the current code in these locations with the following:
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_20x20_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
Additional advanced configuration code information can be found here:
Please let me know if you need any additional help
I am having the same problem. It looks like they have removed support for 20x20 sized buttons, as it is no longer listed on the academy support page you provided. It is a shame because it is the only size that has a constant height for facebook, facebook_like, tweet, etc buttons.
The below css styles, while feeling a little hacky, go some distance in repairing the broken functionality:
.addthis_20x20_style .at-icon-wrapper,
.addthis_20x20_style .at-icon {
height:20px !important;
width:20px !important;
That didn't fix the size of the google_plusone button. I happen to be using drupal as well - the addthis module - and the below 'customize services' settings worked pretty well.
Service code: google_plusone
HTML classes: addthis_button_google_plusone
HTML attributes: g:plusone:size="medium"
(Re the addthis service, the phrase "you had one job!" comes to mind...)

I would like to customize tumblr s lightbox

I hope someone can help me with my problem with tumblrs lightbox.
I only have very basic html knowledge and because of that, I thought, it might be a good idea to work with tumblr themes. Everything works fine, but if you click on a picture on my site, tumblrs lightbox shows up and its back button does not bring you back to my main site, instead it shows the picture on another site.
Thats annoying, but I do not know how to change the options of the tumblr lightbox back button?
Is there anyone here, who knows something about tumblr and how to change this?
Also it would be great if you could move through the other pictures from the lightbox.
Thank you very much
Get rid of the {LinkOpenTag} and {LinkCloseTag} surrounding the image tag.
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>

Tumblr Photo Caption within Container

I have a blog theme which does not include captions in photo posts. I have been successful with plugging in {block:Caption} {Caption} {/block:Caption} before {/block:Photo}, but the caption seems to be floating on the background and not inside the post box as seen below:
How do I include the caption to be apart of the same box as the date?
Any help is appreciated!
It would be much easier if you posted the relevant code here. I don't know what theme you are using but if you take a look at this site you'll see that dates are rendered by {block:Date} {/block:Date}, {Timestamp}, {DayOfYear} etc. Take a look and see which one suits you theme. When you have found it, simply Ctrl + F in you code and find where in your HTML code the date box is rendered and then put the {block:Caption} {Caption} {/block:Caption} inside.

How do you modify Sitefinity's breadcrumb control?

I need to modify sitefinity's breadcrumbs from this:
to this:
Home >
So if the breadcrumb is on the root page, it needs to have the > after it.
Im an absolute beginner, so go easy on me! (using version 3.7)
I had a similar problem in the past and solved it by creating a custom user control with the breadcrumb control embedded within it. this allows you to add your own custom logic in the code behind to show or hide things as necessary:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="BreadcrumbControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControls_Internal_BreadcrumbControl" %>
<%# Register TagPrefix="sfweb" Namespace="Telerik.Cms.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Cms.Web.UI" %>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkHome" runat="server" NavigateUrl="/" Text="My Home Page" /> »
<sfweb:Breadcrumb ID="bCrumb" runat="server" PathSeparator=" » " />
here you can hide the BreadCrumb on the home page, showing the homepage hyperlink, which you can customize to show whatever you need.
There may be a better way to do this, but this was the fastest, easiest way I could figure out to do it.
hope this was helpful!
You can easily change the mockup separator. You need to edit the Breadcrumb, click on the advanced button and find the NodeSeparatorMarkup field.
In my case I've put >> instead of >
<span class='sfBreadcrumbNodeSeparator'>»</span>;