QGIS: UTM Grid at slight angle to OpenStreetMap - steps to fix? - openstreetmap

I'm learning QGIS, having moved over from the old OziExplorer. I'm pretty sure my issue is to do with 2 different CRS's. I'm trying to create a map with:
OpenStreetMap or OpenCycleMap (EPSG:3857, WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator)
A grid (and POIs) in UTM (EPSG: 32755, UTM Zone 55S)
It shows up as:
Is there a set of steps to do so the Grid is not slightly rotated...or should I just live with it? UTM is great as we are metric and a grid like this is in Metres (1km here). Thanks.


Imported aerial imagery coming into qgis crooked

I'm new to qgis and am learning how to download basemaps from various sources. I've been working on a fairly simple map using aerial imagery downloaded from the USGS National Map. Whenever I import the map into my qgis project, the map comes in crooked. Instead of normal north/south orientation, the maps are rotated (approximately 45 degrees) counterclockwise. Is this a projection problem, or am I doing something else wrong. Also, is there a way to correct that within qgis (rotate axis to true north/south).
In similar situations I've found that the projection of the layers didn't match. Something to check

How to get the right coordinates on a QGIS map?

I am using QGIS and I imported the Google maps sattelite map. Then I drew a line and measured the distance using the Measure Tool, but the distance is inaccurate (it says about 1200 m, but I know it should be 780 m). Also, when I look at the coordinates of a point on the map (shown in Figure 1: coordinates of the point with a star on it), it is different from the coordinates I find when looking up the coordinates online (https://www.gps-coordinates.net/) (shown in Figure 2: coordinates of the same point as in Figure 1), so there is probably something wrong there.
I imported the Google maps sattelite map via: browser panel --> XYZ tiles -> Sattelite -> New Connection -> URL = http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&hl=en&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}.
I drew the line in a 'lines layer'.
I already changed the CRS to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N (I am looking at a place in eastern Germany) both in the general project properties and in the layer which includes the line I drew. I also checked whether the unit of distance was right, and it is indeed meters. Lastly, I changed the coordinates from X and Y to degrees/minutes/seconds. Nothing worked and the result stays about 1200 m.
I hope you can help, thanks in advance!
I just figured out how to fix the problem. It turns out the map I was using did not use the right coordinates (I still don't know why). I now added another map (QuickMapServices) and this one does use the right coordinates. The Measuring Tool also gives the right distance now.

Leaflet - markers in continuousWorld WITHOUT changing longitudinal points?

In reference to an earlier question I would like to know:
Using leaflet, is it possible to draw markers in multiple adjacent worlds(leaflet's continuousWorld) WITHOUT adjusting their longitudes?
Please understand, I don't want to use leaflet's worldcopyjump as it does not show markers in multiple worlds simultaneously.
A workaround is to change longitudes by 360 degrees (-900 to -540, -540 to -180 etc. to one side and 180 to 540, 540 to 900 etc. to the other side) while maintaining latitudes.
Apparently, leaflet does not offer automated marker repeat due to "performance concerns" (Quote from 2013). Yet, Google Maps offer this.
With a practical view to resolve this problem, I see two solutions and I'd appreciate comments on this:
Use Google visualization instead
Copy my list of nodes a few times each direction and adjust their longitudes (this is assuming the conventional consumer would not keep drag-droping the world ca. two-three times around)
Many thanks in advance,

reproject layers in openlayers 3

I downloaded some data from OpenStreetMap and put them in PostGIS a couple of months ago. In all the tables that contain spatial data, the spatial column is way geometry(Geometry,900913) In Geoserver, native SRS is EPSG:900913 so I guess the EPSG of the data is 900913.
In my Openlayers 3.9.0 , the projection is left to default (EPSG:3857).
I want to create a tiled WMS layer of the PostGIS data.
By setting params: {'CRS': 'EPSG:3857'}, in the layer , will this automatically reproject it from 900913 to 3857, or I have to do some extra work?
The SRID 900913 was originally "defined" by OpenStreetMap for the projection Google Maps was using (replace G with 9, squint while looking at it, and let your mind wander over it). Later, EPSG added that SRS to their database but using code EPSG:3857. So they are identical.
I am not sure if OpenLayers is smart enough to do a no-op when data with SRID=900913 needs to be displayed as SRID=3857. Just to make your life easier, update your way columns in PostGIS to use SRID=3857. You can use ST_SetSRID() for that.

google earth model transformation

I would like to add placemarks to parts of collada geometry in google earth. To do this I need to translate the geometry coordinates in the xml to match the transformation to the model in google earth. Given longitude latitude and orientation how do I translate geometry coordinate to match the google earth transformation?
I believe models are located on the earth using only 1 coordinate which is used to position the 'center' of the model. How that is determined I am not sure, and might even depend on the kind/shape of the model.
The coordinate is easily found in the kml structure for the model which is referenced here
Determining how far a certain part of your geometry is from the middle might be very complex but here is an example of some code that will provide you the distance between two points.
It is based upon the google earth extensions (gex) library
Perhaps you could use SketchUp to help determine the location of your points of interest within the geometry?