I am using emacs on a remote linux server, and I installed LSP for all nice IDE features, such as the useful company mode. But the issue is that it always hang once a while. I've tried to disable as much functions as possible and use a minimum setup.
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-enable nil)
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions nil)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol nil)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover nil)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-diagnostics nil)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-delay 0.5)
(setq lsp-prefer-flymake nil)
(setq lsp-ui-peek-enable nil)
(setq lsp-enable-file-watchers nil)
I also setup the company backends as:
(setq company-backends '((company-capf company-dabbrev-code)))
It's very frustrating. I think this might because an old version of emacs (26.1), but is there any solutions to resolve this issue?
I've recently started using Emacs and an issue I've been facing is that the editor automatically converts all the tabs to spaces. It has started to get a bit annoying now.
Here's my .emacs file for reference:
(require 'package)
(let* ((no-ssl (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
(not (gnutls-available-p))))
(proto (if no-ssl "http" "https")))
(when no-ssl
(warn "\
Your version of Emacs does not support SSL connections,
which is unsafe because it allows man-in-the-middle attacks.
There are two things you can do about this warning:
1. Install an Emacs version that does support SSL and be safe.
2. Remove this warning from your init file so you won't see it again."))
;; Comment/uncomment these two lines to enable/disable MELPA and MELPA Stable as desired
(add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "melpa" (concat proto "://melpa.org/packages/")) t)
;;(add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "melpa-stable" (concat proto "://stable.melpa.org/packages/")) t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
(add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "gnu" (concat proto "://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")))))
'(custom-enabled-themes (quote (dracula)))
'(display-line-numbers-type (quote relative))
'(global-display-line-numbers-mode t)
'(menu-bar-mode nil)
(company-irony-c-headers company-irony micgoline elpy company-jedi molokai-theme gruvbox-theme autopair auto-complete anaconda-mode nyan-mode dracula-theme company)))
'(scroll-bar-mode nil)
'(tool-bar-mode nil))
(setq make-backup-files nil)
(setq auto-save-default nil)
(setq inhibit-startup-message t) ;; hide the startup message
(setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython"
python-shell-interpreter-args "-i --simple-prompt")
(require 'powerline)
Any suggestions on how to stop emacs from doing this behaviour?
As suggested by Drew, I am posting this as answer:
Did you check variable indent-tabs-mode?
With this you should be able to switch between emacs using spaces or tabs.
As described in the emacs wiki here I would assume, some active mode is setting this to nil in your emacs.
You can find another explanation with links to discussions about if tabs are evil or not here
It seems that strangely the python-mode sets indent-tabs-mode to t.
Maybe this Emacs Wiki entry solves your problem. This snippet from the wiki:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq-default py-indent-tabs-mode t)
(add-to-list 'write-file-functions 'delete-trailing-whitespace)))
looks like it will do the trick.
Hope this helps.
I like to use terminal tools and the one of them is 'magit' - awesome Git client implemented as an Emacs package. I use it to control Git projects. I have a script which automatically start emacs at computer boot (this same me a time with routine work). But also I'm looking for a way to run emacs in magit-status mode (without manual executing M-x magit-status... each time). Emacs provide a possibility to configure it's environment in init configuration file. To make emacs run magit at boot I created special magit.el file and run emacs from command line
$ emacs -q --load ~/.emacs.d/magit.el
Unfortunately I unable to switch emacs in magic-status-mode - something wrong with init file. Emacs remains in lisp-interaction-mode after boot. The content of init file is below:
;; disable welcome screen at launch
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(setq visible-bell t)
; Disable tabs indent
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4
tab-width 4
indent-tabs-mode nil)
(global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
;; Makes *scratch* empty.
(setq initial-scratch-message "")
;; Removes *scratch* from buffer after the mode has been set.
(defun remove-scratch-buffer ()
(if (get-buffer "*scratch*")
(kill-buffer "*scratch*")))
;(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'remove-scratch-buffer)
;; Removes *messages* from the buffer.
;(setq-default message-log-max nil)
;(kill-buffer "*Messages*")
;; Removes *Completions* from buffer after you've opened a file.
;(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook
; '(lambda ()
; (let ((buffer "*Completions*"))
; (and (get-buffer buffer)
; (kill-buffer buffer)))))
;; Don't show *Buffer list* when opening multiple files at the same time.
(setq inhibit-startup-buffer-menu t)
;; Show only one active window when opening multiple files at the same time.
;(add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'delete-other-windows)
;; Tell emacs where is your personal elisp lib dir (magit)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")
(load "git") ;; best not to include the ending “.el” or “.elc”
;; activate installed packages
(setq-default major-mode 'magit-status-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode)
(if after-init-time
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode))
Try this:
(call-interactively 'magit-status)
Instead of all of this:
(setq-default major-mode 'magit-status-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode)
(if after-init-time
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode))
Using after-init-hook would make sense in an init file, but with -q you're explicitly not using an init file (using --load is not the same thing), and that hook has already run by the time your custom magit.el file is loaded, so nothing you add to the hook at that stage will ever be processed.
Note that you don't want to call magit-status-mode at all. That's not a major mode you would ever be expected to invoke manually, as you would never want that mode for any buffer other than the one created by the magit-status command.
When I launch an ipython process in an emacs buffer, it prints trash text to the buffer:
The ipython buffer does this every time I launch it, every time I evaluate code in another buffer, every time I evaluate code in that buffer. Ipython never does this from the bash CLI, In [1]:
Where could I look to change this behavior to a more sensible and terse prompt, such as what ipython does in bash?
This is in emacs 24.5.1 inside tmux 2.0 with python 2.7.6, ipython 5.1.0, python-mode version 6.2.1, running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Here's every line in my .emacs file that even mentions python:
; (require 'python-settings)
; (require 'ein)
(setq py-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/python-mode")
(add-to-list 'load-path py-install-directory)
(require 'python-mode)
(setq python-shell-interpreter "~/anaconda2/bin/python"
python-shell-interpreter-args "-i console --matplotlib")
(setq-default py-shell-name "ipython")
(setq-default py-which-bufname "IPython")
; use the wx backend, for both mayavi and matplotlib
(setq py-python-command-args
'("--gui=wx" "--pylab=wx" "-colors" "Linux"))
;; responsible for the annoying window rearrangement behavior after every code execution? Nope.
(setq py-force-py-shell-name-p t)
; switch to the interpreter after executing code
(setq py-shell-switch-buffers-on-execute-p nil)
(setq py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p nil)
(setq py-shell-local-path "/home/ftamborello/anaconda2/bin/python"
py-use-local-default t)
; don't split windows
(setq py-split-window-on-execute-p nil)
; try to automagically figure out indentation
(setq py-smart-indentation t)
; enable flycheck syntax support
; (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
what Thomas K suggests is the actual solution, just edit your init.el file and paste the following:
(setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython3"
python-shell-interpreter-args "-i --simple-prompt")
I often use ido for auto-completion and tramp to access remote server via ssh. My .emacs includes the following lines:
(require 'tramp)
(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
(ido-mode 1)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
(setq ido-everywhere t)
I want to disable Ido completion, when i'm browsing contents of remote server. Note that variable ido-enable-tramp-completion has nothing to do with my problem. Consider line /root#site.com#1234:/var/www/file.txt. I need Ido not to deduct the part after the colon (remote file path), i don't care about the part before the colon. I use ssh, and Ido makes Emacs lag for a few seconds every time i run ido-find-file, and when ssh timeout is over, Tramp tries to reconnect, asks me for a password and so on. This behavior is undesirable.
Emacs version -
Edit (20.03.12): After contact with Ido author I tried to change the ido-file-name-all-completions-1 to the following:
(defun ido-file-name-all-completions-1 (dir)
((ido-nonreadable-directory-p dir) '())
;; do not check (ido-directory-too-big-p dir) here.
;; Caller must have done that if necessary.
((and ido-enable-tramp-completion
(or (fboundp 'tramp-completion-mode-p)
(require 'tramp nil t))
(string-match "\\`/[^/]+[:#]\\'" dir))
(file-name-all-completions "" dir))))
No success. I then changed regex to
and it worked - Ido was disabled, when minibuffer contained that match. However as Ido couldn't see files on a remote server, it started calling ido-make-merged-file-list to search for files in other directories every time i enter something. This made working with Ido on remote servers even more pain.
I also tried setting up variables ido-slow-ftp-hosts and ido-slow-ftp-host-regexps to /root#site.com#1234, didn't help.
If you enter C-x C-f again you temporally disable ido-find and fall back to the default find-file.
For more information C-h f ido-find-file RET
To do this every time ido found a colon, I guess you have to write your own function for that.
I need to have different setup in .emacs depending on my system (Mac or PC).
This post teaches how to know the system that my emacs is running.
How can I check the variable 'system-type' is to set what in emacs?
What code should I have in .emacs to have different setup for PC and Mac?
(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt')
You can do this:
(if (equal system-type 'windows-nt)
(... various windows-nt stuff ...)))
(if (equal system-type 'darwin)
(... various mac stuff ...)))
What I do in my .emacs is set a variable (I call it this-config) based on machine type and name. Then I use the same .emacs everywhere.
Using this code, I can pull the machine name out:
(defvar this-machine "default")
(if (getenv "HOST")
(setq this-machine (getenv "HOST")))
(if (string-match "default" this-machine)
(if (getenv "HOSTNAME")
(setq this-machine (getenv "HOSTNAME"))))
(if (string-match "default" this-machine)
(setq this-machine system-name))
You can then set this-config based on system-type and/or machine name.
Then I use this code:
(cond ((or (equal this-machine "machineX")
(equal this-machine "machineY"))
(do some setup for machineX and machineY))
Edit: system-type returns a symbol, not a string
My emacs says darwin, which is the name for the open OS that OSX is built on. To see the values do a describe-variable on system-type.
Note that the mac also has several possible window types so you might need to make more decisions.
Do this :
(if (eq window-system 'w32)
... your functions here for Microsoft Windows ...
window-system is a function and returns the name of the window system.
system-type is a variable. Do C-h v system-type RET to have the list of supported system-types for your case :
From the help :
`gnu' compiled for a GNU Hurd system.
`gnu/linux' compiled for a GNU/Linux system.
`gnu/kfreebsd' compiled for a GNU system with a FreeBSD kernel.
`darwin' compiled for Darwin (GNU-Darwin, Mac OS X, ...).
`ms-dos' compiled as an MS-DOS application.
`windows-nt' compiled as a native W32 application.
`cygwin' compiled using the Cygwin library.
Anything else (in Emacs 23.1, the possibilities are: aix, berkeley-unix,
hpux, irix, lynxos 3.0.1, usg-unix-v) indicates some sort of
Unix system.