Filemaker GetAsNumber on ExecuteSQL - filemaker

I have a calculation for a field like this:
ExecuteSQL (
"SELECT nb FROM something WHERE value = ?" ;
"" ;
"" ;
Everything works fine as long as the returned number is single-digit. But when the SQL statement returns for example "12", then the number I get from the GetAsNumber function is suddenly 1212 instead of 12.
As I understand it, this has somehow to do with the format in which SQL results are returned, it says so in the documentation ("FileMaker Pro returns date, time, and number data in Unicode/SQL format, not in the locale of the operating system or the file.").
But I guess there must be a way to format back the result so it can be converted to a number.

The solution comes from by michael.hor257k's comment on my question:
ExecuteSQL returns an array (I wasn't aware of it, it's also not specified in the documentation where it says: "Data type returned: text"). So my problem had nothing to do with double digits (I guess I should have run more tests), but with the sql statement returning more than one result.
As in my case multiple results are always the same, I could alter my calculation in this way:
ExecuteSQL (
"SELECT nb FROM something WHERE value = ?" ;
"" ;
"" ;
) ;
In this way I only retrieve the first result.
As michael.hor257k suggested in his comment, I could also restrict the SQL result to one row.
ExecuteSQL (
"SELECT nb FROM something WHERE value = ? FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY" ;
"" ;
"" ;


RIGHT Function in UPDATE Statement w/ Integer Field

I am attempting to run a simple UPDATE script on an integer field, whereby the trailing 2 numbers are "kept", and the leading numbers are removed. For example, "0440" would be updated as "40." I can get the desired data in a SELECT statement, such as
SELECT RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)
FROM table_name;
However, I run into an error when I try to use this same functionality in an UPDATE script, such as:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2);
The error I receive reads:
column . . . is of type integer but expression is of type text . . .
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression
You're casting the integer to varchar but you're not casting the result back to integer.
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::TEXT, 2)::INTEGER;
The error is quite straight forward - right returns textual data, which you cannot assign to an integer column. You could, however, explicitly cast it back:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)::int;
1 is a digit (or a number - or a string), '123' is a number (or a string).
Your example 0440 does not make sense for an integer value, since leading (insignificant) 0 are not stored.
Strictly speaking data type integer is no good to store the "trailing 2 numbers" - meaning digits - since 00 and 0 both result in the same integer value 0. But I don't think that's what you meant.
For operating on the numeric value, don't use string functions (which requires casting back and forth. The modulo operator % does what you need, exactly: field_name%100. So:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = field_name%100
WHERE field_name > 99; -- to avoid empty updates

string query in a function in kdb

func:{[query] value query};
query is part of my function. I have add some like delete xxx, yyyy from (value query) and some manipulation. I am not sure why when I don't use value "query", the function doesn't work. It said it cannot find the table. So I have to use value query in the function and query is a parameter. I need to pass "select from tab" to the function.
My questions is: how do I send if the filter is a string too?
func["select from tab where a="abc""] <<< this does not work
How can I make string inside a string work?
Also, not sure why if I do
func["select from tab where date = max date"] it did not work due to length error
but func["100#select from tab where date = max date"] it works ?
The whole function is
getTable:{[query]loadHDB[];.Q.view date where date < .z.D-30;tab:(delete xxxx,yyyyy,sub,ID,subID,tID,subTID,text,gID from((value query)));remove[];update {";"sv #[s;where (s:";"vs x) like "cId=*";:;enlist""]}each eData from (update {";"sv #[s;where (s:";"vs x) like "AId=*";:;enlist""]}each eData from tab)};
remove:{[]delete tab from `.};
loadHDB:{[]value "\\l /hdb};
You can escape the quotes using backslash
func["select from tab where a like \"abc\""]
If tab is a HDB table then this length error could point to a column length issue (which 100# is avoiding). What does the following return?
q)checkPartition:{[dt] a!{c!{count get x} each ` sv' x,/:c:({x where not x like "*#"} key[x])except `.d}each a:(` sv' d,/:key[d:hsym `$string dt])};
q)check:checkPartition last date
q)(where{1<count distinct value x}each check)#check
I like using -3! and also -1 to print the result. If you know what your query should look like if executed from the console then after you construct your string, use -1 to print the string. It should print the query as how it would be executed by the console.
q)"select max age by user from tab where col1 like ",stst"Hello"
"select max age by user from tab where col1 like \"Hello\""
q)/then to view how it will be executed, use -1
q)-1"select max age by user from tab where col1 like ",stst"Hello";
select max age by user from tab where col1 like "Hello"
q)/looks good

An access query comparing the time part in a date field with values input in a form

I have an access query with predicates (conditions) on a date/time column called start_time. The condition is on two form fields defined with "Format" as "short time". The problem is that this query does not give correct results.
SELECT event_cust.*
FROM event_cust
WHERE Format([start_time],"hh:mm")
BETWEEN [Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![FromHour]
AND [Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![ToHour]
Also tried it using Format([start_time], "short time") BETWEEN ... - did not work either.
Do we need anything in addition to above code to get the correct results?
I have tested with literal values as shown below and I get correct results with that.
SELECT event_cust.*
FROM event_cust
WHERE Format([start_time],"hh:mm") BETWEEN '10:00' AND '13:00'
My guess is it's not interpreting the value from the form correctly.
Try adding quotes before and after the values:
SELECT event_cust.*
FROM event_cust
WHERE Format([start_time],"hh:mm") Between "" & [Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![FromHour] & ""
And "" & [Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![ToHour] & ""
Don't use string comparisons for date/times.
SELECT event_cust.*
FROM event_cust
WHERE TimeValue([start_time]) >= CDate([Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![FromHour])
AND TimeValue([start_time]) <= CDate([Forms]![CustEventRptForm]![ToHour])

select first letter of different columns in oracle

I want a query which will return a combination of characters and number
Table name - emp
Columns required - fname,lname,code
If fname=abc and lname=pqr and the row is very first of the table then result should be code = ap001.
For next row it should be like this:
Fname = efg, lname = rst
Code = er002 and likewise.
I know that we can use substr to retrieve first letter of a colume but I don't know how to use it to do with two columns and how to concatenate.
OK. You know you can use substr function. Now, to concatenate you will need a concatenation operator ||. To get the number of row retrieved by your query, you need the rownum pseudocolumn. Perhaps you will also need to use to_char function to format the number. About all those functions and operators you can read in SQL reference. Anyway I think you need something like this (I didn't check it):
select substr(fname, 1, 1) || substr(lname, 1, 1) || to_char(rownum, 'fm009') code
from emp

Postgres INSERT INTO query bug?

What's wrong with the following Postgres query?
INSERT INTO kayak.airports(name, x, y, city) VALUES( $name, $x, $y, $city)
WHERE airport_id='$airport_id
EDIT (thanks Donnie for helping me make progress) :
I tried:
$query="UPDATE kayak.airports SET name=$name, x = $x, y = $y, city = $city
WHERE airports.airport_id='$airport_id'";
It said "column 'Brisbane' doesn't exist" (Brisbane is the first city to be inserted. ) I took out everything between SET and WHERE except for "x=$x" and those were successfully inserted. Ditto for "y=$y". When only leaving in name=$name it says
"Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "International" LINE 1: UPDATE kayak .airports SET name=Brisbane International WHERE... ^"
Your query string is not quoted. Do not use PHP variable interpolation for building SQL queries, because this will leave your script or application vulnerable to an SQL injection attack.
Instead, use parameterized queries. Thus, your query above becomes:
$query = 'UPDATE kayak.airports SET name = $1, x = $2, y = $3, city = $4'.
'WHERE airports.airport_id = $5';
Then, you will use the parameterized query calling function pg_query_paramsto pass the required parameters:
$result = pg_query_params($query, $parameters)
Where $parameters is an array of parameters.
Also note that the $query string is single-quoted, because the $n placeholders are not there for interpolation. This prevents any mistakes (such as typing a real variable name by bumping a letter first) and eliminates any possibility of SQL injection.
You're attempting to insert literal values. A where clause makes no sense.
For insert, you can only use where in an insert ... select to limit what the select is returning.
Perhaps you actually want to update an existing record?
For me, if I get an error that a column doesn't exist, it's usually a tipoff that I've quoted something incorrectly (or not at all).
This is borne out by the error message from your attempt to update only the name field:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "International" LINE 1:
(The carat should point right to the problem area in the query.)
The value you are passing to the name field in your UPDATE statement needs to be quoted, just like the value you're passing to airport_id. (I'm going to take a wild guess that x and y are integers, which wouldn't require quoting, which is why you don't get an error when you try to update just those field.) (I'm going to take another wild guess that the value you pass to city will need to be quoted too, but you will probably figure that out shortly. :) )
The end result expanded UPDATE should look something like this:
UPDATE kayak.airports
SET name='Brisbane International', x = 123, y = 456, city = 'Brisbane'