ComponentArt unlicensed version error even with a valid license - componentart

I'm working on a legacy application that uses these third party controls. I'm moving the application to new infrastructure but the ComponentArt UI elements are reporting that they are unlicensed, shown in the image here 1. We have the license in the bin folder and I have tried to install the available ComponentArt nuget package to no success.


Vaadin 8 licensing error for vaadin charts

I have a vaadin 8 application that builds and runs fine with versions up to 8.14.3. along with a vaadin pro subscription. Since 8.15 and the change in to CVDLv4 the application builds but doesn't run.
I have installed the license for vaadin charts and it is recognized, as I get: "Vaadin Charts 4 registered to ### (Pro Tools subscription)" during build. If i remove the license file compile fails as expected. I've also tried the license as a parameter with the same results.
When I run the application (on Netbeans), I get: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to validate subscription". I thought subscription validation was only done during the build. In any case it should be able to validate the license as it did during the build. I've tried all the suggestions I could find (firewall, adblocker etc are off), tried different browsers etc. but couldn't get it to run.
Vaadin 8.14.3 is the last release under Apache 2 license. The subsequent releases are offered under commercial extended maintenance.

New Service Fabric Stateless Web Api Core Project will not compile

I open visual studio and do file->new project.
I select cloud->service fabric application. Then I pick Stateless ASP.NET Core. In the last window I select Web API and change the authentication to windows authentication.
When I do this and then compile the application, I get errors saying that System.Fabric, Microsoft.ServiceFabric.* are missing.
How can I get this to work?
NOTE: I have Visual Studio 2017 15.2. I downloaded and installed what I think is the most recent tools for service fabric. My "Extensions and Updates" says I have version 1.6.20170504.1.
UPDATE - This was due to the project having a dash in the name. It appears that the template cannot cope with dash casing your project name. (It had nothing to do with Windows Authentication.)
UPDATE - This was due to the project having a dash in the name. It appears that the template cannot cope with dash casing your project name.
This seems to be a problem with the template. If you don't select Windows Authentication, then it will compile fine.
In a project without windows authentication, the Nuget assemblies are:
When you select Windows Authentication, only the top 4 are added to the project.
If you add the four missing NuGet packages (the ones in bold above) then the project will compile just fine.

How to preview my site in AEM 6.0?

I just started to get my head around AEM 6.0 . Installed an app with 'mvn clean install -Pauto-dev-deploy'. I can see the app in CRXDE and the packages are visible in the packagemanager. It does not however show up in the touchUI. Is it possible to run a preview of this site and how to do it?
In Adobe Experience Manager your application (app) and your content are to different things. Your application contains templates and components with which you build your content.
Deploying your app therefore means that you don't necessarily will have content. Without having a look at your source it is hard to see how and where you can create content. Usually your apps templates and components only work in certain content paths. This is usually defined in /etc/designs/<your-project-name>
If you are running AEM 6.2 I suggest that you have a look at the new We Retail demo application and demo content. The source of which can be found on Github:

eZ Publish Site Package Error

I am installing ez publish(CMS) in my xampp...
however in this section of installation
I can't proceed even though I can click next.. I bet the site package is mandatory... I need your help guys... btw, I am installing 2013.5 version
here's the error
Invalid package
Remote repository URL:
I've tried uploading the ezwebin_site.ezpkg in the remote repository still I can't proceed... thanks in advance.
Site Package selection step within the Setup Wizard is more or less required (you must select one package using the ratio buttons) to complete a proper eZ Publish installation first time.
Notice the 'Help' sidebar content, "The type of site will choose some basic settings for toolbars, menus, color and functionality. It is possible to change these settings at a later time.".
This is to remind new users that you first use the setup wizard for your first time installation of eZ Publish and then you can re-configure eZ Publish settings, design, extensions, etc manually as much as you desire / require. You can customize almost any part of eZ Publish, once you have it installed and setup properly.
It is recommended for new users to install the 'Website Interface' (with content) package for your first installation. Again you can change all it all after you have completed the default installation and have a working default installation.
More experienced developers may choose to use the 'Plain site' package (with no content, and significantly less default functionality and helpful tools) but this option often causes extreme confusion to new users / developers (who need the tools provided in the 'Website Interface' package to get started using eZ Publish quickly) as it omits expected content classes, default content use case examples, roles / policies, default settings use case examples, ezwebin design extension and much more. As such any package choice other than 'Website Interface' (with the version of eZ Publish you are using) is very strongly discouraged.
Advanced Developers with an already setup installation can create their own site packages to reuse in the future to simplify configuration of a default installation.
Resolution Edit: During an extensive stackoverflow and irc chat it was determined that the user asking the question lacked the WAMP server (PHP modules) support required by eZ Publish 5.x which is why the user was having installation setup problems. Specifically the user was missing the required php curl module which is used / required by the setup wizard to download site packages. The user was strongly recommended to replace Xampp (on win32) with Bitnami (for eZ) which provides for all the requirements of eZ Publish 5.x by default and has already been heavily tested and customized for use with eZ Publish 5.x. Also the user was using an older version of eZ Publish 5.x (2013.5 community build) which only supports PHP 5.3 and the user's Xampp PHP version was PHP 5.6.8 which requires at the very least eZ Publish 5.x (2014.11 community build).

Building customer based installation packages with install4j

I am developing an application which has customer specific configuration (2 text and 2 binary files). The use case supposes that customer downloads an installation package (I am going to use install4j) and install it on target platform (Mac or Windows). So all installation packages should be different for different customers.
I am considering 2 possible scenarios for implementation:
Generate new installation package per customer request on server side (cons: I need to have install4j for Linux, which is server platform)
Have a half-generated installation package and inject customer data somehow to the package by customer request (cons: I am not sure this is quite possible at all)
I never used install4j before and don't know how to implement 1 or 2. Their documentation is far from ideal. They doesn't have examples or consider cases like this, so any suggestion is very appreciated.
You cannot modify an installer after it has been built. The main reason is that it would break code signing. So you would need to generate a new installer for each configuration. If you deploy on Mac OS X and Windows, you need install4j Multi-Platform Edition which also works on Linux.
Alternatively, you could ask the user to provide credentials in the installer, then you could download the appropriate files on demand with "Download file" actions.