AWS Chatbot <--> Slack integration - chatbot

I am trying to configure AWS Chatbot to receive messages from SNS (using AWS eventbridge)
My chatbot is configured correctly with slack and when I publish a test message I receive it in my slack channel.
When SNS publishes a message, sometimes I receive it to my slack channel and sometimes I am getting an error: 'Event received is not supported' with the following body:(Cloudwatch logs)
Event received is not supported (see ):
"subscribeUrl": null,
"type": "Notification",
"signatureVersion": "1",
"signature": <Some_Sig>,
"topicArn": <Some_ARN>,
"signingCertUrl": <Some_Cert>,
"messageId": "765d31b5-0c37-5294-a78d-6acae9d14ea9",
"message": "asd asd adasd asd asa",
"subject": "aweq",
"unsubscribeUrl": "<Some_ARN>:***REDACTED***",
"timestamp": "2022-08-24T08:39:02.294Z",
"token": null
Can someone please assist?
Thanks in advance


Issue sending POST request using PSQL on a Linode Server

I bought a Linode server recently to set up a project. I've gotten the client up and the API. I migrated the KNEX migrations without an issue. But when I got to send a post request to register a new user I get this error message.
"error": {
"length": 118,
"name": "error",
"severity": "FATAL",
"code": "28000",
"file": "miscinit.c",
"line": "711",
"routine": "InitializeSessionUserId"
Like I said, no issues when I migrated all the tables, but cannot send a post request. I am using PostgreSQL 14.

S4HC Extensibility: SCBO_AUTHORIZATION/000: You are not authorized to create instance

I developed a side-by-side app using Java + SAP Cloud SDK (Neo). The app adds records to a custom business object.
The app was working fine when I concluded development in February. Now, I need to do some additional improvements, but I can add records anymore.
I am getting the error SCBO_AUTHORIZATION/000 - You are not authorized to create XXXXXXX instance.
I assigned CBO to a business role, the custom communication scenario along with communication arrangement is in place. I tested already the service (metadata) and the user is not locked.
HereĀ“s the error sent back from the backend:
2020 05 27 building up cockpit.$ErpODataException: The endpoint responded with HTTP error code 400.
You're not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance.
Full error message:
"error": {
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "You\\u0027re not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance."
"innererror": {
"application": {
"component_id": "BC-ESI-ESF-GW",
"service_namespace": "/SAP/",
"service_id": "YY1_CSCCOCKPIT_CDS",
"service_version": "0001"
"transactionid": "338BDCAE69170270E005EC3E361F2498",
"timestamp": "20200527193655.5607910",
"Error_Resolution": {
"SAP_Transaction": "For backend administrators: use ADT feed reader \\"SAP Gateway Error Log\\" or run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details",
"SAP_Note": "See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis ("
"errordetails": [
"message": "You\\u0027re not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance.",
"propertyref": "",
"severity": "error",
"transition": true,
"target": ""
Could someone give a clue on where could the issue be?
The error happened because all the fields in the custom business object in S/4Hana Cloud were set as "read-only".

How to impersonate the user in Jira add-on to use Jira REST API on behalf of user

I'm looking for help of somebody who knows something about Jira add-ons.
I'm trying to implement Jira add-on with an ability to create issues on behalf of a user.
So, I completed all steps (as I think) leading me to my goal, but I faced a problem with impersonating. When I try to create an issue using Jira REST API, I receive the following error:
"error": "Add-on 'com.example.myapp' disallowed to impersonate the user because 'no valid active user exists'"
What was done:
Folowing the getting started tutorial I created the add-on descriptor:
"name": "Hello World",
"description": "Atlassian Connect app",
"key": "com.example.myapp",
"baseUrl": "",
"vendor": {
"name": "Example, Inc.",
"url": ""
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"scopes": [
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/api/created",
"apiVersion": 1
I also implemented webhook to handle 'installed' callback from add-on like described here. So, when a user installs the add-on the webhook will receive the following object:
'key': 'com.example.myapp',
'clientKey': '<client key>',
'oauthClientId': '<OAuth client ID>',
'publicKey': '<public key>',
'sharedSecret': '<shared secret>',
'serverVersion': '100095',
'pluginsVersion': '1.250.0',
'baseUrl': 'https://<user's domain>',
'productType': 'jira',
'description': 'Description',
'eventType': 'installed'
Using this data I generated JWT signed with the shared secret like described in the tutorial. So, my JWT payload includes the following claims:
'iss': 'urn:atlassian:connect:clientid:<OAuth client ID>',
'sub': 'urn:atlassian:connect:useraccountid:<client key>',
'tnt': 'https://<user's domain>',
'iss': '<created at>',
'exp': '<created at + 1 minute>'
The next step I performed is access token generation using endpoint and the following parameters:
grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=<my JWT>&scope=ACT_AS_USER READ WRITE
The result of all these actions is an access token witch I can use to perform REST API requests. But the error described above returned every time I try to create Jira issue performing POST [user's domain] with Authorization: Bearer [access_token] header.
What I've noticed is that account ID in installed callback object (clientKey) has 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' (uuid) format. But when I open my account in Jira (account in witch the add-on is installed) I see that the account ID in URL has 'YYYYYY:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' format. I prepended the subject in my JWT payload with YYYYYY part:
'sub': 'urn:atlassian:connect:useraccountid:'YYYYYY:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
and generated a new access token using this JWT. I've used new access token to create an issue and it was successfully created, the reporter of the issue is a user installed my add-on, just like I wished.
Finally, the question is: where can I find that YYYYYY part for my add-on? How to get it automatically? What I've missed following the tutorials? Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you!

how to create a valid webhook which can be triggered by Provider_verification_published event in pact broker?

to automate contract testing by leveraging pact broker webhooks, I created customized contract_content_changed event with a jenkins job. but when I was trying to add webhook for customer pipeline which is triggered by verification result publishing, it failed several times.
{"consumer": {
"name": "Consumer Service"
"provider": {
"name": "Provider Service"
"events": [
"name": "provider_verification_published"
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "http://jenkinsserver/jobforconsumerdeployment",
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json"
"body": {"VerificationResultURL","${pactbroker.verificationResultUrl}"
after removing body element, it created successfully.
by passing body to customer job, it could parse fail/pass and decide whether deployment should go or not go.
if body is not allowed, how consumer pipeline to get the result and continue next step (or stop deployment)?
I am referring to Pact Broker Webhooks.
Configure Jenkins job to "Trigger builds remotely" from Build Triggers section
Generate Jenkins-Crumb by the following link
Steps to create Jenkins-Crumb
Following post request in Pact-Broker is working fine for me on my
local jenkins setup (need to check jenkin permissions to enable
web-hook execution)
"events": [{
"name": "provider_verification_published"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "http://username:password#jenkins_url/job/jenkin_consumer/build?token=abc",
"user" : "username:password",
"headers": {
"Jenkins-Crumb": "c787ce16220300f5ef8287a4474d9acxd"
if body is not allowed, how consumer pipeline to get the result and
continue next step (or stop deployment)?
Yes, body is not allowed in case of 'provider_verification_published' event. So to confirm the verification results, we need to use "can-i-deploy" cli to deply or stop the deployment can-i-deploy. More information provided on Pact Broker Webhooks

Kurento Media Server Throwing " Unexpected error while processing method: Factory 'PlayerEndPoint'' not found"

I am Very new to Kurento. I went through its json-rpc documentation from this link.
1) I have installed a local kurento server which runs on the port 8888.
2) I used a tool called wscat to establish a connection to the kurento-websocket.
3) I tried to connect to the kurento-server with below command
wscat -c ws://localhost:8888/kurento
After that i got the connected prompt from the server.
From the above kurento protocol documentation link. I have used the below request json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "create",
"params": {
"type": "PlayerEndPoint",
"creationParams": {
"pipeline": "6829986",
"uri": "http://host/app/video.mp4"
"sessionId": "c93e5bf0-4fd0-4888-9411-765ff5d89b93"
But according to the docs the response which i should get after sending this request is like this.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"value": "442352747",
"sessionId": "c93e5bf0-4fd0-4888-9411-765ff5d89b93"
But i am getting
"message":"Unexpected error while processing method: Factory PlayerEndPoint not found"
If i am not wrong the above request-json is used to create a new media pipeline for player end point which is used to stream http://host/app/video.mp4.
Is there any problem in my request-json object or do i have to do something before giving this request.
please help me.
You have several problems. The first is that PlayerEndpoint is not correctly spelled (note the lower case "p" PlayerEnd-p-oint). The second is that you need to first to create a MediaPipeline before you can create a PlayerEndpoint or any other media element.
If you are new to Kurento, my recommendation is that you should try to use the official Kurento client implementations (currently available in Java and JavaScript). If you want to create your very own Kurento client, you'll need to read carefully the documentation because there are a lot of details you'll need to manage (e.g. the distributed garbage collector, the WebSocket reconnection mechanisms, etc.)