Cascading Dropdowns with storage to Local Storage - select

Am trying to save Cascading dropdown options to local storage, and am coming up with a few issues:
-The dropdowns are registered in Localstorage when changed, but they are not saving on refresh
-They are not being retrieved (probably because of the former issue).
Here's a link to the testing site:
Here is the script for the cascading dropdowns:
var subjectObject = {
"WALL": {
window.onload = function() {
var subjectSel = document.getElementById("subject");
var topicSel = document.getElementById("topic");
var chapterSel = document.getElementById("chapter");
for (var x in subjectObject) {
subjectSel.options[subjectSel.options.length] = new Option(x, x);
subjectSel.onchange = function() {
chapterSel.length = 1;
topicSel.length = 1;
for (var y in subjectObject[this.value]) {
topicSel.options[topicSel.options.length] = new Option(y, y);
topicSel.onchange = function() {
chapterSel.length = 1;
var z = subjectObject[subjectSel.value][this.value];
for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
chapterSel.options[chapterSel.options.length] = new Option(z[i], z[I]);
The code for local storage looks like this:
let options = [position, fire, frame];
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (window.localStorage.getItem('dropdownValue') === options[i].value) {
options[i].setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
$(function () {
$('#number').change(function () {
localStorage.setItem('BespokeOrderInput', this.value);
if (localStorage.getItem('BespokeOrderInput')) {
$(function () {
$('#subject').change(function () {
localStorage.setItem('BespokeOrderForm1', this.value);
if (localStorage.getItem('BespokeOrderForm1')) {
with the $(function) being repeated for each item
the code looks like this for each dropdown (id being different for each)
<select class="list-dropdown" name="chapter" id="chapter">
<option id="frame" value="" selected="selected">PLEASE SELECT FIRE RATING FIRST</option>
The inputs for the numbers are saving and retrieving with no problem, but as mentioned above dropdowns are not working.
Very new to Localstorage stuff, and I appreciate anyone's time!


Limit size of entered data in tinyMCE 5

I use tinyMCE 5 in my web site to enter data stored in a database. Therefore I need to limit the entered size, including format information, to the size of the data field. How can I prohibit the user to enter more then the allowed number of bytes, say 2000?
Best of all if I could add some information like "42/2000" on the status bar.
We had a similar requirement in our project (difference: the output should be <entered_chars>/<chars_left> instead of <entered_chars>/<max_chars>), and it ended up being a custom plugin, based on the wordcount plugin. There is some hacks in there, which could make it fail whenever tinyMCE changes, since there is no API for the statusbar in version 5 at this point of time.
But maybe you will still find it useful:
(function () {
'use strict';
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var maxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('number_max_chars', 3600);
var applyMaxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('restrict_to_max_chars', true);
var Settings = {
maxChars: maxChars,
applyMaxChars: applyMaxChars
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TreeWalker');
var getText = function (node, schema) {
var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
var isNewline = function (node) {
return blockElements[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElements[node.nodeName];
var textBlocks = [];
var txt = '';
var treeWalker = new global$1(node, node);
while (node = {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
txt +=;
} else if (isNewline(node) && txt.length) {
txt = '';
if (txt.length) {
return textBlocks;
var strLen = function (str) {
return str.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length;
var countCharacters = function (node, schema) {
var text = getText(node, schema).join('');
return strLen(text);
var createBodyCounter = function (editor, count) {
return function () {
return count(editor.getBody(), editor.schema);
var createMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.maxChars(editor);
var createRestrictToMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.applyMaxChars(editor);
var get = function (editor) {
return {
getCount: createBodyCounter(editor, countCharacters),
getMaxCount: createMaxCount(editor),
getRestrictToMaxCount: createRestrictToMaxCount(editor)
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
function isAllowedKeycode(event) {
// allow arrow keys, backspace and delete
const key = event.keyCode;
return key === 37 || key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 40 || key === 8
|| key === 46;
var updateCount = function (editor, api) {
'tox-statusbar__text-container')[0].textContent = String(
api.getCount()) + " / " + String(
Settings.maxChars(editor) - api.getCount());
var setup = function (editor, api, delay) {
var debouncedUpdate = global$2.debounce(function () {
return updateCount(editor, api);
}, delay);
editor.on('init', function () {
updateCount(editor, api);
global$2.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keyup', debouncedUpdate);
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keydown', function (e) {
if (!isAllowedKeycode(e) && Settings.applyMaxChars(editor) &&
api.getCount() >= Settings.maxChars(editor)) {
}, 0);
function Plugin(delay) {
if (delay === void 0) {
delay = 300;
global.add('charactercount', function (editor) {
var api = get(editor);
setup(editor, api, delay);
return api;
Currently I'm working on a preprocessor for the paste plugin, so that the max_length effects also pasted text. That's why you see the charactercount API in the code.

MVC app does not show selected values on a form reedition

I am building a Framework7 MVC app and found myself in a dead end alley. I have a form which I need to evaluate. This form contains selects. I am using localStorage to store the form values and everything works OK in that sense, I mean everything is stored correctly. ¿What is the issue? When I fill the form I answer some questions on textareas inputs, select inputs and inputs. everything goes fine until I try to reedit the form, then everything is display correctly on the form, including the score i got from my previous answers, but, the selects appears as if I have never touch them. Their previously selected value is stored but not display on the form. I have found that the issue is caused by the fact that I have set numerical values to the options values but what the form show is "yes" or "no". If I change the option values to "yes" or "no" then the form displays correctly but I need to set "5" or "0" because I need to evaluate the user's answers.
This is my code
The form
<li style="margin-top:-10px;">
<input style="visibility:hidden;height:1px;" value="0" name="choice" onchange="checkTotal()"/>
<input style="visibility:hidden;height:1px;" value="1" type="checkbox" name="choice" onchange="checkTotal()" checked="on">
<li><div class="item-content">1. ¿Sueles quejarte de sentirte mal?</div>
<div class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-input">
<select name="pr1" id="pr1" onchange="checkTotal()">
<option class="item-inner" value="5">No</option>
<option class="item-inner" value="0">Si</option>
<div class="item-content">En tal caso,</div>
<div class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-input">
<textarea class="resizable" id="pr1notes" placeholder="¿cuál es la causa?">{{model.pr1notes}}</textarea>
The functions on the editController
function init(query){
var protections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("f7Protections"));
if (query && {
protection = new Protection(_.find(protections, { id: }));
state.isNew = false;
else {
protection = new Protection({ isFavorite: query.isFavorite });
state.isNew = true;
View.render({ model: protection, bindings: bindings, state: state, doneCallback: saveProtection });
function showSelectedValues(){
var fieldNames = protection.getSelectFields();
for (var i = 0, len = fieldNames.length; i < len; i++) {
var itemname = fieldNames[i];
var selectObj = document.getElementById(itemname);
if (selectObj!=null) {
var objOptions = selectObj.options;
var selIndex=0;
for (var j = 0, len2 = objOptions.length; j < len2; j++) {
if ((objOptions[j].label).localeCompare(protection[itemname])==0){
and the model
Protection.prototype.setValues = function(inputValues, extras) {
for (var i = 0, len = inputValues.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = inputValues[i];
if (item.type === 'checkbox') {
this[] = item.checked;
else {
this[] = item.value;
for (var i = 0, len = extras[0].length; i < len; i++) {
var item = extras[0][i];
if(("pr1notes")==0) {this[] = item.value;}
console.log('starting loop for extras 3...');
for (var i = 0, len = extras[2].length; i < len; i++) {
var item = extras[2][i];
this[] = item.value;
Protection.prototype.validate = function() {
var result = true;
if (_.isEmpty(this.prdate)
) {result = false;}
return result;
Protection.prototype.getSelectFields = function() {
return ['pr1'];
What should I change in order to keep my "5" or "0" values on the select options while the form options still show "yes" or "no" to the user just like this: <select name="pr1" id="pr1" onchange="checkTotal()"><option class="item-inner" value="5">No</option><option class="item-inner" value="0">Si</option></select>?
need anything else to help you understand the issue?
The simplest solution
function init(query){
var protections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("f7Protections"));
if (query && {
protection = new Protection(_.find(protections, { id: }));
state.isNew = false;
else {
protection = new Protection({ isFavorite: query.isFavorite });
state.isNew = true;
View.render({ model: protection, bindings: bindings, state: state, doneCallback: saveProtection });
function showSelectedValues(){
var fieldNames = protection.getSelectFields();
for (var i = 0, len = fieldNames.length; i < len; i++) {
var itemname = fieldNames[i];
var selectObj = document.getElementById(itemname);
if (selectObj!=null) {
var objOptions = selectObj.options;
var selIndex=0;
for (var j = 0, len2 = objOptions.length; j < len2; j++) {
if ((objOptions[j].value).localeCompare(protection[itemname])==0){
Just changed this line
if ((objOptions[j].label).localeCompare(protection[itemname])==0){
and changed .label for .value.

css/javascript multiple card flip: reset other cards

So I'm currently using this one:
Now what I need is that when I flip one card (doesn't matter which one) and then flip another one the first one resets/turnes back.
I think I need to add something in here:
var init = function() {
var flippers = document.getElementsByClassName("flip");
for(i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++){
flippers[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(){
var cardID = this.dataset.targetid;
var card = document.getElementById(cardID);
}, false);
Thank you in advance!
You can get an array of all flipped cards and flip them back whenever a card is flipped like so:
var init = function() {
var flippers = document.getElementsByClassName("flip");
for (i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++) {
flippers[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var cardID = this.dataset.targetid;
var card = document.getElementById(cardID);
var flipped = document.getElementsByClassName('flipped');
for (i = 0; i < flipped.length; i++) {
if (card !== flipped[i]) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
Here is a link to a working demo JS FIDDLE

NativeScript - how can I filter an observable array with SearchBar?

Hi I'm trying to filter an observable array of data fetched via a HTTP request on keypress of the SearchBar.
I managed to get the SearchBar property change to work but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong in the filtering logic.
Ideally I want to update the list as I type in the search term in the SearchBar. I've searched the API on the Telerik site, there wasn't really any examples I could find.
<Page loaded="pageLoaded">
<ActivityIndicator busy="{{ isLoading }}" />
<ActionBar title="People">
<SearchBar id="searchBar" hint="Search for someone"></SearchBar>
<ListView items="{{ peopleList }}" itemTap="showDetail">
<Label text="{{ fullName }}" horiztonalAlignment="left" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>
<Label text="{{ company }}" class="info"></Label>
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
peopleList.load(userkey); // fetch data from the backend
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
console.log("Text types: ", searchText);
exports.showDetail = function(args) {
var person = peopleList.getItem(args.index);
var navigateEntry = {
moduleName: "views/people/people-detail",
context: { person: person },
animated: false
var config = require("./config");
var fetchModule = require("fetch");
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
function PeopleListViewModel(people) {
var viewModel = new ObservableArray(people);
viewModel.load = function (userKey) {
return fetchModule.fetch(config.baseUrl + "/api/people/all/" + userKey)
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (data) {
data.forEach(function (person) {
}, function (error) {
console.log("Error: ", error);
viewModel.empty = function () {
while (viewModel.length) {
return viewModel;
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
console.log("Error occurred");
module.exports = PeopleListViewModel;
Updated people-list
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
while (resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {
I had the same issue. If you want to filter your data after every character has changed in search-bar you can try my solution.
My playerList is your peopleList. This is the data from view-model.
resultList is an array where the data will be pushed.
var observableArrayModule = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var playerList = new PlayerListViewModel([]);
var resultList = new observableArrayModule([]);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable({
resultList: resultList,
player: ""
Inside expors.loaded()
page = args.object;
searchBar = page.getViewById("search-bar");
page.bindingContext = pageData;
Load Initial Data - inside expors.loaded()
We are loading initial data when user navigates to the screen for the first time. We are also pushing the same data to resultList since we are using {{resultList}} in xml. You can add loadingIndicator while the list is populated.
.then(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
}, 1000);
.catch(function(error) {
message: "An error occurred while loading players.",
okButtonText: "OK"
Clear autofocus - inside expors.loaded()
This is to prevent keyboard from opening on initial screen navigation.
if (searchBar.ios) {
} else if ( {;
Search data when character has changed - inside expors.loaded()
I am calling filter functionality. Lodash _.debounce function is used to delay looping through resultList array. Without it, the app would loop every time letter is typed. Now we are waiting for user to stop typing to start looping.
searchBar.on('propertyChange', _.debounce(searchList, 500));
searchList Function
This is the actual loop. You can change for your needs.
function searchList(args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
while(resultList.length > 0) {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
if ( >= 0) {
Hide keyboard if search-bar is cleared - inside exports.loaded()
And finally we want to hide the keyboard if user clears the search-bar.
searchBar.on(searchBarModule.SearchBar.clearEvent, function (args) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
You probably solved your issue, but this could help someone else in the future.
Okay so your problem is a Javascript problem than a NativeScript problem. For the sake of this problem, think of observable arrays as just your ordinary arrays.
In your JS you're creating a new PeopleListViewModel which you're then attaching to the bindingContext via the pageData object. So far so good. Then you're calling the load method on the PeopleListViewModel (It returns a promise which you're not really doing anything with but for this specific problem it doesn't matter).
However, when text is inputed you're not really doing anything. This is your code:
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
peopleList is an instance of PeopleListViewModel which returns an ObservableArray. The ObservableArray does indeed have a method called filter (which works just like filter of a regular array. Check out the NativeScript documentation and Javascript documentation of filter).
What you need to understand here is that filter returns a new array with the filtered results. Doing peopleList.filter() will send that new array into empty space. You want to var yourNewFilteredArray = peopleList.filter(). But you don't really want to redefine the array bound to the binding context, you want to modify the content of it.
Here's an example of how you could do that:
* Attach a new obsersable array to the binding context.
* you can prepopulate it with the data from the
* PeopleListViewModel if you want to
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ resultList: resultList });
* Then on search/filter you want to modify this new
* array. Here I first remove every item in it and then
* push matching items to it.
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
// ...
while(resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {

Getting ListData from a SharePoint list and then binding the results to a dropdown field, but how can I remove duplicates?

I have got list data from a SharePoint list and have binded one column of data into a dropdown using knockoutJS. I am now trying to remove duplicates from the binded results, but am struggling.
Here's my code so far:
var Info = ko.observable();
var AppModel = {
Acts: ko.observableArray([]),
sel: ko.observable()
$(function () {
dataType: "json",
url: "MYLIST/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/LISTNAME?$select=Title",
data: {},
success: dataCallBack
function dataCallBack(data) {
var newData = [];
for(var idx=0; idx < data.d.results.length; idx++) {
function dataCallBack(data) {
var newData = [];
for(var idx=0; idx < data.d.results.length; idx++) {
var e = data.d.results[idx];
var foundItem = return ko.utils.arrayFirst(newData, function(item) {
return item == e;
if (!foundItem){
<select id="location-input" data-bind="options: AppModel.Acts,
optionsText: 'Title
optionsCaption: 'Choose...',
value: AppModel.sel">
Can anyone advise as to where I'm going wrong? I think the for loop is breaking at the if statement.
Your attempt for checking duplicates is wrong.
Try something like this:
var foundItem = ko.utils.arrayFirst(newData, function(item) {
return item == e;
if (!foundItem)