style taskboard cards using their parent properties - azure-devops

in my sprint taskboard i want to style my tasks based on their parent PBI/bug priority and not having to set a priority for each task. is it possible?

As of this time, however, there isn't a built-in feature to set fields or styles of work items based on their parent fields or styles. Here is a feature request.
If you don't mind extra work, you can get and update fields of the work items through Rest API, and use automation tools such as Power Automate to let the script to run automatically when the a work item is created.


Technique to freeze all the fields on the form or page of a work item based on certain state in Azure Devops

On Azure DevOps - I have created a custom work item with custom fields on the page or form of the work item layout. Now as per the process I need the system to freeze all the field updates on certain state Eg: Let's say all the actions on the work item is done then the work item state could be tagged as 'Completed' OR ' Closed' - Now here I need to know if there's any technique to freeze all the fields on the page or form at once. (One way to do it is to set the rules for all the fields BUT if there are over 50 fields on multiple pages of the work item then it may require to set 50 rules which seems to be not the right approach. Kindly suggest!
As far as I know, this should only be achieved by setting a work item rule. You don't need to set a rule for each field separately, just add multiple actions in a rule to make multiple fields read-only.

Child work types inheriting field values from parent item

I am working through creating a custom process in Azure DevOps and was curious if field values from parent can be shared with child items.
Here is an example:
Create field 'Custom Field 9' on Epic work type
Create the same field 'Custom Field 9' on Product Backlog Item work type
Create an epic and fill in the value of 'Custom Field 9'
Create a child Product Backlog Item, 'Custom Field 9' is then inherited to the backlog items field.
What I've tried so far is to use a rule on either Epic or Product Backlog Item, however, I do not believe the rules can apply to creation of children processes.
One other option I'm going to try later today is a Flow that detects when a child work item is created and perform it automatically. I'd like to try to keep this contained to Azure DevOps if possible.
Edit: Thought it helpful to mention that we are using the hosted solution of DevOps and nothing on premise.
Sorry to say that as default, there does not such a work item features with "out of the box". But you can use another tool to achieve this.
Like you said, Microsoft Flow, there does not such feature supported while connect with Azure Devops.
But, in addiiton, I think you can do this with writing some custom scripts. And then configure Web hook to trigger this custom events.
Also, here has another tool named TFS Aggregator (Web Service) to achieve what you want. You can set and configure apply certain rules (such as copying fields from a parent item to a child item). And it will trigger after a work item is created or saved.
I know this is very inconvenient, here has an same feature suggest which raised by others. They has the same demand with you. You can vote and comment for this suggestion. When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.
I needed this feature as well, but in it's absence I have got it to work (relatively easily) with an Azure Logic App (for anyone also using Azure)
When a work item is created
​Get work item details using "Parent" as the work item ID to search for
​Update the new work item with any field from the parent you require

VSTS Chart Query by Parent/Feature

I'm looking to create a nice dashboard in VSTS with a set of relevant charts for my collegues so they can keep track of things.
We have a project for keeping track of it operations tasks. In this project we've created different Features for different departments of the company.
Is there a way to filter the user stories by parent/feature so that I can make different charts for different departments? I've managed to create a "Work items and direct links" query that actually only outputs the User stories in one feature, but such queries can not be used in charts unfortunately.
Other workarounds would be acceptable too.
There is a Work Item Visualization extension that you can check whether it meets your requirement (Can highlight specified work items).
Another way is that you can custom a dashboard widget or other extension to display the result: Add a dashboard widget.
There are many extension samples that may benefit you: vsts-extension-samples

VSTS Process Customization Questions (Inheritance process model)

I have two questions about the customization of a process in VSTS
Is there a simple way to make the fields conditionally read-only, visible as simple as we make it required? (simpler than creating a new component)
Is there a way to control the workflow of the new states, to forbid removed items to turn into done without going back to new
Is there an example of gridcontrol, like the test case steps, to download and make a new control.
For your questions:
Is there a simple way to make the fields conditionally read-only,
visible as simple as we make it required? (simpler than creating a new
No, read only (Assign value rules) is not available for VSTS (Inheritance process model). You can only (de)select it as Required or use custom rules to conditionally change the field as read only.
Is there a way to control the workflow of the new states, to forbid
removed items to turn into done without going back to new
There are no such settings/configurations for that. But you can develop an extension for a new Save button to check the work item revisions.
Is there an example of gridcontrol, like the test case steps, to
download and make a new control.
For VSTS work item custom control, you can refer Add a custom control. And it also shows related extension Multivalue control.

IBM create automatically children work items

I work in IBM RTC (Rational Team Concert); the Project Area I own is built on the IBM Formal Project Management Process Template.
I’m looking for a mean to get work items created programmatically;
I do want when I create a Change Request work item, to allow the selection of different teams and from this attribute(s), create automatically children work items Task directly assigned to the right team/member.
How would you recommend to do so?
Although it is not a direct answer to your issue, but I guess it would help. It's more like a workaround more than a solution to your requirement.
The work around is divided into two steps:
Create a work item template from a CR with all its sub tasks included in the work item template.
Create a CR using the previously created template programmatically.
Note: This means that you'll need to create a work item template for each team.