Not able to use "Continue Here" button in WOPI Client - ms-wopi

When clicking Open in Desktop App in WOPI client, the document opens in the Office desktop app. And in the same WOPI client, it shows a popup having Continue here button which can be used to reload the document once editing is done in the desktop office app.
For PPTX, clicking Continue here button is working fine. But for XLSX and DOCX files it is throwing an error in the browser console.
Can anyone suggest where I should check?


Trying to open object browser dialog using Office js Addin

I'm developing a Word Add-in (Word API + Office.js) and I'm wondering if it's possible to open word embedded object browser dialog
Currently my word template has few content controls with data, now i am trying to open object browser dialog to attach office object(excel) to the document as shown in the image when the user clicks on button.
so want check whether Word API has a way to open word object browser dialog? Thanks!

Protractor: Unable to handle windows Based popup to browse and upload a file using Protractor framework

Trying to automate uploading .xml/pdf format files (Windows based popup) from local system to web application (Angualrjs) using Protractor framework.
Browser the application in Chrome> Click upload button> web app popup comes where able to locate elements > click Browse button on upload field (This field would be disabled, only click event is allowed which opens windows popup to browse files)> Here we have challenge to browse the file.
After clicking Browse button performed> Window popup shows Documents location however we want to browse and upload the file from Desktop or from Project location.
Followed other stackoverflow references as given below but unable to solve:
How to upload file in angularjs e2e protractor testing
Scripts which we tried:
iUploadConfigDefinition : (sPath) => {
var absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, sPath);
Here not sure what should be 'uploadInput' element locator and how to recognize/fetch Open button of windows popup.
Please guide. Attached the screen for reference.
enter image description here
Please try the following solution :
browser.findElement(by.xpath("path of the browse button"));
browser.findElement(by.css('input[type=file]')).sendKeys('full path of the file with extension');

File upload not working if the form link on Gmail is accessed on IE 9

My application sends email to users with a link to the application page where the user can upload a file for a business requirement. If the email is sent to a gmail id and when the user open the email in IE9 and clicks on the link, it navigates to the application page and when he tries to upload the file, it fails. There are no error messages shown on IE9 developer console.
The upload works fine in all browsers other than IE9.
If the user opens the link by right click -> Open in New tab, then the upload works fine
If the User clicks on the link directly, which by default Gmail will open in new tab on IE9, the upload fails.
I verified the URLs in either cases and there are no differences. I tried playing around with target attribute for the link (new, blank etc) and nothing helps.
Copy pasting the link in a new tabs works. But not clicking on the link
This is a IE9 issue - apparently you can work around it by setting IE9 in IE8 mode in Gmail (nice huh!)
Anyway there's a good write up here (and link to a demo project showing the issue):
IE9 (and possibly other IE versions) doesn't allow submitting a HTML form programmatically (neither via form.submit() nor via, if the containing document has been opened via a Gmail link.

Phone gap ios app - show pdf file with print/email options

I have a requirement to do the following task.
Inside a Phonegap iOS app, the user wants to view a pdf file after clicking a link which will load the pdf from the remote server.
And also user needs print, email functions with this document viewer.
So far I have tried following options.
Exit from the app when user click on the link and try to load the pdf throught the Safari. This is not working because user has to relogin for viewing the application.
Check with child-browser plugin. But it does not provide the options like print/email.
It'll be really great if some one can help on this who has similar experience.

How to execute javaScript with Quartz (CGPDF) iPhone SDK

I would like to know that is it possible to run the JavaScript with Quartz.
I have to create an application to open the password protected PDF. I also have user name and password for that PDF and when user want to open the PDF I send the username and password to server. All the validation will be happend on server then server returning me the JavaScript code in response, I have to run the same JavaScript code in my App to unlock the PDF. Is there any way to run the javaScript in my App So that I will be able to open the Password Protected PDF.
I have tried to open the same PDF in all Standered iPad PDF App like(GoodReader, PDF Reader and so on) but they are also failed to unlock the PDF.
When I open the Same PDF in Adobe Reader in my MAC machine it open successfully.
There's currently (as of iOS4/5) no way to use Javascript inside a PDF. You can use javascript in a web view, and do your server checks there, then unlocking the pdf, but that's of course not as secure as doing it all in the pdf. Some crazy people even included a custom build of the JavaScriptCore, as the Apple Framework is not directly accessible in iOS.